using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
// Linker errors for the OpenCV sample
// If this example gives linker errors about undefined references to cv::namedWindow and cv::imshow,
bool normblurImage = true;
const uint8_t confidence_threshold_ = 0;
- const double distance_threshold_ = 50;
+ const double distance_threshold_ = 80;
public :
// create two images which will be filled afterwards
// each image containing one 32Bit channel
zImage.create (Size (data->width, data->height), CV_32FC1);
grayImage.create (Size (data->width, data->height), CV_32FC1);
confidenceImage.create (Size (data->width, data->height), CV_8UC1);
// set the image to zero
zImage = Scalar::all (0);
grayImage = Scalar::all (0);
int k = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < zImage.rows; y++)
float *zRowPtr = zImage.ptr<float> (y);
float *grayRowPtr = grayImage.ptr<float> (y);
uint8_t *confRowPtr = confidenceImage.ptr<uint8_t> (y);
for (int x = 0; x < zImage.cols; x++, k++)
auto curPoint = data-> (k);
confRowPtr[x] = curPoint.depthConfidence;
if (curPoint.depthConfidence > confidence_threshold_)
// if the point is valid, map the pixel from 3D world
// coordinates to a 2D plane (this will distort the image)
zRowPtr[x] = adjustZValue (curPoint.z);
grayRowPtr[x] = adjustGrayValue (curPoint.grayValue);
} else {
//asume point is as far away as possible and thus "SAFE" for obstacle avoidance
zRowPtr[x] = 255;
grayRowPtr[x] = 255;
// create images to store the 8Bit version (some OpenCV
// functions may only work on 8Bit images)
zImage8.create (Size (data->width, data->height), CV_8UC1);
grayImage8.create (Size (data->width, data->height), CV_8UC1);
// convert images to the 8Bit version
// This sample uses a fixed scaling of the values to (0, 255) to avoid flickering.
// You can also replace this with an automatic scaling by using
// normalize(zImage, zImage8, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1)
// normalize(grayImage, grayImage8, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1)
zImage.convertTo (zImage8, CV_8UC1);
grayImage.convertTo (grayImage8, CV_8UC1);
if (undistortImage)
//// Debug: show column part of image
// Mat subimg = zImage8(Rect((zImage.cols/num_dist_columns_)*3,0, zImage.cols/num_dist_columns_ , zImage8.rows));
// imshow ("column", subimg);
//detect column distance
auto col_width = zImage.cols/num_dist_columns_;
for (uint32_t col=0; col<num_dist_columns_; col++)
std::cout << "col" << col << " min:" << min << "("<<latest_min_distance_diff_[col]<<")"<< " max:" << max << std::endl;
- //naive obstacle avoidance demo
+ //naive obstacle avoidance demo, uses global latest_min_distance_diff_
// scale and display the depth image
- scaledZImage.create (Size (data->width * 4, data->height * 4), CV_8UC1);
- resize (zImage8, scaledZImage, scaledZImage.size());
- imshow ("Depth", scaledZImage);
+ // scaledZImage.create (Size (data->width * 4, data->height * 4), CV_8UC1);
+ // resize (zImage8, scaledZImage, scaledZImage.size());
+ // imshow ("Depth", scaledZImage);
- if (undistortImage)
- {
- // call the undistortion function on the gray image
- Mat temp = grayImage8.clone();
- undistort (temp, grayImage8, cameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients);
- }
+ imshow ("Depth", zImage8);
// scale and display the gray image
// scaledGrayImage.create (Size (data->width * 4, data->height * 4), CV_8UC1);
// resize (grayImage8, scaledGrayImage, scaledGrayImage.size());
// imshow ("Gray", scaledGrayImage);
+ // if (undistortImage)
+ // {
+ // // call the undistortion function on the gray image
+ // Mat temp = grayImage8.clone();
+ // undistort (temp, grayImage8, cameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients);
+ // }
imshow ("Confidence", confidenceImage);
void setLensParameters (const LensParameters &lensParameters)
return 1;
// create two windows
namedWindow ("Depth", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
// namedWindow ("Gray", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
namedWindow ("Confidence", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
// namedWindow ("column", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
+ // set an operation mode
+ if (cameraDevice->setUseCase ("MODE_5_45FPS_500") != royale::CameraStatus::SUCCESS)
+ {
+ cerr << "Error setting use case" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
// start capture mode
if (cameraDevice->startCapture() != CameraStatus::SUCCESS)
return 1;
+ // Change the exposure time for the first stream of the use case (Royale will limit this to an
+ // eye-safe exposure time, with limits defined by the use case). The time is given in
+ // microseconds.
+ //
+ // Non-mixed mode use cases have exactly one stream, mixed mode use cases have more than one.
+ // For this example we only change the first stream.
+ // if (cameraDevice->setExposureTime (200, streamIds[0]) != royale::CameraStatus::SUCCESS)
+ // {
+ // cerr << "Cannot set exposure time for stream" << streamIds[0] << endl;
+ // }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // cout << "Changed exposure time for stream " << streamIds[0] << " to 200 microseconds ..." << endl;
+ // }
int currentKey = 0;
while (currentKey != 27)