--- /dev/null
+ - role: debian-installer
+ distros:
+ - distro: "{{ distro }}"
+ codename: "{{ distcodename }}"
+ arch: [ "{{ install.arch }}" ]
+ - role: preseed
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+- name: Fetch debian installer and bake initrd
+ hosts: "{{ hostname }}"
+ connection: local
+ pre_tasks:
+ - set_fact:
+ install_cooked: "{{ install }}"
+ network_cooked: "{{ network }}"
+ roles:
+ - usb-install
+ vars:
+ preseed_path: "{{ global_artifacts_dir }}"
+ debian_installer_path: "{{ global_cache_dir }}/debian-installer"
-echo "installing vm: $name with $distro/$codename"
+echo "installing $name with $distro/$codename"
echo ""
echo "######## running the install playbook ########"
-exec ansible-playbook -e "hostname=$name" -e "distro=$distro" -e "distcodename=$codename" $@ vm-install.yml
+exec ansible-playbook -e "hostname=$name" -e "distro=$distro" -e "distcodename=$codename" $@ $(basename "$0" .sh).yml