#include #include //********************************************************************// #define HEARTBEAT_PIN 15 // blinking led indicating that system is active #define HEARTBEAT_DURATION 10 // *10 ms, duration of heartbeat pulse #define HEARTBEAT_DELAY 200 // *10 ms, 1/heartbeat-frequency int heartbeat_cnt = 0; #define LEDS_ON 0xFC #define LEDS_OFF 0x00 #define LEDS_GREEN_COMMON_PIN 16 #define LEDS_RED_COMMON_PIN 17 #define LED_DELAY 50 // *2 ms, between led shifts int led_delay_cnt = 0; byte next_led = 0; #define LIMIT_OPENED_PIN 18 // A4: limit switch for open #define LIMIT_CLOSED_PIN 19 // A5: limit switch for close #define MANUAL_OPEN_PIN 12 // keys for manual open and close #define MANUAL_CLOSE_PIN 13 // #define DEBOUNCE_DELAY 6250 // * 16us = 100ms #define DEBOUNCE_IDLE 0 // currently no debouncing #define DEBOUNCE_OPEN 1 // debouncing open key #define DEBOUNCE_CLOSE 2 // debouncing close key #define DEBOUNCE_FINISHED 4 // debouncing finished byte debounce_state; int debounce_cnt = 0; #define IDLE 0 // close and open may be called #define OPENING 1 // opening, only 's' command is allowed #define CLOSING 2 // closing, onyl 's' command is allowed #define WAIT 3 // wait some time after open or close and hold last step #define ERROR 4 // an error occured #define CMD_OPEN 'o' #define CMD_CLOSE 'c' #define CMD_TOGGLE 't' #define CMD_STATUS 's' #define CMD_RESET 'r' #define STEPPER_OFF 0x30 byte current_state = IDLE; // current state of internal state machine byte next_step = 0; // step counter 0 .. 3 #define MOVING_TIMEOUT 1600 // *2 ms, in case limit switches don't work stop and report an error int timeout_cnt = 0; // counts up to MOVING_TIMEOUT //********************************************************************// void init_limits() { pinMode(LIMIT_OPENED_PIN, INPUT); // set pin to input digitalWrite(LIMIT_OPENED_PIN, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistors pinMode(LIMIT_CLOSED_PIN, INPUT); // set pin to input digitalWrite(LIMIT_CLOSED_PIN, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistors } boolean is_opened() { if(digitalRead(LIMIT_OPENED_PIN)) return false; return true; } boolean is_closed() { if(digitalRead(LIMIT_CLOSED_PIN)) return false; return true; } //**********// void init_manual() { pinMode(MANUAL_OPEN_PIN, INPUT); // set pin to input digitalWrite(MANUAL_OPEN_PIN, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistors pinMode(MANUAL_CLOSE_PIN, INPUT); // set pin to input digitalWrite(MANUAL_CLOSE_PIN, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistors debounce_state = DEBOUNCE_IDLE; debounce_cnt = DEBOUNCE_DELAY; } boolean manual_open_pressed() { if(digitalRead(MANUAL_OPEN_PIN)) return false; return true; } boolean manual_close_pressed() { if(digitalRead(MANUAL_CLOSE_PIN)) return false; return true; } void start_debounce_timer() // this breaks millis() function, but who cares { debounce_cnt = DEBOUNCE_DELAY; TCCR0A = 0; // no prescaler, WGM = 0 (normal) TCCR0B = 1< 16us @ 16 MHz //OCR0A = 255; // 1+255 = 256 -> 12.8us @ 20 MHz TCNT0 = 0; // reseting timer TIMSK0 = 1< 2 ms @ 16 MHz //OCR1A = 155; // (1+155)*256 = 40000 -> 2 ms @ 20 MHz TCNT1 = 0; // reseting timer TIMSK1 = 1< 250 ms @ 16 MHz //OCR1A = 19530; // (1+19530)*256 = 5000000 -> 250 ms @ 20 MHz TCNT1 = 0; // reseting timer TIMSK1 = 1< 500 ms @ 16 MHz //OCR1A = 39061; // (1+39061)*256 = 10000000 -> 500 ms @ 20 MHz TCNT1 = 0; // reseting timer TIMSK1 = 1<= MOVING_TIMEOUT) { reset_stepper(); stop_timer(); current_state = ERROR; Serial.println("Error: open/close took too long!"); start_error_timer(); leds_green(); PORTD = LEDS_ON; } } if(current_state == OPENING) { // next step (open) PORTB = step_table(next_step); next_step++; if(next_step >= 4) next_step = 0; } else if(current_state == CLOSING) { // next step (close) PORTB = step_table(next_step); if(next_step == 0) next_step = 3; else next_step--; } else if(current_state == WAIT) { // wait after last open/close finished -> idle stop_timer(); reset_stepper(); current_state = IDLE; Serial.print("Status: "); if(is_opened()) Serial.print("opened"); else if(is_closed()) Serial.print("closed"); Serial.println(", idle"); return; } else if(current_state == ERROR) { leds_toggle(); return; } else { // timer is useless stop it stop_timer(); return; } led_delay_cnt++; if(led_delay_cnt >= LED_DELAY) { led_delay_cnt = 0; PORTD = led_table(next_led); if(current_state == OPENING) { if(next_led == 0) next_led = 5; else next_led--; } else if(current_state == CLOSING) { next_led++; if(next_led >= 6) next_led = 0; } } } //********************************************************************// void reset_heartbeat() { digitalWrite(HEARTBEAT_PIN, HIGH); heartbeat_cnt = 0; } void heartbeat_on() { digitalWrite(HEARTBEAT_PIN, LOW); } void heartbeat_off() { digitalWrite(HEARTBEAT_PIN, HIGH); } void init_heartbeat() { pinMode(HEARTBEAT_PIN, OUTPUT); reset_heartbeat(); // timer 2: ~10 ms, timebase for heartbeat signal TCCR2A = 1< ~10 ms @ 16 MHz //OCR2A = 194; // (1+194)*1024 = 199680 -> ~10 ms @ 20 MHz TCNT2 = 0; // reseting timer TIMSK2 = 1<= HEARTBEAT_DELAY) { heartbeat_on(); heartbeat_cnt = 0; } } //********************************************************************// void reset_after_error() { stop_timer(); reset_leds(); leds_red(); if(is_closed()) { current_state = IDLE; PORTD = LEDS_ON; } else { current_state = CLOSING; start_step_timer(); } Serial.println("Ok, closing now"); } void start_open() { reset_stepper(); reset_leds(); leds_green(); current_state = OPENING; start_step_timer(); } void start_close() { reset_stepper(); reset_leds(); leds_red(); current_state = CLOSING; start_step_timer(); } void print_status() { Serial.print("Status: "); if(is_opened()) Serial.print("opened"); else if(is_closed()) Serial.print("closed"); else Serial.print("<->"); switch(current_state) { case IDLE: Serial.println(", idle"); break; case OPENING: Serial.println(", opening"); break; case CLOSING: Serial.println(", closing"); break; case WAIT: Serial.println(", waiting"); break; default: Serial.println(", "); break; } } //**********// void setup() { init_limits(); init_stepper(); init_leds(); init_heartbeat(); Serial.begin(9600); current_state = IDLE; // make sure door is locked after reset leds_red(); if(is_closed()) PORTD = LEDS_ON; else { current_state = CLOSING; start_step_timer(); } } void loop() { if(Serial.available()) { char command = Serial.read(); if(current_state == ERROR && command != CMD_RESET) { Serial.println("Error: last open/close operation took too long!"); } else if (command == CMD_RESET) { reset_after_error(); } else if (command == CMD_OPEN) { if(current_state == IDLE) { if(is_opened()) Serial.println("Already open"); else { start_open(); Serial.println("Ok"); } } else Serial.println("Error: Operation in progress"); } else if (command == CMD_CLOSE) { if(current_state == IDLE) { if(is_closed()) Serial.println("Already closed"); else { start_close(); Serial.println("Ok"); } } else Serial.println("Error: Operation in progress"); } else if (command == CMD_TOGGLE) { if(current_state == IDLE) { if(is_closed()) start_open(); else start_close(); Serial.println("Ok"); } else Serial.println("Error: Operation in progress"); } else if (command == CMD_STATUS) print_status(); else Serial.println("Error: unknown command"); } if(manual_open() && !is_opened() && (current_state == IDLE || current_state == ERROR)) { Serial.println("open forced manually"); start_open(); } if(manual_close() && !is_closed() && (current_state == IDLE || current_state == ERROR)) { Serial.println("close forced manually"); start_close(); } if (current_state == IDLE) { if(is_opened()) { leds_green(); PORTD = LEDS_ON; } if(is_closed()) { leds_red(); PORTD = LEDS_ON; } } }