[[!meta title="Certificates for services on our LAN"]] # Let's Encrypt certs for services on our LAN We use [Let's Encrypt] to acquire and renew certificates for basically all services. However, some services are only exposed on the LAN, and so certificate acquisition becomes a bit trickier. [ACME], the protocol for interacting with [Let's Encrypt], supports [DNS-01] authorization, so we can use that to acquire certs without exposing services to the Internet. [Let's Encrypt]: https://letsencrypt.org/ [DNS-01]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-07#section-8.5 [ACME]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-07 ## Overview Let's say we need certificates for `metrics.mgmt.realraum.at` `metrics.mgmt` will send DNS updates to `gw`. It only needs TXT records for `_acme-challenge.metrics.mgmt.realraum.at` and they will be authenticated using HMAC-SHA256. ## Bind9 ### Generating a TSIG key On the system running the services: - Install `bind9utils` to have the not-so-aptly named `dnssec-keygen` tool. - As `root`, generate an HMAC-SHA256 key and make it readable by `acme`: # dnssec-keygen -K /etc/acme -a HMAC-SHA256 -b 256 \ -n USER metrics.mgmt.realraum.at. Kmetrics.mgmt.realraum.at.+163+06888 # chown root:acme /etc/acme/K* # chmod 0440 /etc/acme/K* - Lookup the key, as we will need to put it in the NS' configuration # cat /etc/acme/Kmetrics.mgmt.realraum.at.+163+06888.private Private-key-format: v1.3 Algorithm: 163 (HMAC_SHA256) Key: FG4v6Eya7utyJ1GxXm019kYBawN+jvfEWCC/7lIgraQ= Bits: AAA= Created: 20171022235329 Publish: 20171022235329 Activate: 20171022235329 _Note:_ I selected HMAC-SHA256 because `gw.realraum.at` is running an obsolete version of Bind9 that only supports HMAC or RSA. In principle, the setup should be similar for asymetric signatures. ### Adding the keys On `gw.realraum.at`: - `/etc/bind/keys.conf` should exist and be accessible to `root` and `bind`: # touch /etc/bind/keys.conf # chown root:bind /etc/bind/keys.conf # chmod 0640 /etc/bind/keys.conf - Check that `keys.conf` is included from `named.conf.local`: # head /etc/bind/named.conf.local include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918"; include "/etc/bind/keys.conf"; [...] - Add the key descriptor to `keys.conf`: # cat >> /etc/bind/keys.conf key metrics.mgmt.realraum.at. { algorithm HMAC-SHA256; secret "4QZWZsLagxXaoBCAxDqbSZmoSjN5qJvZviadrPXkmvU="; } ### Setting up DNS updates - Edit the zone description in `named.conf.local` to allow updates: zone "realraum.at" { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.realraum.at"; [...] update-policy { grant metrics.mgmt.realraum.at. name _acme-challenge.metrics.mgmt.realraum.at. TXT; }; }; - The update journal for the zone should be writeable by `bind`: # touch /etc/bind/db.realraum.at.jnl # chown root:bind /etc/bind/db.realraum.at.jnl # chmod 0660 /etc/bind/db.realraum.at.jnl - Restart `bind` ## [acmetool] ### Installation - `acmetool` is available from the official repos starting with Stretch. - For earlier releases, Christian [has a package](https://build.spreadspace.org/) Start with a working, [rootless acmetool setup]. _Note:_ On Debian, _hooks_ are located in `/etc/acme/hooks`, instead of `/usr/lib/acme/hooks` or `/usr/libexec/acme/hooks`. [acmetool]: https://hlandau.github.io/acme/ [rootless acmetool setup]: https://hlandau.github.io/acme/userguide#annex-root-configured-non-root-operation ### Setting up the hook An example hook using `nsupdate` [already ships](https://github.com/hlandau/acme/blob/master/_doc/dns.hook) with acmetool. - Install `dnsutils` (contains `nsupdate`) - Link the hook from the documentation: # ln -s ../../../usr/share/doc/acmetool/examples/dns.hook /etc/acme/ - Write the configuration for it: # cat > /etc/default/acme-dns NSUPDATE_ARGS="-k /etc/acme/Kmetrics.mgmt.realraum.at.+163+06888.key" nsupdate_cmds() { echo server } - Test # sudo -u acme /etc/acme/hooks/dns.hook challenge-dns-start \ foo.example.com "" "foobar" # sudo -u acme /etc/acme/hooks/dns.hook challenge-dns-start \ foo.example.com "" "foobar" If either of those commands fail with an error, check the DNS traffic (`tcpdump -vvv port 53`) ### Certificate acquisition Once everything is setup, getting a certificate from Let's Encrypt is quite easy: # sudo -u acme acmetool want metrics.mgmt.realraum.at ### Testing automated removal Last thing, you should check that automatic renewal is setup and works: - Is the cron job in place? # crontab -u acme -l 37 13 * * * /usr/bin/acmetool --batch reconcile - Is the default hook for reloading services in place? If you delete the certificate and key, then run `acmetool`, do your services use the new certificate? # [check the service's certificate fingerprint, with openssl s_client] # rm -rf /var/lib/acme/keys/* # sudo -u acme acmetool --batch reconcile # [check the service's certificate fingerprint, they should differ]