--- ssh_users_root: - verr - equinox - nicoo sshd_allowusers_host: - f0rki - verr # SSH configuration ## There are no individual user accounts localconfig_ssh_config_user: root ## ctf.realraum.at doesn't resolve to the new VM (yet) ansible_host: # VM installation vm_host: alfred install: host: "{{ vm_host }}" mem: 2048 numcpu: 2 disks: primary: vda virtio: vda: vg: "{{ vm_host }}" lv: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" size: 20g interfaces: - bridge: br-lan ## this will be br-pub once the network renumbering is done name: pub0 autostart: True network: nameservers: "{{ hostvars[vm_host].vm_host.network.nameservers }}" domain: realraum.at systemd_link: interfaces: "{{ install.interfaces }}" primary: ## TODO: this should come from {{ net.pub.* }} once the network renumbering is done interface: pub0 ip: mask: gateway: