# realraum.at -- Network of Chaos This repository is hosted on [`git.realraum.at`] and on [Github]. It contains documentation and scripts used for managing the network in [Realraum], an Austrian hackerspace. The copy on [Github] is (currently) deemed authoritative, to provide (basic) issues-tracking and PR review tools. To push to both locations simultaneously, use the following `.git/config` snippet: [remote "origin"] url = git@git.realraum.at:noc url = github.com:realraum/noc In the longer-term, we should setup an internal issues-and-review tool. [`git.realraum.at`]: https://git.realraum.at/?p=noc.git;a=summary [Github]: https://github.com/realraum/noc [Realraum]: https://realraum.at ## Development process There is (currently) no barrier to pushing directly to `master`. However, NOC members are welcome to submit pull requests to ask for review/feedback. Of course, “force-pushing” to `master` is not allowed, whether on `git.realraum.at` or Github. ## Documentation The documentation is located in the `doc/` directory, in a format that can be rendered by [Ikiwiki], a static site generator. ## Ansible Ansible scripts, previously found on `git.realraum.at:ansible`, are located in the `ansible/` directory. Documentation related to the use of Ansible and related scripts is foind there.