--- layout: post status: publish published: true title: LoTHR mini Electronics Workbench author: display_name: xro login: xro email: xro@realraum.at url: '' author_login: xro author_email: xro@realraum.at wordpress_id: 1155 wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1155 date: '2019-01-13 05:08:46 -0600' date_gmt: '2019-01-13 04:08:46 -0600' categories: - realraum News - Projekte - english - MakingCrafting tags: [] comments: [] ---

As you might know, quite a while ago, our electronics lab TESLA moved to the second flat "W2". There is a lot more space and equipment for electronic hackery now, BUT. We found that sometimes it would be nice to have some basic soldering capability in our main lounge "LoTHR" as well. Fret no more, with our new workbench (Work in Progress) we also set up a a micro electronics area.

These absolute basics currently consisting of:

  1. Soldering Iron (DC/DC mini T12 Station)
  2. Lab-Power-Supply (DC/DC up to 30V / 5A)
  3. a Multimeter

Note that it is not meant to replace TESLA. Just to keep you from moving your project all the way to 'W2" if all you need to do is solder two wires or check one voltage.


Building the micro electronics box

Basically I got us a DPS3005 constant current / constant voltage power supply and a small KSGER soldering station and connected them to a 27V 3.5A power supply.

Then, as per Ernst's suggestion, we put everything into a nice and sturdy box which formally housed external SCSI HDDs.

The front-panel was laser-cut so all the equipment would fit and voila, after a few hours putting everything together, here we are.

As a finishing touch, a T12-soldering-tip-holder was printed and taped to the side.

Further documentation can be found in our Wiki and more photos in our Gallery.

[caption id="attachment_1159" align="alignright" width="750"]Testing the Box Testing the Box[/caption]