--- layout: post status: publish published: true title: Unified Hackerspace Event Calendar author: display_name: xro login: xro email: xro@realraum.at url: '' author_login: xro author_email: xro@realraum.at wordpress_id: 750 wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=750 date: '2016-11-07 15:25:24 -0600' date_gmt: '2016-11-07 14:25:24 -0600' categories: - realraum News - english tags: [] comments: [] ---

Abroad in Europe? Touring all the Hackerspace? Want to know where stuff is happening and when?

Check out the CCC Spaces Calendar Map

Shortly after discussing the idea at Geekend16, an awesome person at CCC created this even more awesome calendar event aggregator for CCC associated hackerspaces. It works by grabbing calendar and location information from SpaceAPI.