--- layout: post status: publish published: true title: All the drawers are belongmade by us author: display_name: xro login: xro email: xro@realraum.at url: '' author_login: xro author_email: xro@realraum.at wordpress_id: 624 wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=624 date: '2016-05-14 22:33:54 -0500' date_gmt: '2016-05-14 20:33:54 -0500' categories: - realraum News - english tags: [] comments: [] ---

Our shelf next to our electronics corner, aptly named TESLA, is getting a bit crowded. Luckily we have our own lasercutter. Why not make drawers? After today's lasercutter workshop, nothing would be more obvious. So I made the beginning and created the first. The basic idea now is:

If everybody who doesn't know where to put stuff any more, makes just one drawer, we will end up with a cool and individualized shelf.

Everybody is invited to use the drawers in this github repository to get started quickly and add their own designs.


wpid-dsc_5227.jpgIn other News: H sponsored earphones, so people watching videos on Würfel, our pc directly connected to the room's stereo, no longer need to play to an audience.