--- layout: post status: publish published: true title: OpenPGP workshop author: display_name: nicoo login: nicoo email: nicolas@braud-santoni.eu url: '' author_login: nicoo author_email: nicolas@braud-santoni.eu wordpress_id: 335 wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=335 date: '2015-11-18 16:05:09 -0600' date_gmt: '2015-11-18 15:05:09 -0600' categories: - Veranstaltungen - english tags: [] comments: [] ---

Npgp-lock-logoext Tuesday (24th), I will hold an OpenPGP workshop in r³, starting at 20:00.

OpenPGP is a (some say the) standard for providing strong cryptographic confidentiality and authenticity for files, messages, software, ...

If you use an operating system that authenticates its software updates (and that is not Windows), you probably already rely on it without knowing!

You can find all the details in Grical, but here is a quick overview: