events indicating somebody left:
- door closed with card, phone, ssh (while backdor and frontdoor shut)
- no movement within 3 hours and movement within the last 6 hours (disable trigger if sensor is broken)
events indicating "alarm state" / special message:
- Panic Button pressend
monitors sensor values and calculates running average mean, stddev over last hours,
raises Event is value spikes, aka rised beyond mean +- stddev within 2 min (enables after 1 hour of collecting data)
+Use Cases to detect:
+* someone walks by the movement sensor towards the door. Closes it from outside with the Card and leaves -> nobody in room anymore
+* somone still works in the OLGA room while the last person in the main room leaves and closes the door behind him with the card
+-> best idea so far:
+ -> all doors closed and shut -> no movement for ~30 seconds after closing doors -> assume everybody left
+ -> movement within next ~30 seconds -> assume somebody is still here until SomthingReallyIsMoving{false} fires
+possible better Solution:
+ close door "differently" from outside if people are still inside (e.g. with buttonpress prior to closing with card from outside... or install a "CLOSE ONLY" event sending device which can be triggered through the glass)
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