except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError):
raise AttributeError
+def popenTimeout1(cmd, pinput, returncode_ok=[0], ptimeout = 20.0, pcheckint = 0.25):
+ logging.debug("popenTimeout1: starting: " + cmd)
+ try:
+ sppoo = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
+ sppoo.communicate(input=pinput)
+ timeout_counter=ptimeout
+ while timeout_counter > 0:
+ time.sleep(pcheckint)
+ timeout_counter -= pcheckint
+ if not sppoo.poll() is None:
+ logging.debug("popenTimeout2: subprocess %d finished, returncode: %d" % (sppoo.pid,sppoo.returncode))
+ return (sppoo.returncode in returncode_ok)
+ #timeout reached
+ logging.error("popenTimeout1: subprocess took too long (>%fs), sending SIGTERM to pid %d" % (ptimeout,sppoo.pid))
+ if sys.hexversion >= 0x020600F0:
+ sppoo.terminate()
+ else:
+ subprocess.call(["kill",str(sppoo.pid)])
+ time.sleep(1.0)
+ if sppoo.poll() is None:
+ logging.error("popenTimeout1: subprocess still alive, sending SIGKILL to pid %d" % (sppoo.pid))
+ if sys.hexversion >= 0x020600F0:
+ sppoo.kill()
+ else:
+ subprocess.call(["kill","-9",str(sppoo.pid)])
+ return False
+ except Exception, e:
+ logging.error("popenTimeout1: "+str(e))
+ return False
+def popenTimeout2(cmd, pinput, returncode_ok=[0], ptimeout=21):
+ logging.debug("popenTimeout2: starting: " + cmd)
+ try:
+ sppoo = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
+ if sys.hexversion >= 0x020600F0:
+ old_shandler = signal.signal(signal.ALARM,lambda sn,sf: sppoo.kill())
+ else:
+ old_shandler = signal.signal(signal.ALARM,lambda sn,sf: os.system("kill -9 %d" % sppoo.pid))
+ signal.alarm(ptimeout) #schedule alarm
+ sppoo.communicate(input=pinput)
+ sppoo.wait()
+ signal.alarm(0) #disable pending alarms
+ signal.signal(signal.ALARM, old_shandler)
+ logging.debug("popenTimeout2: subprocess %d finished, returncode: %d" % (sppoo.pid,sppoo.returncode))
+ if sppoo.returncode < 0:
+ logging.error("popenTimeout2: subprocess took too long (>%ds) and pid %d was killed" % (ptimeout,sppoo.pid))
+ return (sppoo.returncode in returncode_ok)
+ except Exception, e:
+ logging.error("popenTimeout2: "+str(e))
+ try:
+ signal.signal(signal.ALARM, old_shandler)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return False
-xmpp_msg_lastmsg = ""
-action_by = ""
-xmpp_firstmsg = True
-def sendXmppMsg(recipients, msg, resource = "torwaechter", addtimestamp = True, noofflinemsg = False, ptimeout = 20.0, pcheckint = 0.5):
+def sendXmppMsg(recipients, msg, resource = "torwaechter", addtimestamp = True, noofflinemsg = False):
if type(recipients) == types.ListType:
recipients = " ".join(recipients)
if type(recipients) == types.UnicodeType:
if addtimestamp:
msg += time.strftime(" (%Y-%m-%d %T)")
- logging.debug("Starting " + sendxmpp_cmd)
- try:
- sppoo = subprocess.Popen(sendxmpp_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
- sppoo.communicate(input=msg)
- timeout_counter=ptimeout
- while timeout_counter > 0:
- time.sleep(pcheckint)
- timeout_counter -= pcheckint
- if not sppoo.poll() is None:
- logging.debug("XMPPmessage sent: '%s'" % msg)
- return
- #timeout reached
- logging.error("sendxmpp subprocess took too long (>%fs), sending SIGTERM to pid %d" % (ptimeout,sppoo.pid))
- if sys.hexversion >= 0x020600F0:
- sppoo.terminate()
- else:
- subprocess.call(["kill",str(sppoo.pid)])
- time.sleep(1.0)
- if sppoo.poll() is None:
- logging.error("sendxmpp subprocess still alive, sending SIGKILL to pid %d" % (sppoo.pid))
- if sys.hexversion >= 0x020600F0:
- sppoo.kill()
- else:
- subprocess.call(["kill","-9",str(sppoo.pid)])
- except Exception, e:
- logging.error("sendXmppMsg: "+str(e))
+ popenTimeout2(sendxmpp_cmd, msg)
+xmpp_msg_lastmsg = ""
+action_by = ""
+xmpp_firstmsg = True
def distributeXmppMsg(msg,high_priority=False):
global xmpp_firstmsg, xmpp_msg_lastmsg
if xmpp_firstmsg: