+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
-import os.path
-import sys
-#import threading
-import logging
-import urllib
-import time
-import signal
-import re
-import socket
-import subprocess
-import types
-import ConfigParser
- level=logging.INFO,
- #level=f,
- #level=logging.DEBUG,
- filename='/var/log/tmp/update-web-status.log',
- format="%(asctime)s %(message)s",
- datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
- )
-class UWSConfig:
- def __init__(self,configfile=None):
- self.configfile=configfile
- self.config_parser=ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- self.config_parser.add_section('url')
- self.config_parser.set('url','open','https://www.realraum.at/cgi/status.cgi?pass=jako16&set=%3Chtml%3E%3Cbody%20bgcolor=%22lime%22%3E%3Ccenter%3E%3Cb%3ET%26uuml%3Br%20ist%20Offen%3C/b%3E%3C/center%3E%3C/body%3E%3C/html%3E')
- self.config_parser.set('url','closed','https://www.realraum.at/cgi/status.cgi?pass=jako16&set=%3Chtml%3E%3Cbody%20bgcolor=%22red%22%3E%3Cb%3E%3Ccenter%3ET%26uuml%3Br%20ist%20Geschlossen%3C/center%3E%3C/b%3E%3C/body%3E%3C/html%3E')
- self.config_parser.add_section('xmpp')
- self.config_parser.set('xmpp','recipients_debug','xro@jabber.tittelbach.at')
- self.config_parser.set('xmpp','recipients_normal','xro@jabber.tittelbach.at otti@wirdorange.org')
- self.config_parser.set('xmpp','recipients_nooffline','the-equinox@jabber.org')
- self.config_parser.set('xmpp','msg_opened',"Realraum Tür wurde%s geöffnet")
- self.config_parser.set('xmpp','msg_closed',"Realraum Tür wurde%s geschlossen")
- self.config_mtime=0
- if not self.configfile is None:
- try:
- cf_handle = open(self.configfile,"r")
- cf_handle.close()
- except IOError:
- self.writeConfigFile()
- else:
- self.checkConfigUpdates()
- def checkConfigUpdates(self):
- if self.configfile is None:
- return
- logging.debug("Checking Configfile mtime: "+self.configfile)
- try:
- mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.configfile)
- except IOError:
- return
- if self.config_mtime < mtime:
- logging.debug("Reading Configfile")
- try:
- self.config_parser.read(self.configfile)
- self.config_mtime=os.path.getmtime(self.configfile)
- except ConfigParser.ParsingError, pe_ex:
- logging.error("Error parsing Configfile: "+str(pe_ex))
- def writeConfigFile(self):
- if self.configfile is None:
- return
- logging.debug("Writing Configfile "+self.configfile)
- try:
- cf_handle = open(self.configfile,"w")
- self.config_parser.write(cf_handle)
- cf_handle.close()
- self.config_mtime=os.path.getmtime(self.configfile)
- except IOError, io_ex:
- logging.error("Error writing Configfile: "+str(io_ex))
- self.configfile=None
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- underscore_pos=name.find('_')
- if underscore_pos < 0:
- raise AttributeError
- try:
- return self.config_parser.get(name[0:underscore_pos], name[underscore_pos+1:])
- except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError):
- raise AttributeError
-def popenTimeout1(cmd, pinput, returncode_ok=[0], ptimeout = 20.0, pcheckint = 0.25):
- logging.debug("popenTimeout1: starting: " + cmd)
- try:
- sppoo = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
- sppoo.communicate(input=pinput)
- timeout_counter=ptimeout
- while timeout_counter > 0:
- time.sleep(pcheckint)
- timeout_counter -= pcheckint
- if not sppoo.poll() is None:
- logging.debug("popenTimeout2: subprocess %d finished, returncode: %d" % (sppoo.pid,sppoo.returncode))
- return (sppoo.returncode in returncode_ok)
- #timeout reached
- logging.error("popenTimeout1: subprocess took too long (>%fs), sending SIGTERM to pid %d" % (ptimeout,sppoo.pid))
- if sys.hexversion >= 0x020600F0:
- sppoo.terminate()
- else:
- subprocess.call(["kill",str(sppoo.pid)])
- time.sleep(1.0)
- if sppoo.poll() is None:
- logging.error("popenTimeout1: subprocess still alive, sending SIGKILL to pid %d" % (sppoo.pid))
- if sys.hexversion >= 0x020600F0:
- sppoo.kill()
- else:
- subprocess.call(["kill","-9",str(sppoo.pid)])
- return False
- except Exception, e:
- logging.error("popenTimeout1: "+str(e))
- return False
-def popenTimeout2(cmd, pinput, returncode_ok=[0], ptimeout=21):
- logging.debug("popenTimeout2: starting: " + cmd)
- try:
- sppoo = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
- if sys.hexversion >= 0x020600F0:
- old_shandler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,lambda sn,sf: sppoo.kill())
- else:
- old_shandler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,lambda sn,sf: os.system("kill -9 %d" % sppoo.pid))
- signal.alarm(ptimeout) #schedule alarm
- sppoo.communicate(input=pinput)
- sppoo.wait()
- signal.alarm(0) #disable pending alarms
- signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old_shandler)
- logging.debug("popenTimeout2: subprocess %d finished, returncode: %d" % (sppoo.pid,sppoo.returncode))
- if sppoo.returncode < 0:
- logging.error("popenTimeout2: subprocess took too long (>%ds) and pid %d was killed" % (ptimeout,sppoo.pid))
- return (sppoo.returncode in returncode_ok)
- except Exception, e:
- logging.error("popenTimeout2: "+str(e))
- try:
- signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old_shandler)
- except:
- pass
- return False
-def sendXmppMsg(recipients, msg, resource = "torwaechter", addtimestamp = True, noofflinemsg = False):
- if type(recipients) == types.ListType:
- recipients = " ".join(recipients)
- if type(recipients) == types.UnicodeType:
- recipients = recipients.decode("utf-8")
- if type(recipients) != types.StringType:
- raise Exception("argument recipients not a space separated string or xmpp addresses, can't send message")
- if recipients == "" or msg == "":
- return
- sendxmpp_cmd = "sendxmpp -u realrauminfo -p 5SPjTdub -j jabber.tittelbach.at -t "
- if resource:
- sendxmpp_cmd += "-r %s " % resource
- if noofflinemsg:
- sendxmpp_cmd += "--message-type=headline "
- sendxmpp_cmd += recipients
- if addtimestamp:
- msg += time.strftime(" (%Y-%m-%d %T)")
- popenTimeout2(sendxmpp_cmd, msg)
-xmpp_msg_lastmsg = ""
-action_by = ""
-xmpp_firstmsg = True
-def distributeXmppMsg(msg,high_priority=False):
- global xmpp_firstmsg, xmpp_msg_lastmsg
- if xmpp_firstmsg:
- xmpp_msg_lastmsg = msg
- xmpp_firstmsg = False
- if msg != xmpp_msg_lastmsg:
- sendXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_recipients_normal, msg)
- sendXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_recipients_nooffline, msg, noofflinemsg=(not high_priority))
- else:
- sendXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_recipients_debug, "D: " + msg)
- xmpp_msg_lastmsg = msg
-def touchURL(url):
- try:
- f = urllib.urlopen(url)
- f.read()
- f.close()
- except Exception, e:
- logging.error("tochURL: "+str(e))
-def displayOpen():
- touchURL(uwscfg.url_open)
- distributeXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_msg_opened % action_by)
-def displayClosed():
- touchURL(uwscfg.url_closed)
- distributeXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_msg_closed % action_by)
-def exitHandler(signum, frame):
- logging.info("Door Status Listener stopping")
- try:
- conn.close()
- except:
- pass
- try:
- sockhandle.close()
- except:
- pass
- sys.exit(0)
-#signals proapbly don't work because of readline
-#signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exitHandler)
-signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exitHandler)
-signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, exitHandler)
-logging.info("Door Status Listener started")
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- socketfile = sys.argv[1]
- socketfile = "/var/run/tuer/door_cmd.socket"
-if len(sys.argv) > 2:
- uwscfg = UWSConfig(sys.argv[2])
- uwscfg = UWSConfig()
-sendXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_recipients_debug,"D: update-web-status.py started")
-sockhandle = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-RE_STATUS = re.compile(r'Status: (\w+), idle')
-RE_REQUEST = re.compile(r'Request: (\w+) (?:Card )?(.+)')
-RE_ERROR = re.compile(r'Error: (.+)')
-while True:
- try:
- sockhandle.connect(socketfile)
- conn = os.fdopen(sockhandle.fileno())
- sockhandle.send("listen\n")
- sockhandle.send("status\n")
- while True:
- line = conn.readline()
- logging.debug("Got Line: " + line)
- uwscfg.checkConfigUpdates()
- m = RE_STATUS.match(line)
- if not m is None:
- status = m.group(1)
- if status == "opened":
- displayOpen()
- if status == "closed":
- displayClosed()
- m = RE_REQUEST.match(line)
- if not m is None:
- #(rq_action,rq_by) = m.group(1,2)
- action_by = " von " + m.group(2)
- else:
- action_by = ""
- m = RE_ERROR.match(line)
- if not m is None:
- errorstr = m.group(1)
- if "too long!" in errorstr:
- distributeXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_recipients_debug, "Door Error: "+errorstr, high_priority=True)
- else:
- sendXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_recipients_debug, "D: Error: "+errorstr)
- except Exception, ex:
- logging.error("main: "+str(ex))
- try:
- conn.close()
- except:
- pass
- try:
- sockhandle.close()
- except:
- pass
- time.sleep(5)
self.config_parser.set('xmpp','recipients_normal','xro@jabber.tittelbach.at otti@wirdorange.org')
- self.config_parser.set('xmpp','msg_opened',"Realraum Tür wurde%s geöffnet")
- self.config_parser.set('xmpp','msg_closed',"Realraum Tür wurde%s geschlossen")
+ self.config_parser.add_section('msg')
+ self.config_parser.set('msg','format',"${status_msg}${request_msg}${comment_msg}")
+ self.config_parser.set('msg','status_opened_msg',"RealRaum door now open")
+ self.config_parser.set('msg','status_closed_msg',"RealRaum door now closed")
+ self.config_parser.set('msg','status_error_msg',"ERROR Last Operation took too long !!!")
+ self.config_parser.set('msg','request_msg'," after ${request} request")
+ self.config_parser.set('msg','comment_msg'," (${comment})")
popenTimeout2(sendxmpp_cmd, msg)
-xmpp_msg_lastmsg = ""
-action_by = ""
-xmpp_firstmsg = True
-def distributeXmppMsg(msg,high_priority=False):
- global xmpp_firstmsg, xmpp_msg_lastmsg
- if xmpp_firstmsg:
- xmpp_msg_lastmsg = msg
- xmpp_firstmsg = False
- if msg != xmpp_msg_lastmsg:
+def distributeXmppMsg(msg,high_priority=False,debug=False):
+ if debug == False:
sendXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_recipients_normal, msg)
sendXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_recipients_nooffline, msg, noofflinemsg=(not high_priority))
sendXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_recipients_debug, "D: " + msg)
- xmpp_msg_lastmsg = msg
-def touchURL(url):
- try:
- f = urllib.urlopen(url)
- f.read()
- f.close()
- except Exception, e:
- logging.error("touchURL: "+str(e))
-def displayOpen():
- distributeXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_msg_opened % action_by)
-def displayClosed():
- distributeXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_msg_closed % action_by)
+current_status = (None,None,None)
+def filterAndFormatMessage(new_status):
+ global current_status
+ if current_status == new_status or new_status == (current_status[0],None,None):
+ distributeXmppMsg("Status recieved but filtered: (%s,%s,%s)" % new_status ,debug=True)
+ else:
+ (status,req,req_comment) = new_status
+ high_priority_msg = False
+ if status == "opened":
+ status_msg = uwscfg.msg_status_opened_msg
+ elif status == "closed":
+ status_msg = uwscfg.msg_status_closed_msg
+ elif status == "error":
+ status_msg = uwscfg.msg_status_error_msg
+ high_priority_msg=True
+ else:
+ distributeXmppMsg("Unknown Status: (%s,%s,%s)" % new_status ,debug=True)
+ return
+ if req:
+ req_msg = uwscfg.msg_request_msg.replace("${request}",req)
+ if req_comment:
+ comment_msg = uwscfg.msg_comment_msg.replace("${comment}",req_comment)
+ msg = uwscfg.msg_format.replace("${status_msg}", status_msg).replace("${request_msg}",req_msg).replace("${comment_msg}",comment_msg)
+ distributeXmppMsg(msg, high_priority=high_priority_msg)
+ current_status=new_status
def exitHandler(signum, frame):
logging.info("Door Status Listener stopping")
uwscfg = UWSConfig()
-sendXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_recipients_debug,"D: update-xmpp-status.py started")
+distributeXmppMsg("update-xmpp-status.py started", debug=True)
sockhandle = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
RE_STATUS = re.compile(r'Status: (\w+), idle')
conn = os.fdopen(sockhandle.fileno())
+ last_request = (None,None)
while True:
line = conn.readline()
logging.debug("Got Line: " + line)
m = RE_STATUS.match(line)
if not m is None:
status = m.group(1)
- if status == "opened":
- displayOpen()
- if status == "closed":
- displayClosed()
+ filterAndFormatMessage((status,) + last_request)
m = RE_REQUEST.match(line)
if not m is None:
- #(rq_action,rq_by) = m.group(1,2)
- action_by = " von " + m.group(2)
+ last_request = m.group(1,2)
- action_by = ""
+ last_request = (None,None)
m = RE_ERROR.match(line)
if not m is None:
errorstr = m.group(1)
if "too long!" in errorstr:
- distributeXmppMsg("Door Error: "+errorstr, high_priority=True)
+ filterAndFormatMessage(("error",) + last_request)
- sendXmppMsg(uwscfg.xmpp_recipients_debug, "D: Error: "+errorstr)
+ logging.error("Recieved Error: "+errorstr)
+ distributeXmppMsg("Error: "+errorstr, debug=True)
except Exception, ex:
logging.error("main: "+str(ex))