--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+FROM jekyll/builder:3.8
+RUN set -e \
+ && apk update \
+ && apk add mariadb-connector-c-dev \
+ && gem install jekyll-admin \
+ && gem install jekyll-import sequel unidecode mysql2 htmlentities ## this is only needed for import from wordpress
--- /dev/null
+exec sudo docker build -t realraum/homepage .
--- /dev/null
+BASE_D=$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/")
+exec sudo docker run --name realraum-jekyll --rm -it -p --volume="$BASE_D/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle" -v "$BASE_D/src":/srv/jekyll -v "$BASE_D/out":/srv/out realraum/homepage "$@"
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+layout: default
+<style type="text/css" media="screen">
+ .container {
+ margin: 10px auto;
+ max-width: 600px;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ h1 {
+ margin: 30px 0;
+ font-size: 4em;
+ line-height: 1;
+ letter-spacing: -1px;
+ }
+<div class="container">
+ <h1>404</h1>
+ <p><strong>Page not found :(</strong></p>
+ <p>The requested page could not be found.</p>
--- /dev/null
+source "https://rubygems.org"
+# Hello! This is where you manage which Jekyll version is used to run.
+# When you want to use a different version, change it below, save the
+# file and run `bundle install`. Run Jekyll with `bundle exec`, like so:
+# bundle exec jekyll serve
+# This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running.
+# Happy Jekylling!
+gem "jekyll", "~> 3.8.6"
+# This is the default theme for new Jekyll sites. You may change this to anything you like.
+#gem "minima", "~> 2.0"
+gem "jekyll-whiteglass"
+# If you want to use GitHub Pages, remove the "gem "jekyll"" above and
+# uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run `bundle update github-pages`.
+# gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
+# If you have any plugins, put them here!
+group :jekyll_plugins do
+ gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.6"
+ gem 'jekyll-admin'
+# Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem
+# and associated library.
+install_if -> { RUBY_PLATFORM =~ %r!mingw|mswin|java! } do
+ gem "tzinfo", "~> 1.2"
+ gem "tzinfo-data"
+# Performance-booster for watching directories on Windows
+gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.0", :install_if => Gem.win_platform?
--- /dev/null
+ remote: https://rubygems.org/
+ specs:
+ addressable (2.7.0)
+ public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
+ backports (3.15.0)
+ colorator (1.1.0)
+ concurrent-ruby (1.1.5)
+ em-websocket (0.5.1)
+ eventmachine (>= 0.12.9)
+ http_parser.rb (~> 0.6.0)
+ eventmachine (1.2.7)
+ ffi (1.11.1)
+ forwardable-extended (2.6.0)
+ http_parser.rb (0.6.0)
+ i18n (0.9.5)
+ concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll (3.8.6)
+ addressable (~> 2.4)
+ colorator (~> 1.0)
+ em-websocket (~> 0.5)
+ i18n (~> 0.7)
+ jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll-watch (~> 2.0)
+ kramdown (~> 1.14)
+ liquid (~> 4.0)
+ mercenary (~> 0.3.3)
+ pathutil (~> 0.9)
+ rouge (>= 1.7, < 4)
+ safe_yaml (~> 1.0)
+ jekyll-admin (0.8.1)
+ addressable (~> 2.4)
+ jekyll (~> 3.3)
+ sinatra (~> 1.4)
+ sinatra-contrib (~> 1.4)
+ jekyll-archives (2.2.1)
+ jekyll (>= 3.6, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-feed (0.12.1)
+ jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-paginate (1.1.0)
+ jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.2)
+ sass (~> 3.4)
+ jekyll-sitemap (1.3.1)
+ jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0)
+ jekyll-watch (2.2.1)
+ listen (~> 3.0)
+ jekyll-whiteglass (1.9.1)
+ jekyll (>= 3.3)
+ jekyll-archives (~> 2.1)
+ jekyll-paginate (~> 1.1)
+ jekyll-sitemap (~> 1.0)
+ kramdown (1.17.0)
+ liquid (4.0.3)
+ listen (3.1.5)
+ rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
+ rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7)
+ ruby_dep (~> 1.2)
+ mercenary (0.3.6)
+ multi_json (1.13.1)
+ pathutil (0.16.2)
+ forwardable-extended (~> 2.6)
+ public_suffix (4.0.1)
+ rack (1.6.11)
+ rack-protection (1.5.5)
+ rack
+ rack-test (1.1.0)
+ rack (>= 1.0, < 3)
+ rb-fsevent (0.10.3)
+ rb-inotify (0.10.0)
+ ffi (~> 1.0)
+ rouge (3.10.0)
+ ruby_dep (1.5.0)
+ safe_yaml (1.0.5)
+ sass (3.7.4)
+ sass-listen (~> 4.0.0)
+ sass-listen (4.0.0)
+ rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
+ rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7)
+ sinatra (1.4.8)
+ rack (~> 1.5)
+ rack-protection (~> 1.4)
+ tilt (>= 1.3, < 3)
+ sinatra-contrib (1.4.7)
+ backports (>= 2.0)
+ multi_json
+ rack-protection
+ rack-test
+ sinatra (~> 1.4.0)
+ tilt (>= 1.3, < 3)
+ thread_safe (0.3.6)
+ tilt (2.0.9)
+ tzinfo (1.2.5)
+ thread_safe (~> 0.1)
+ tzinfo-data (1.2019.3)
+ tzinfo (>= 1.0.0)
+ wdm (0.1.1)
+ ruby
+ jekyll (~> 3.8.6)
+ jekyll-admin
+ jekyll-feed (~> 0.6)
+ jekyll-whiteglass
+ tzinfo (~> 1.2)
+ tzinfo-data
+ wdm (~> 0.1.0)
+ 2.0.2
--- /dev/null
+# Welcome to Jekyll!
+# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
+# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find
+# yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files
+# feature for the data you need to update frequently.
+# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
+# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process.
+# Site settings
+# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files,
+# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ site.email }}, and so on.
+# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
+# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
+title: realraum
+email: realraum@realraum.at
+description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
+ Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this
+ line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for
+ Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
+baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
+url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com
+twitter_username: realraum
+github_username: realraum
+# Build settings
+destination: ../out
+markdown: kramdown
+theme: jekyll-whiteglass
+ - jekyll-feed
+ - jekyll-admin
+ - jekyll-archives
+ - jekyll-paginate
+ - jekyll-sitemap
+permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title/
+paginate_path: /posts/:num/
+paginate: 5
+ enabled:
+ - categories
+ - tags
+ layout: category_archives
+ permalinks:
+ category: /categories/:name/
+ tag: /tags/:name/
+# Exclude from processing.
+# The following items will not be processed, by default. Create a custom list
+# to override the default setting.
+# exclude:
+# - Gemfile
+# - Gemfile.lock
+# - node_modules
+# - vendor/bundle/
+# - vendor/cache/
+# - vendor/gems/
+# - vendor/ruby/
--- /dev/null
+# If you want to link only specific pages in your header, add the path to the
+# pages in order as they should show up.
+ - title: "About"
+ url: /about/
+ - title: "Archives"
+ url: /archives/
+ - title: "GitHub"
+ url: https://github.com/yous/whiteglass
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Retro-Raum 2015
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 289
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=289
+date: '2015-03-03 23:20:02 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2015-03-03 22:20:02 -0600'
+- Veranstaltungen
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/retro-raum.png"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-290 size-large" src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/retro-raum-1024x257.png" alt="retro-raum" width="750" height="188" /></a></p>
+<p>Der realraum begibt sich zurück zu den Zeiten als die Computer langsam und die Haare lang waren.</p>
+<p>Messe dich im Dynablaster-Turnier; mach Musik mit NOTATOR (Atari 1040FM) und Protracker (Amiga 500); zeichne mit AtariArtist (Atari 800XL); programmiere und bespiele diverse Klassiker der Computergeschichte; meistere den Adventure Dungeon;</p>
+<p><strong><a href="//galley.realraum.at/index.php?/category/40">Bilder vom Event finden sich in unsere Galerie</a></strong></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Pi-Day 2015
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 284
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=284
+date: '2015-03-14 09:26:33 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-03-14 08:26:33 -0500'
+- Veranstaltungen
+- party
+- event
+- id: 3
+ author: 'SP033 #Substral realraum – spektral'
+ author_email: ''
+ author_url: http://spektral.at/podcast/sp033-substral-realraum/
+ date: '2017-07-12 11:53:23 -0500'
+ date_gmt: '2017-07-12 09:53:23 -0500'
+ content: "[…] Projekte Applausmesser oder Applaus-o-Meter (Foto), Pi Day 2015,
+ ARI (Applause Recognition Indicator); Anytun (VPN Protokoll); mur.sat (Weltraumprojekt
+ mit mur.at […]"
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/piday-2015-flyer.png"><img class=" wp-image-285 aligncenter" src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/piday-2015-flyer.png" alt="piday-2015-flyer" width="411" height="583" /></a></p>
+<hr />
+<p>[caption id="attachment_707" align="alignleft" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DSC_2004.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-707" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DSC_2004-300x169.jpg" alt="The pie is a lie, but this chilli ..." width="300" height="169" /></a> The pie is a lie, but this chilli ...[/caption]</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_708" align="alignleft" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DSC_2013.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-708" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DSC_2013-300x169.jpg" alt="All the Pi(e)s" width="300" height="169" /></a> All the Pi(e)s[/caption]</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_706" align="alignleft" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DSC_1999.jpg"><img class="wp-image-706 size-medium" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DSC_1999-300x169.jpg" alt="ARI - Audience Reaction Indicator" width="300" height="169" /></a> ARI - Audience Reaction Indicator: Cocktail for Applause[/caption]</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_705" align="alignleft" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DSC_1996.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-705" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DSC_1996-300x169.jpg" alt="Tortendiagramm mit Selbstbezug (%Torte mi Mango, % Torte Erdbeere)" width="300" height="169" /></a> xro's Sieger-Torten-diagramm mit Selbstbezug (%Torte Mango, % Torte Erdbeere)[/caption]</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Lulzbot TAZ4 @realraum
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 237
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=237
+date: '2015-03-22 19:14:16 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-03-22 18:14:16 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- taz4
+- lulzbot
+- 3dprinting
+comments: []
+<p>Thursday we unboxed our highly anticipated TAZ4 #3DPrinter, which we won as part of the #LulzBot 4th Annual Hackerspace Giveaway.</p>
+<p>[caption id="" align="alignright" width="258"]<a href="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2015-10-20_LuzlbotTAZ4/IMG_20150317_151551.jpg"><img class="" src="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2015-10-20_LuzlbotTAZ4/IMG_20150317_151551.jpg" alt="" width="258" height="345" /></a> Unboxing[/caption]</p>
+<p>It rulez !! <img class="icon" src="//realraum.at/wiki/lib/images/smileys/icon_smile.gif" alt=":-)" /></p>
+<p>We have a very coloured history when it comes to 3D printing. Ever since we ordered the first parts for our self-built RepRap Mendel years ago, 3D printing was something you did not mention easily at realraum.</p>
+<p>The RepRap was built, rebuilt, adjusted, taken apart, modified and hacked, again and again. All with mixed success. While we did learn a lot about 3D printers in the process, likely spent more than 300 man hours on it and even wrote a big TeaCup firmware patch, the thing probably only ever spent a sum total of 2 weeks out of 5 years in a state where it could actually print, badly! Most of the time however, nobody knew who last took apart what or was planning to improve which thing next.</p>
+<p>Then came the MakiBox. Co-sponsored by one of our founding members (who resided in Hong-Kong at the time and co-founded DimSumLabs there) Always on a tight budget, this first-of-the-line production model seemed the perfect way to finally make 3D printing a reality here at realraum. Especially since said founding member was sponsoring it. In its defence can be said, that, frail as the design was, it did actually print in the beginning. Unfortunately that state would not hold very long. We then decided not to review the MakiBox, as we were missing the words to describe just how crappy it really was.</p>
+<p>Again, 3D printing was not mentioned at realraum for about a year.</p>
+<p>Finally, along comes the Lulzbot TAZ4.</p>
+<p>After just a few days it may be a bit much to say “Lulzbot rescued 3D printing for usâ€\9d, but that's about what it feels like right now.</p>
+<p>It has a large print area and is capable of very fine and precise prints. It follows all best-practices I've ever read about making 3D printers. E.g. it has a heated glass-surface which is perfect for PLA. Beyond that, you might even accuse Lulzbot of over-engineering. Looking at the industrial grade cable connectors, screws, bearings and shaft couplings, you know they didn't skimp on the parts. Next to that is ships with a bag of quality tools which even includes a jar for mixing ABS and Acetone.</p>
+<p>[caption id="" align="alignright" width="414"]<a href="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2015-10-20_LuzlbotTAZ4/DSC_2156.JPG"><img class="" src="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2015-10-20_LuzlbotTAZ4/DSC_2156.JPG" alt="" width="414" height="233" /></a> comes with ALL the tools[/caption]</p>
+<p>Our first test prints came out very well. Even when stress-testing with our crappy old PLA roll, the prints came out very nice. The nice fan and air-guide works just as expected and overhangs printed without problems. Using rafts, even delicate and complex prints with little surface area came out fine.</p>
+<p>To show off the printing process (and experiment with gstreamer), we mounted a webcam on the platform, the resulting time-lapse videos can be found in the gallery.</p>
+<p>It does have its hard edges, but this printer is not meant to be super-user-friendly and DAU-resistant. Instead it is hackable, open-source and a precise straight-forward work-horse. Just how we like it! Despite our hack-at-it attitude, we _did_ appreciated the big and surprisingly useful user-manual as well as the handy illustrated first-steps flyer.</p>
+<p>[caption id="" align="alignright" width="412"]<a href="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2015-10-20_LuzlbotTAZ4/DSC_2159.JPG"><img class="" src="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2015-10-20_LuzlbotTAZ4/DSC_2159.JPG" alt="" width="412" height="232" /></a> and ALL the instructions ;-)[/caption]</p>
+<p>All in all, the printer gives manages be at once a highly professional machine as well as a matured hackable open source project.</p>
+<p>Of course, it would not be bitchy us, if we didn't find anything that could be improved. Most of that can be traced to the firmware: The sampling of the rotary encoder for once feels sluggish and imprecise even though the encoder itself is high-quality. We also wonder if the forces reset on sd-card change and usb-cable plugin is really necessary. Finally, it's OK that the printer does not print from SDcard when still connected by USB, but it could display a warning instead of just plainly doing nothing after one selects “startâ€\9d. Also the resonance frequencies of the printer could have been measured and the firmware modified so it would then avoid certain of those speeds and direction changes. Since it's all just software, we may actually do something about that in the future <img class="icon" src="//realraum.at/wiki/lib/images/smileys/icon_smile.gif" alt=":-)" /> On the hardware side, we noticed that the power supply's cooling fan would still run long (hours) after the printer had been switched off. (Note: the only big off switch is on the DC voltage side of the printer). Not sure if that fan actually ever stops.</p>
+<p>All that (and on the bitchy side: the fact that it's just that) really really shows just how much experience and know-how (hard won over the years of DIY 3D printing I'm sure) went into making the TAZ 3D Printer. Thanks #LuzlBot !!</p>
+<p>[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="445"]<a href="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2015-10-20_LuzlbotTAZ4/DSC_2184.JPG"><img class="" src="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2015-10-20_LuzlbotTAZ4/DSC_2184.JPG" alt="" width="445" height="334" /></a> first success with PLA: enclosure for our biohazard alcohol breath-o-meter[/caption]</p>
+<p>[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="187"]<a href="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2015-10-20_LuzlbotTAZ4/DSC_2185.JPG"><img class="" src="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2015-10-20_LuzlbotTAZ4/DSC_2185.JPG" alt="" width="187" height="334" /></a> Biohazard Breath-o-Meter[/caption]</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Hallo, Internet!
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 1
+date: '2015-09-24 21:32:53 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-24 21:32:53 -0500'
+- realraum News
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><a href="/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/realraum_raumnamen.png"><img class=" size-medium wp-image-13 alignleft" src="/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/realraum_raumnamen-264x300.png" alt="realraum_raumnamen" width="264" height="300" /></a>Der realraum hat jetzt eine neue Webseite. Yay!</p>
+<p>Hier wird es in Zukunft alle möglichen News vom realreaum so wie unserer Community und unserem Umfeld geben.</p>
+<p>Außerdem werden wir diesen Blog nutzen, um laufend über aktuelle Projekte unserer Mitglieder zu informieren.</p>
+<p>Detailtiere Infos, Protokolle und weitere interne Informationen finden sich jedoch weiterhin in <a title="realraum wiki" href="http://wiki.realraum.at">unserem Wiki</a>.</p>
+<p> </p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 29
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=29
+date: '2015-09-25 20:17:52 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 20:17:52 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: realraum
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 46
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=46
+date: '2015-09-25 23:41:03 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 21:41:03 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: OLGA
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 49
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=49
+date: '2015-09-25 23:42:17 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 21:42:17 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 55
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=55
+date: '2015-09-25 23:46:03 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 21:46:03 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Home
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 31
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=31
+date: '2015-09-25 20:18:22 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 20:18:22 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Twitter
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 57
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=57
+date: '2015-09-25 23:46:22 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 21:46:22 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Wiki
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
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+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 30
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=30
+date: '2015-09-25 20:17:52 -0500'
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+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Bilder
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 85
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=85
+date: '2015-09-26 01:20:36 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 23:20:36 -0500'
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+title: <img src="/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/icon-social-facebook.png" style="background-color:#3C5A98;
+ padding:4px;" />
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 80
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=80
+date: '2015-09-26 00:59:11 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 22:59:11 -0500'
+categories: []
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--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Impressum
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 77
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=77
+date: '2015-09-26 00:52:55 -0500'
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+categories: []
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--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Kontodaten
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 79
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=79
+date: '2015-09-26 00:54:00 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 22:54:00 -0500'
+categories: []
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+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Marty McFly Welcome Day
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 83
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=83
+date: '2015-09-26 01:01:38 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 23:01:38 -0500'
+categories: []
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+layout: nav_menu_item
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+title: <img src="/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/icon-social-plus.png" style="background-color:#D14836;
+ padding:4px;" />
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 82
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=82
+date: '2015-09-26 00:59:11 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 22:59:11 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Statuten
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 78
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=78
+date: '2015-09-26 00:53:32 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 22:53:32 -0500'
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+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: '<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/icon-social-twitter.png" style="background-color:
+ #3EA9DD; padding:4px;" />'
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 81
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=81
+date: '2015-09-26 00:59:11 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 22:59:11 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Lasercutter Workshop September
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 102
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=102
+date: '2015-09-29 23:27:21 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-29 21:27:21 -0500'
+- Veranstaltungen
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/DSC_3899.jpg"><img class="alignnone wp-image-98 size-large" src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/DSC_3899-e1443568335700-1024x404.jpg" alt="DSC_3899" width="750" height="296" /></a></p>
+<p>Heute fand im realraum ein gut besuchter Lasercutter Workshop statt. Etwa 20 Interessierte lauschten der Einführung in die Lasercutter-Software und der praktischen Einführung am Gerät. Im Anschluss konnten auch gleich einige Projekte realisiert werden.</p>
+<p>Mehr Infos zu unserem Laser so wie laufende Projekte findet ihr <a href="http://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=lasercutter:lasercutter">in unserem Wiki</a>. Ebenso im Wiki findet ihr <a href="http://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=lasercutter:anleitungen_und_materialdaten#materialparameter">Materialparameter</a> für den Laser.</p>
+<p>Dank an Tom, equinox und die HelferInnen für das Abhalten des Workshops so wie Selene für die Organisation!</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/DSC_3895.jpg"><img class=" alignnone wp-image-100 " src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/DSC_3895-1024x576.jpg" alt="DSC_3895" width="532" height="299" /></a><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/DSC_3896.jpg"><img class=" size-medium wp-image-101 alignleft" src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/DSC_3896-169x300.jpg" alt="DSC_3896" width="169" height="300" /></a></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 128
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=128
+date: '2015-09-30 01:00:58 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-29 23:00:58 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 132
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=132
+date: '2015-09-30 01:03:21 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-29 23:03:21 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 144
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=144
+date: '2015-10-09 02:55:38 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-10-09 00:55:38 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 153
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=153
+date: '2015-10-09 03:11:02 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-10-09 01:11:02 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Crochet reef at realraum!
+ display_name: nicoo
+ login: nicoo
+ email: nicolas@braud-santoni.eu
+ url: ''
+author_login: nicoo
+author_email: nicolas@braud-santoni.eu
+wordpress_id: 136
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=136
+date: '2015-10-13 22:45:14 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-10-13 20:45:14 -0500'
+- Projekte
+- english
+- crochet
+- häkeln
+comments: []
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/DSC_3914-e1443982368289.jpg"><img class=" size-medium wp-image-139 alignleft" src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/DSC_3914-e1443982368289-169x300.jpg" alt="DSC_3914" width="169" height="300" /></a>Hi everyone!</p>
+<p>After the crochet workshop, Sandra started to fill one of our windows with an <a href="http://www.math.cornell.edu/~dwh/papers/crochet/crochet.html" target="_blank">hyperbolic crochet</a> coral reef. :-)<br />
+We all hope to see it fill up in the coming days!</p>
+<p>More information <a href="http://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=selene:crochetreef" target="_blank">on the wiki</a>.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/DSC_3911.jpg"><img class=" size-medium wp-image-138 alignleft" src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/DSC_3911-300x169.jpg" alt="DSC_3911" width="300" height="169" /></a></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: realraum bei der BeSt³
+ display_name: petertheone
+ login: petertheone
+ email: petertheone@gmail.com
+ url: http://petergrassberger.at
+author_login: petertheone
+author_email: petertheone@gmail.com
+author_url: http://petergrassberger.at
+wordpress_id: 175
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=175
+date: '2015-10-18 22:06:08 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-10-18 20:06:08 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><a href="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_6325.jpg"><img class="alignnone wp-image-214 size-large" src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_6325-1024x682.jpg" alt="IMG_6325" width="750" height="500" /></a></p>
+<p>Der realraum war auf der diesjährigen <a href="http://www.best-graz.at/">BeSt³</a> vertreten. Die Messe für Beruf, Studium und Weiterbildung fand vom 15. bis 17. Oktober in der Grazer Messe statt. Wir konnten einige Projekte aus dem realraum präsentieren und das junge Publikum für die Technik begeistern. Besonders der <em>Audiance Rection Indicator</em>, intern auch <em>Applausometer</em> genannt, erfreute sich großer Beliebtheit.</p>
+<p>Danke an alle Beteiligten, insbesondere Selene, Sasa und xro.</p>
+<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_6323.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-213" src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_6323-100x150.jpg" alt="IMG_6323" width="100" height="150" /></a> <a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_6333.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-217" src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_6333-150x100.jpg" alt="IMG_6333" width="150" height="100" /></a> <a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_6312.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-208" src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_6312-150x100.jpg" alt="IMG_6312" width="150" height="100" /></a> <a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_6308.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-206" src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/IMG_6308-100x150.jpg" alt="IMG_6308" width="100" height="150" /></a></div>
+<p> </p>
+<p><strong><a href="//galley.realraum.at/index.php?/category/73">Mehr Bilder findet ihr in unserer Galerie</a></strong></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Keeping things organized
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 240
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=240
+date: '2015-10-20 20:12:52 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-10-20 18:12:52 -0500'
+- Projekte
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="283"]<a href="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/636690.jpg"><img src="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/636690.jpg" alt="" width="283" height="503" /></a> Wood with holes drilled in[/caption]</p>
+<p>Where do you keep all the cables in your lab? Maybe you zip-tied an old rake to the wall and repurchased it to hold your twisty coils? Thinks it may be time for a cleaner solution? Wood, Drill, 3D-Printer and half an hour of time, to the rescue.</p>
+<p>One of the oldest tricks in the book: drill a few holes into which to stick your lab-cables. Screw in a few screw to clip your clips on. Use a bit of pliable wire to create holders for your test prods, and voilà : a tiny bit less chaos :-)</p>
+<p>Our trusty TAZ4 even takes us a bit further, spitting out a nice custom made BNC-cable holder.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="363"]<a href="//www.thingiverse.com/thing:906081"><img class="" src="//galley.realraum.at/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2015-10-20_LuzlbotTAZ4/491673.jpg" alt="" width="363" height="218" /></a> BNC Holder, printed with TAZ4[/caption]</p>
+<p> </p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Marty McFly Willkommensparty
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 267
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=267
+date: '2015-10-20 22:38:52 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-10-20 20:38:52 -0500'
+- Veranstaltungen
+- german
+- party
+- event
+comments: []
+<p><a href="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2015-10-20-21.01.35-HDR-e1445373340907.jpg"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-269 size-large" src="//wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2015-10-20-21.01.35-HDR-e1445373340907-1024x440.jpg" alt="2015-10-20 21.01.35 HDR" width="750" height="322" /></a></p>
+<p>Der Realraum in Graz lädt alle FreundInnen und Mitglieder herzlich zu einer Willkommensparty für Marty McFly ein.<br />
+Die Hooverbords sind leider ausverkauft aber das soll uns nicht davon abhalten Marty McFly gebührend willkommen zu heißen.<br />
+Für Getränke und Unterhaltung wird gesorgt.</p>
+<p><strong>Wann?</strong> Im Jahr 2015, am 21.10. ab 18:00.<br />
+<strong>Wo?</strong> Natürlich im realraum, Brockmanngasse 15</p>
+<p>Wir freuen uns auf Euer Kommen.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: <img src="/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/icon-social-github.png" style="background-color:#000;
+ padding:4px;" />
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 297
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=297
+date: '2015-10-21 01:42:43 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-10-20 23:42:43 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Mitglied werden
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 320
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=320
+date: '2015-11-06 15:32:17 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2015-11-06 14:32:17 -0600'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Schreib uns
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 321
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=321
+date: '2015-11-06 15:35:07 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2015-11-06 14:35:07 -0600'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: "Ãœber"
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 319
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=319
+date: '2015-11-06 15:32:17 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2015-11-06 14:32:17 -0600'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: "Ãœber"
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 318
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=318
+date: '2015-11-06 15:32:17 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2015-11-06 14:32:17 -0600'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Munchkin Spieleabend
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 323
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=323
+date: '2015-11-12 00:50:12 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2015-11-11 23:50:12 -0600'
+- Veranstaltungen
+- german
+- event
+- munchkin
+- social
+comments: []
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Invitation_Munchkin_Game_Night-e1447286023439.jpeg"><img class="alignnone size-large wp-image-330" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Invitation_Munchkin_Game_Night-1024x737.jpeg" alt="Invitation_Munchkin_Game_Night" width="750" height="540" /></a></p>
+<p><strong>Am 19.11.2015 ab 19:00 Uhr</strong> gibts (endlich) einen Munchkin Spieleabend im realraum!</p>
+<p>Also einfach alles, was an Munchkin-Sachen vorhanden ist, einpacken und mitnehmen. :) Zusätzlich hat auch noch xro Geburtstag, welcher dann gleich mitgefeiert wird.</p>
+<p>Wir freuen uns schon auf zahlreiches Erscheinen und einen genialen Abend.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: OpenPGP workshop
+ display_name: nicoo
+ login: nicoo
+ email: nicolas@braud-santoni.eu
+ url: ''
+author_login: nicoo
+author_email: nicolas@braud-santoni.eu
+wordpress_id: 335
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=335
+date: '2015-11-18 16:05:09 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2015-11-18 15:05:09 -0600'
+- Veranstaltungen
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>N<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/pgp-lock-logo.gif"><img class=" size-full wp-image-337 alignleft" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/pgp-lock-logo.gif" alt="pgp-lock-logo" width="88" height="108" /></a>ext Tuesday (24th), I will hold an OpenPGP workshop in r³, starting at 20:00.</p>
+<p style="text-align: left;">OpenPGP is a (some say <em>the</em>) standard for providing strong cryptographic confidentiality and authenticity for files, messages, software, ...</p>
+<p>If you use an operating system that authenticates its software updates (and that is not Windows), you probably already rely on it without knowing!</p>
+<p>You can find all the details <a title="OpenPGP worshop -- Grical" href="http://grical.realraum.at/e/show/712/#what" target="_blank">in Grical</a>, but here is a quick overview:</p>
+<li>We will talk about what this is, and what this is not.</li>
+<li>We will walk together through how to use this.</li>
+<li>We will discuss best practices, and how to apply them in a not-inconvenient way.</li>
+<li>Bring your own laptop, and a USB thumbdrive that you can format (even better, <a title="Tails" href="https://tails.boum.org/index.en.html" target="_blank">install Tails</a> on it if you know how).</li>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Screwing screws
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 343
+wordpress_url: https://wp.realraum.at/?p=343
+date: '2015-12-08 23:08:39 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2015-12-08 22:08:39 -0600'
+- realraum News
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/wpid-wp-1449612442066.jpg"><img class=" wp-image-341 size-medium alignleft" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/wpid-wp-1449612442066-300x228.jpg" alt="wpid-wp-1449612442066.jpg" width="300" height="228" /></a></p>
+<p><strong><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/wpid-wp-1449612457093.jpg"><img class="alignnone wp-image-342 " src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/wpid-wp-1449612457093-300x248.jpg" alt="wpid-wp-1449612457093.jpg" width="274" height="227" /></a></strong></p>
+<p><strong>If your screws screw you over, just file it away and screw them back.</strong></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: made with ♥ in realraum
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 346
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=346
+date: '2015-12-23 04:01:28 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2015-12-23 03:01:28 -0600'
+- Projekte
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/madein.jpg"><img class="alignnone wp-image-348 size-full" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/madein-e1450839574953.jpg" alt="madein" width="619" height="283" /></a></p>
+<p>Some of you might know this little signs saying "Made with ♥ in San Francisco" (or similar) on the webpages and gadgets you love. We also make stuff with ♥, not all of it digital, so we made our own sign. :-)</p>
+<p>If you feel like it, you can use our sign - our make your own. You can find the used file in our <a href="https://github.com/realraum/logo/tree/master/made-with-love"><em>logo</em> git Repository</a> on GitHub. (By the way, we use the <a href="http://www.1001fonts.com/cagliostro-font.html">Cagliostro</a> font for our logo.)</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Wichtel Lamp
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 361
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=361
+date: '2015-12-23 03:26:56 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2015-12-23 02:26:56 -0600'
+- Projekte
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lampe4.jpg"><img class="alignnone wp-image-365 size-medium" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lampe4-225x300.jpg" alt="lampe4" width="225" height="300" /></a> <a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lampe1.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-363" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lampe1-225x300.jpg" alt="lampe1" width="225" height="300" /></a> <a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lampe2.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-364" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lampe2-225x300.jpg" alt="lampe2" width="225" height="300" /></a></p>
+<p>Although not a big fan of Christmas, tradition, and Christmas tradition, Stefan used the <em>realraum</em> nightshift to build a lamp as a Wichtel present. The lamp features a mountain on the front side, which is lit from the inside by some simple LED setup. Furthermore, it is able to change the color of the light via an IR remote.</p>
+<p>The process of creating the lamp involved vectorizing the image, lasercutting the pieces, rasping some small errors, soldering and glueing of all the things! So basically all important parts of <em>realraum</em>'s infrastructure were used in building the lamp. ;-)</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lampe3.jpg"><img class="alignnone wp-image-362 size-medium" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lampe3-300x225.jpg" alt="lampe3" width="300" height="225" /></a><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lampe5.jpg"> <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-370" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lampe5-300x225.jpg" alt="lampe5" width="300" height="225" /></a></p>
+<p>Special thanks to <a href="https://twitter.com/erdbrbl">erdbrbl</a>, <a href="http://spreadspace.org">equinox</a> and <a href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=xro:xro">xro</a> for their assistance, guidance, and teaching me how 2-components adhesive works.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Open bioLab Graz Austria - Start in's neue Jahr
+ display_name: Daniel D
+ login: danield
+ email: derndorfer_d@gmx.at
+ url: https://synbiota.com/users/Tribble_D
+author_login: danield
+author_email: derndorfer_d@gmx.at
+author_url: https://synbiota.com/users/Tribble_D
+wordpress_id: 512
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=512
+date: '2016-01-22 21:00:23 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-01-22 20:00:23 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- Veranstaltungen
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>2016...der Start in ein neues Jahr. Auch heuer sind wir top-motiviert um neue Projekte in und rund ums Labor ins Leben zu rufen. Das OLGA bietet jungen ForscherInnen und WissenschafterInnen die Möglichkeit sich selbst zu verwirklichen, ihren Wissensdrang nach zu gehen und den Durst nach alternativen Formen der Wissenschaft, wie sie stets als Praxis bezogene Handlung vorliegt, löschen können.  Denn jede Theorie ist nichts wert ohne ihre Praxis.</p>
+<p>"Self-made" wird bei uns groß geschrieben. Damit ist nicht nur das selbstständige Arbeiten sondern auch die Projektplanung, die Einrichtung, Werkzeug, Proben & Materialienbeschaffung...ganz im Namen der Maker-Scene.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-413" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/DSC_0657-300x169.jpg" alt="DSC_0657" width="300" height="169" /></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Selbstverständlich bauen wir keine Photometer oder Zentrifugen selber, aber wir kümmern uns persönlich darum im Kontakt mit Instituten zu stehen, die teure Geräte aus Gründen kleinster Mängel entsorgen müssen, und holen uns diese direkt ab, schaffen sie in unser Labor und bügeln die Mängel wieder aus um dann ein tolles Mess- oder Arbeitsgerät zu besitzen.</p>
+<p>Erst beim Entstehungsprozess denkt man darüber nach, wie man vom derzeitigen Zustand und vorhandenen Mitteln zum eigentlichen Ziel kommt. Und auch ohne großen finanziellen Mitteln kann man viel dazu beitragen, man muss nur ein bisschen grübeln und überlegen.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/DSC_0656.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-412" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/DSC_0656-300x169.jpg" alt="DSC_0656" width="300" height="169" /></a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Was das Ziel ist, dass steht gar nicht so deutlich im Vordergrund. Die Erkenntnis während bestimmter Arbeitsschritte bringt einem persönlich viel mehr, denn Erfahrungen kann man später immer brauchen, oder man hat einfach Spaß an der Wissenschaft, so wie ich ;)  Selbstverständlich aber versucht man auch etwas zu kreieren, seine Arbeit Früchte tragen zu lassen. Als Biohacker und non-profit Verein möchten wir die Erfahrungen und Resultate der Experimente mit Anderen teilen und versuchen so einen Schritt in die Richtung der freien und unabhängigen Forschung ganz im Sinne des Open-Access zu betreiben (man möge anmerken, dass das Verfassen von schriftlichen Arbeiten für sämtliche ForscherInnen nicht immer ein Vergnügen bereitet, weshalb die Motivation dafür bislang relativ klein, aber dennoch vorhanden ist ;)  Als aktiv forschendes Mitglied möchte ich daher um etwas Nachsicht bitten, denn die meisten von uns sind noch hauptsächlich StudentInnen, ArbeiterInnen oder zu sozial um dauernd vor dem Bildschirm zu sitzen und zu schreiben :)  Aber wir geben uns Mühe).</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>See ya,<br />
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Tesla
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 464
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/2016/02/464/
+date: '2016-02-05 01:22:01 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-02-05 00:22:01 -0600'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: TESLA - an ode to our electronics corner
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 466
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=466
+date: '2016-02-05 01:31:20 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-02-05 00:31:20 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Not only has TESLA our electronics-corner been tidied up, it also has it's own <a href="https://wp.realraum.at/tesla-an-ode-to-our-electronics-corner/" title="page">page</a> now.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Light in realraum is now faster
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 474
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=474
+date: '2016-02-10 06:28:54 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-02-10 05:28:54 -0600'
+- Projekte
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><a href="http://licht.realraum.at" title="licht.realraum.at">licht.realraum.at</a>, went FTLw today. That is... it became much Faster Than Last week. :-)</p>
+<p>Since the Raspbian image upgrade and move to a bigger (but slower) SDcard, licht.realraum.at had become truly sluggish. To the point that pressing a button to turn on the light or change the stereo volume could take up to 6 seconds until something happened. (Obviously we disabled the swap-file long ago.)</p>
+<p>The problem was quickly identified. Processes don't load quickly enough.<br />
+The fact that the whole systems was a dunghill of bashscript cgi-scripts and python helper scripts also did not help. At all.</p>
+<p><strong>First attempt</strong> to rectify this: rewrite the python helper rf433ctl.py. Formerly it was a simple script that would be called by the cgi-script and send the appropriate bytes down to the teensy.<br />
+Each call to it, however now took forever. So. I rewrote it as a daemon that would constantly stay in memory and be nudged by other instances of it via RPC. The idea being, if it's already completely in memory, loading a second instance should be faster. Right? Wrong!. Unfortunately that did not work out at all.</p>
+<p><strong>Second attempt </strong>to rectify this: Remove the kiosk functionality and thus memory-hog midori from licht. Thankfully a very nice person gifted us a RaspberryPi per (almost) anonymous letter, so we had the necessary hardware on-hand to split the functionality onto two separate boxes: <a href="http://licht.realraum.at" title="licht.realraum.at"><code>licht.realraum.at</code></a> and <code>smallkiosk.realraum.at</code><br />
+Unfortunately, even freeing up 60% of memory did not even put a dent into the problem.</p>
+<p>So.. <strong>third and last attempt</strong>. Hit it with go ;-> In a 3 hour session, I rewrote the whole dunghill as a <a href="https://github.com/realraum/deckenlichtschalter/tree/master/linux/golightctrl">monolithic golang daemon/webserver/tty-handler</a> which, once loaded, always stays in memory. Then I got rid of lighthttpd and the python scripts. Result... Speedup from 6s to <=0.05s !!</p>
+<p>Should have done this right away really...</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Report on membershipmeeting Feb2016
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 472
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=472
+date: '2016-02-11 19:34:48 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-02-11 18:34:48 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>This months membership meetup was more cozy than usual. Also a lot more productive, judging on what happened the days after ;-)</p>
+<p><strong>The highlights:</strong></p>
+<li><strong>Easterhegg 2016</strong>. Originally we wanted to help out with cool lighting and take part as a big realraum delegation from Graz. Unfortunately tickets were quite suddenly and unexpectadly sold out. So there will be no realraum @ Easterhegg 2016 Salzburg. Too bad. Very sad. Some of us are going to Revision16 instead though.</li>
+<li><strong>Lasercutter exhaustvent and OLGA vents.</strong> Is finally going to be built. See upcoming post with pictures.</li>
+<li><strong>Curtain:</strong> Will finally happen. New curtain rod installation was finished on Wednsday and Curtain is scheduled for hanging on Friday.</li>
+<li><strong>mur.at:</strong> The future of our internet uplink is in flux. Interessting stuff will happen 2016/2017.</li>
+<li><strong>Finances</strong>: Over the next months we will test and then maybe introduce a new formal system for financing stuff in realraum.</li>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Python Usergroup @ realraum
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 494
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=494
+date: '2016-02-13 01:59:47 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-02-13 00:59:47 -0600'
+- Veranstaltungen
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>On February 1 there was once again the monthly <a href="https://pygraz.org">Python Usergroup Graz </a>meeting.<br />
+This time it didn’t take place at the <a href="http://spektral.at/">Spektral</a>, though, as at the<br />
+last second (well, a week in advance…) a schedule collision happened and the<br />
+nice folks behind spektral had to use that room for themselves. Luckily,<br />
+within a couple of hours a new venue for that evening was found at the<br />
+<a href="https://realraum.at">Realraum</a>! Big thanks to <a href="https://plus.google.com/+MichaelGebetsroither">Michael</a> and everyone else who helped here!</p>
+<p>So, what happened? We had two talks! <a href="https://zerokspot.com">Horst</a> gave a short tour through some of<br />
+nice string-formatting mechanisms you have with Python, something he had already<br />
+written about <a href="https://zerokspot.com/weblog/2015/12/31/new-string-formatting-in-python/">here</a> a couple of weeks ago. If you want to learn more, simply<br />
+read that post and visit <a href="https://pyformat.info/">pyformat.info</a>, which contains many more examples 😉</p>
+<p>Right after that, we had a quick introduction into some of the awesome things<br />
+you can do with <a href="http://pandas.pydata.org/">Pandas</a>. Big thanks to Moritz for that 😊 You can find his<br />
+slides on our <a href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/python-graz/Tb4c3EpFp3E">mailinglist</a>.</p>
+<p>We also had three visitors from <a href="http://pyug.at/">the Vienna Python usergroup</a> who come by<br />
+every once in a while and who have their <a href="http://www.meetup.com/PYUGAT/events/228288395/">next meetup incl. a coding dojo</a><br />
+on February 17 at the Metalab 😊</p>
+<p>The next meetup in Graz will be on March 1 most likely again at the<br />
+Spektral. Official announcement will be made soonish on <a href="http://www.meetup.com/PyGRAZ/">Meetup.com</a>,<br />
+<a href="https://pygraz.org">our website</a> and all the other nice places you can find us 😃</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: realraum room automation
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 500
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=500
+date: '2016-02-26 15:04:55 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-02-26 14:04:55 -0600'
+- Projekte
+- Veranstaltungen
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Since the foundation of realraum, we love to tinker with automating the room and playing around with sensor data. Yesterday we had a small talk where I could give an overview of how all that stuff currently works and what technologies we play around with.</p>
+<p>Have a look at the <a href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=roomauto:roomauto">Wiki Documentation</a> with a description of <a href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=roomauto:mqtt_topics">how MQTT is used</a> or the <a href="http://btittelbach.github.io/r3_sensors_light_power_talk/">Slides.</a></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Open bioLab Graz Austria - Offenes Labortreffen 28.02.2016
+ display_name: Daniel D
+ login: danield
+ email: derndorfer_d@gmx.at
+ url: https://synbiota.com/users/Tribble_D
+author_login: danield
+author_email: derndorfer_d@gmx.at
+author_url: https://synbiota.com/users/Tribble_D
+wordpress_id: 404
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=404
+date: '2016-02-29 21:30:04 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-02-29 20:30:04 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- Veranstaltungen
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Buntes Treiben und nein, es ist nicht Faschingsdienstag im OLGA.</p>
+<p>Nicht nur, dass wieder viele Leute uns die Ehre erteilt haben uns am Anfang des Semesters zu besuchen und sich das Open bioLab Graz Austria anzusehen, auch wenn aufgrund von Umbau-Arbeiten wenig Platz vorhanden war.</p>
+<p>Für diesem Zweck haben wir <em>Serratia</em> und <em>Pseudomonas</em>- Kulturen aus dem Kühlschrank geholt und damit LB Medium beimpft, die ONC haben sich nice verfärbt.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ONC.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-506" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ONC-300x169.jpg" alt="ONC" width="300" height="169" /></a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Aus den Kulturen wurden dann Glycerol-Stocks hergestellt und bei -20°C gelagert, für Arbeiten im kommenden Semester. Die anderen Stämme vom OLGA werden dem selben Vorgang unterzogen.</p>
+<p>Was für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten stets voraus gestellt wird und dem nichts-ahnendem Forscher immer ein Ärgernis erspart sind Kontrollen. Hier sind vier unterschiedliche Kulturen auf MacConkey-Agar ausgestrichen worden:</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/MacConkey-e1456777668120.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-505" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/MacConkey-e1456777548244-169x300.jpg" alt="MacConkey" width="169" height="300" /></a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Links oben: <em>E. coli</em> K12 Â Â Â Â Â Rechts oben: <em>Pseudomonas sp</em>.<br />
+Links unten: <em>E. coli</em> XL1 Â Â Â Â Rechts unten: <em>Serratia marcescens</em></p>
+<p>Bis auf eine sind sämtliche Kulturen in Ordnung, nur <em>E. coli</em> XL1 muss erneut begutachtet werden bevor die Glyc-Stocks erstellt werden. Die Platten, von denen Bakterien zum Inokulieren entnommen wurden, sind immerhin den ganzen Februar ungeachtet im Kühlschrank gelegen.</p>
+<p>Im Labor ist es derzeit etwas eng und chaotisch, da wir noch dabei sind die Lüftungsanlage fertig zusammen zu bauen, aber hilfsbereite Arbeitskräfte sind stets gern gesehen ;)</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: 'Membersmeeting: Improving the space, holding events'
+ display_name: petertheone
+ login: petertheone
+ email: petertheone@gmail.com
+ url: http://petergrassberger.at
+author_login: petertheone
+author_email: petertheone@gmail.com
+author_url: http://petergrassberger.at
+wordpress_id: 518
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=518
+date: '2016-03-15 00:49:15 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-03-14 23:49:15 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Once again, one month's member's meeting is adjourned and a lot of things are now to do. :)</p>
+<p><strong>Lots of things happened. </strong></p>
+<p>Today we got the last necessary parts for our pneumatic tube system aka lasercutter/OLGA ventilation system, for one. There's a good chance that after one year it will finally be completed this month. For another, the curtain got done. We decided to improve on the rings (currently zip-ties) that hold it, finally found matching rings and ordered them.</p>
+<p>NOC reports that project "one-member-account-for-everything" has come closer to completion. Instead of suffering problem riddled and partially insecure LDAP and outdated Kerberos we started to develop our own GSSAPI-compatible authentification replacement project. <a href="https://github.com/whawty/auth">Take a look.</a></p>
+<p>Status on our ticket-system is not so good. We tested two but they are suboptimal and we remain unconvinced. Still, we need one.</p>
+<p><strong>Upcoming Events:</strong></p>
+<p>This Friday, there will be RetroGaming. NES, C64, GameCube, Amiga 500, SegaMaster, SuperNintendo, lots of fun! :-)</p>
+<p>Starting next month, the Internet-of-Thinks / Homeautomation Meetup will become a regular thing. Every third Thursday of the month.</p>
+<p>Somewhen after the Easter Holidays, there may be a Minix3 on BeagleBoneBlack install party.</p>
+<p>GLT16 is coming up and we'll have a booth and are considering organising some post-Linuxtage party or event.</p>
+<p>Camp++ in Hungary in August now has a fixed entry on our schedule. Hopefully lots of Austrian Hackerspaces will take part.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Abend der offenen Tür (Linuxtage Edition)
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 541
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=541
+date: '2016-04-24 23:26:05 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-04-24 21:26:05 -0500'
+- Veranstaltungen
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/steirertux.png"><img class="size-medium wp-image-546 alignright" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/steirertux-236x300.png" alt="Logo der Grazer Linuxtage" width="236" height="300" /></a><br />
+Am Freitag, 29. April, und Samstag, 30. April, finden wieder die alljährlichen <a href="https://linuxtage.at/">Grazer Linuxtage</a> statt. Neben vielen interessanten Workshops und Vorträgen ist der realraum auch heuer mit einem Stand vertreten.</p>
+<p>Außerdem <a href="https://glt16-programm.linuxtage.at/events/176.html">öffnen wir <strong>am Freitag ab 19:00</strong> unsere Türen</a> für Linuxtage BesucherInnen und alle, die den realraum mal "in echt" kennenlernen wollen. </p>
+<p>Es erwarten euch gemütliche Musik und Sofas, realraum Mitglieder zum Fragen und Plaudern, Führungen durch die Räumlichkeiten, blinkende LEDs und kühles Mate.</p>
+<p>Ihr findet uns in der <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/668061696#map=16/47.0656/15.4506">Brockmanngasse 15</a>, gleich neben der Neuen Technik (gleichnamige Straßenbahnhaltestelle der Linie 6 bzw. 26).</p>
+<p>Schaut vorbei, wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch!</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p><small>Es ist natürlich auch abseits dieses Abends jederzeit möglich, den realraum zu besuchen; auch alle <a href="https://wp.realraum.at/kalender/">unsere Veranstaltungen</a> sind kostenlos.</small></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Visit from Counter Culture Labs
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 555
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=555
+date: '2016-04-28 02:08:03 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-04-28 00:08:03 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/12960429_DSC02711.jpg"><img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-554" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/12960429_DSC02711-1024x683.jpg" alt="12960429_DSC02711" width="750" height="500" /></a></p>
+<p>Mary Ward from Counter Culture Labs in Oakland, California is currently visiting Graz. Today she gave a talk @ realraum about her idea of doing microfluidic mRNA assay in space. Those were some really great ideas and nice example of putting existing stuff together to make even more exciting stuff.</p>
+<p>Since we already have a lot of experience with microfluidics and building space-worthy satellites, this turned out to be the perfect topic for our space. Beautiful discussion and knowledge exchange ensued and will continue on Sunday. :-)</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/12960429_DSC02720.jpg"><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-553" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/12960429_DSC02720-300x200.jpg" alt="12960429_DSC02720" width="300" height="200" /></a><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/12960429_DSC02722.jpg"><img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-552" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/12960429_DSC02722-300x200.jpg" alt="12960429_DSC02722" width="300" height="200" /></a></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: The long road to fixing our TAZ4 3D Printer
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 532
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=532
+date: '2016-05-11 03:31:23 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-05-11 01:31:23 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- english
+- taz4
+- lulzbot
+- 3dprinter
+- repair
+- AD5206
+- firmware
+- SMD
+- soldering
+comments: []
+<p>Around the end of Februar 2016 prints with our trusty only 11 months old TAZ4 3D Printer started to fail. Specifically the extruder just stopped extruding mid-print, while everything else was working along as if nothing had happened.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_4922.jpg"><img class=" wp-image-583 size-medium alignright" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_4922-300x215.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="215" /></a></p>
+<p>After some investigation, we discovered the problem, the extruder stepper motor was getting waaayyy tooo hot. Each time, about 10 to 15 minutes into a print, the extruder/feed stepper would reach 91°C and just stop moving. As no more filament was being extruded, prints were getting ruined.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p><strong>Fixing It - First Attempts<br />
+<p>First I ran a print with the filament removed, the filament tension mount relaxed in order to reduce any resistance the stepper might encounter. Still it overheated. Obviously we tried attaching a heatsink, but of course that just bought a few extra minutes.</p>
+<p>My first idea was to trim the micropotis on the controller board and reduce the motorcurrent. Alas, there were no potis to be found. Then equinox suggested it might be a mechanical problem since everything was working fine the last eleven months.</p>
+<p>So we took the extruder apart twice. Second time around an hour later, we discovered that the M10 nut of the bolt conveying the filament which has the big cog on it's other side, was way too tight. Presumably someone wanted to improve things by tightening the screw.<br />
+The result being, that the washer pressed on the bearing and put the brakes on the extruder motor.</p>
+<p>Additionally I discovered that the screw afixing the steppershaft to the PLA cogwheel was loose. Possibly the hot motor softened the PLA enough for the shaft to slip through and cause the motor to turn by itself.</p>
+<p>Sadly, none of these fixed solved our problem. Our NEMA17 still overheated, with 90°C being far outside it's absolute maximum rating of 60°C (<a href="%20https://www.lulzbot.com/store/parts/nema-17-stepper-motor">Specs</a>) and even further away from the 42°C operating temperature reported on the internet.</p>
+<p><strong>Fixing It - Delving into the firmware.</strong></p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_580" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_4926.jpg"><img class="wp-image-580 size-medium" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_4926-300x253.jpg" alt="Heating resistor, dead and crumbling apart" width="300" height="253" /></a> Heating resistor, dead and crumbling apart[/caption]</p>
+<p>Returning to my first idea, I found out that the Rambo1.3L controller board used by the TAZ4 does allow one to adjust the motor currents. It actually uses a digital potentiometer, an SPI connected AD5206 chip, to adjust the current limiting reference voltage for the stepper drivers. Cool stuff, the firmware can actually adjust the stepper current. Allowing the user to either change values with GCODE commands M907 and M908 or by changing DIGIPOT_MOTOR_CURRENT #define in Configuration_adv.h and recompiling.</p>
+<p>I thoroughly tested various settings but to my surprise, there did not seem to be any noticeable effect. In fact, even setting the current to zero, did not affect any of the steppers at all.</p>
+<p>The TAZ4 Marlin Firmware comes with it's own SPI Arduino library, so I tried that as well as the newest version. No difference.</p>
+<p>Somewhere at this point, bug hunting went on so late into the night that I even started hallucinating bugs in the Marlin Firmware that weren't really there.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p><strong>Fixing Other Stuff.</strong></p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_567" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_5214_20160510013122123.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-567" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_5214_20160510013122123-300x273.jpg" alt="brown spots were stepper drivers are on the backside" width="300" height="273" /></a> brown spots on the middle left were stepper drivers are on the backside[/caption]</p>
+<p>During testing we also discovered, that the extruder would not heat up. A problem we quickly traced to the heating resistor which basically crumbled in my hand when I inspected it. This was probably a result of our printing experiments with Bridge Nylon at 335°C and quickly fixed as Lulzbot thankfully uses a common resistor that can easily be ordered online.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p><strong>Fixing It - Delving into the hardware.</strong></p>
+<p>The next step was looking up the AD5206 datasheet and <a href="https://github.com/ultimachine/RAMBo/blob/master/docs/RAMBoSchem.pdf">RAMBO Schematics</a>, dusting off my OpenLogicBench analyser and sniff that SPI bus. This was not without problems, as the SPI signal was barely recognizable on an oscilloscope as long as the display was connected to the SPI bus as well. The logic analyser could not even differentiate HIGH from LOW. After disconnecting it, we had much more luck decoding signals on the oscilloscope but not with the logic analyser.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_581" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_4923.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-581" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_4923-300x220.jpg" alt="SMD Hot-Air-Soldering Rambo1.3L on RepRap Heatbed" width="300" height="220" /></a> SMD Hot-Air-Soldering Rambo1.3L on RepRap Heatbed[/caption]</p>
+<p>After many hours of experimenting, I finally concluded that the AD5206 was shot. No matter what command was sent, the reference voltages generated would remain the same. The Z and E axis was always driven with the maximum current. On the Z axis, that was ok, since the current is split between two motors. For the E axis, it was the cause of our overheating problem.</p>
+<p>Inspecting the backside of the board, one can even clearly see where the high current going through the E0 and Z stepper drivers blackened the backside of the board. (two chip-sized dark spots)</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Seeing it as a nice opportunity to test some SMD soldering skills before replacing the whole board, I ordered some AD5206 chips.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_582" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_5129.jpg"><img class="wp-image-582 size-medium" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_5129-300x198.jpg" alt="Testing the PID controlled heat-bed with some Sencha" width="300" height="198" /></a> Later version of the PID controlled heat-bed being tested with some Sencha green tea[/caption]</p>
+<p>On of our members, Laszlo, lent realraum his Hot Air Solderer. In order to make things go even smoother, I re-purposed our old RepRap heat-bed as a Teensy and PID controlled, SMD preheating plattform. (With OLED Graph and WS2812b LEDS of course)</p>
+<p>As our USB microscope revealed, my soldering work turned out to not be picture perfect, mostly due to difficulties cleaning the pads of excess solder. All pins had good connection however and thus I moved on to testing.</p>
+<p>Unfortunately it turned out, that, while the AD5206 clearly reacts to SPI commands now and the reference voltages could be changed with GCODE commands, I could only affect change in a range of 0 to 9mV for E0 and E1 rather than the full necessary range of 0 to 1.8V. Funny enough, the values for the X,Y,Z axes were still approximately correct, but similarly could only be affected in a range of 9mV. Obviously something else was broken or broken as well.</p>
+<p><center><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/vlcsnap-2016-03-31-05h43m15s846.jpg"><img class=" alignnone wp-image-535 size-medium" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/vlcsnap-2016-03-31-05h43m15s846-300x225.jpg" alt="vlcsnap-2016-03-31-05h43m15s846" width="300" height="225" /></a><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/vlcsnap-2016-03-31-05h42m23s519.jpg"><img class=" alignnone wp-image-534 size-medium" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/vlcsnap-2016-03-31-05h42m23s519-300x225.jpg" alt="vlcsnap-2016-03-31-05h42m23s519" width="300" height="225" /></a></center>At this point, I might have tried fixing the reference voltage with fly-wire voltage dividers. Instead I decided to not sink any more nights into the project but just order a new Rambo board. Especially as the backside clearly showed where the board suffered too much current and heat and more things might be broken.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_568" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_5213.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-568" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_5213-300x169.jpg" alt="New board finally arrived" width="300" height="169" /></a> New board finally arrived[/caption]</p>
+<p><strong>Fixing It - Ordering a replacement Rambo1.3L</strong></p>
+<p>Comparing prices including customs tax, we ordered from the UltiMachine online shop. The board was promptly shipped and arrived in Austria only a few days later. Not grounds for immediate joy however, as Austrian customs is currently understaffed and decided to not even look at our parcel for four !!! whole weeks. <conspiracy fun>I wonder if most of the customs officers were sent on holiday during the Obama EU visit, in order to make some roundabout statement about how, if only people would stop their valid fear of american food products and accept TTIP into their bodies and hearts, their parcels would arrive much faster. (No I obviously don't really believe that, but it's a fun idea)</conspiracy fun></p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_598" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_5217.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-598" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_5217-300x264.jpg" alt="Successfull print with new board and settings" width="300" height="264" /></a> Successfull print with new board and settings[/caption]</p>
+<p>Yesterday, the board finally arrived and got installed.</p>
+<p>Today, after some tests I was very pleased with the E0 stepper temperature staying at a comfortable 45°C now. However X and Y steppers were getting slightly hotter than before. (60°C after 1h of printing.) Of course we don't want to lower the values too much as it would impact acceleration. After some fiddling, I went with what should be 0.275A less current for those steppers and set the values below in Configuration_adv.h.</p>
+<p>After a bit of testing I'm not entirely convinced that all the settings reach the AD5206 correctly each and every time. Might be the display connected via long wires in a star configuration of the same SPI bus is a design issue. Likely a bit more testing is still required.</p>
+<p>Still, after 1.5 months we're finally able to 3D print again. Celebrations and careful printing may commence :-)</p>
+<p><code>// Motor Current setting for digital trimpot<br />
+// Order: X,Y,Z,E0,E1 according to DIGIPOT_CHANNELS in pins.h<br />
+#define DIGIPOT_MOTOR_CURRENT {120,120,240,135,135} // Values 0-255 (RAMBO 135 = ~0.75A, 185 = ~1A)</code></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: All the drawers are <del>belong</del>made by us
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 624
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=624
+date: '2016-05-14 22:33:54 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-05-14 20:33:54 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Our shelf next to our electronics corner, aptly named TESLA, is getting a bit crowded. Luckily we have our own lasercutter. Why not make drawers? After today's lasercutter workshop, nothing would be more obvious. So I made the beginning and created the first. The basic idea now is:</p>
+<blockquote><p>If everybody who doesn't know where to put stuff any more, makes just one drawer, we will end up with a cool and individualized shelf.</p></blockquote>
+<p>Everybody is invited to use the drawers in this <a href="https://github.com/realraum/tesla_schubladen">github repository</a> to get started quickly and add their own designs.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<hr />
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_5227.jpg"><img class=" size-thumbnail wp-image-623 alignleft" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/wpid-dsc_5227-150x112.jpg" alt="wpid-dsc_5227.jpg" width="150" height="112" /></a>In other News: H sponsored earphones, so people watching videos on Würfel, our pc directly connected to the room's stereo, no longer need to play to an audience.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: 'Debian on ZFS: It''s alive... It''s alive, it''s moving, it''s alive, it''s
+ alive, IT''S ALIVE!'
+ display_name: nicoo
+ login: nicoo
+ email: nicolas@braud-santoni.eu
+ url: ''
+author_login: nicoo
+author_email: nicolas@braud-santoni.eu
+wordpress_id: 633
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=633
+date: '2016-05-22 19:48:48 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-05-22 17:48:48 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/zfs_alive.jpg"><img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-637" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/zfs_alive-241x300.jpg" alt="zfs_alive" width="241" height="300" /></a>Last night, r³ saw, as a world première, the first boot of the first computer running pure Debian with ZFS-on-Linux.<br />
+There definitely were some before, using third-party packages (including my other laptop), by this is an important step for native ZFS support in Debian.</p>
+<p>I will probably be involved, in the coming weeks, in squashing ZFS bugs and making sure that Debian Stretch users get a smooth ZFS experience.<br />
+Don't hesitate to drop by and ask questions if you are curious about ZFS, or borrow the ZFS books I added to the library  ;-)</p>
+<p>The whole install is described <a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/root-on-zfs.txt" target="_blank">here</a> and on a <a title="[Pkg-zfsonlinux-devel] Root-on-ZFS on Stretch" href="https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-zfsonlinux-devel/2016-May/000658.html" target="_blank">post to the pkg-zfsonlinux-devel</a> mailing-list.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: New trash separation system
+ display_name: Patrick Strasser
+ login: trapicki
+ email: patrick@wirklich.priv.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: trapicki
+author_email: patrick@wirklich.priv.at
+wordpress_id: 654
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=654
+date: '2016-06-13 23:30:56 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-06-13 21:30:56 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- english
+- trash
+comments: []
+<p>xro improved our trash bin situation. <strong>Paper</strong> is next to the entrance</p>
+<p>Further suggestions welcome.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_648" align="alignnone" width="225"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Müllständer.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-648" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Müllständer-225x300.jpg" alt="The new trash separation system." width="225" height="300" /></a> The new trash separation system.[/caption]</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: 'Project of the day: solder stand'
+ display_name: Patrick Strasser
+ login: trapicki
+ email: patrick@wirklich.priv.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: trapicki
+author_email: patrick@wirklich.priv.at
+wordpress_id: 645
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=645
+date: '2016-06-13 23:27:56 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-06-13 21:27:56 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Found something to improve r³ at Neuhold today. Now the days of untidy solder wire at TESLA are over!</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_651" align="alignleft" width="231"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/SMD-Solder-wild.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-651" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/SMD-Solder-wild-231x300.jpg" alt="SMD solder before. Getting worse every time." width="231" height="300" /></a> Fine solder wire before. Getting trangled up every time.[/caption]</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_650" align="alignleft" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/SMD-Solder-holder-parts.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-650" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/SMD-Solder-holder-parts-300x225.jpg" alt="A nice set of simple to build parts." width="300" height="225" /></a> A nice set of simple to build parts.[/caption]</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_649" align="alignleft" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/SMD-Solder-holder-finished.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-649" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/SMD-Solder-holder-finished-300x204.jpg" alt="10 minutes later: everything tidied up." width="300" height="204" /></a> 10 minutes later: everything nice and tidy.[/caption]</p>
+<p> </p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Was lange währt, hängt endlich gut
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 659
+wordpress_url: https://wp.realraum.at/?p=659
+date: '2016-06-24 16:03:08 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-06-24 14:03:08 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- Projekte
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Not long after realraum moved to it's current premises, we knew we wanted a curtain in the front windows, just like in the old realraum. Not only to better use the beamer during the day, but also to keep the room cooler in the summer and have a tiny bit more insulation in the winter. There was also hope of it dampening echos and loud noises.</p>
+<p>That was about 2 years ago.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_668" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/DSC_4789.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-668" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/DSC_4789-300x130.jpg" alt="finally some sturdy wood" width="300" height="130" /></a> finally some sturdy wood[/caption]</p>
+<p>But how to hang the curtain. The ceiling after all, does not bear any loads. The search for a solution that would allow us to move the curtain freely over the ranges of a 4 and 5 meter wide front window began. The old curtains were both too short and not enough. Where to get nice looking fabric cheap, that is both fire retardant and thick enough to insulate was also an open question. Of course such fabric would be heavy and did I mention the ceiling does not bear any loads.</p>
+<p>Now enter a handful of engineers with dwindling spare time, different opinions and varying expertise into the mix and you may begin to see what took so long.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_669" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/DSC_4790.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-669" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/DSC_4790-300x154.jpg" alt="one of two long pipes" width="300" height="154" /></a> one of two long pipes[/caption]</p>
+<p>Quite early, we agreed that spanning two extremely sturdy pipes from one wall to the column to the other wall was the solution to go with. Eventually Christoph procured one for us which was a bit thicker than anticipated. Somewhen, frequent visitor and hobby seamstress Sasa managed to get us between 200 and 300 m² of great fabric for a bit over a 100 Euros. Thank you Sasa for making them into curtains and even putting in the eyelets.</p>
+<p>Some very motivated members promised to mount the pipe but went to work more quickly than anyone had anticipated. Miscommunication happened, some mistakes were made. Finally we re-mounted the pipe three times.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_672" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/DSC_4829.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-672" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/DSC_4829-300x172.jpg" alt="zip-ties a smooth sliding curtain not make" width="300" height="172" /></a> zip-ties a smooth sliding curtain not makes[/caption]</p>
+<p>The first attempt had to go because the wood holding up the load was too thin. Instead of the planned U-cut to hold the pipe, an easy V-cut was made. The pressure exuded on the panel in direction of the fibres caused the wood to crack pretty early on. Then, instead of moving away the cable conduit (which later, turned out to be really easy to do), a daring constructions of wooden distance holders bridge was built in order to mount the pipe-holing-wood <strong>on top </strong>of the cable conduit. While not very tidy, the real problem here was that the screws were too long for the holes drilled. (Understand: were talking about a massive and solid concrete column holding up the whole house. Even with the right equipment that doesn't drill easily). Consequently there was an air-gap between the column and the wood holding up the pipe. As we all remembered that day: screws hold stuff in place by way of static friction, i.e. pressing one material onto another e.g.. by pressing a piece of wood against a wall. They are not meant to withstand orthogonal forces and do not like to bear loads that way. Christian was the first to spot the air-gap. Exasperation and learning followed</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_671" align="alignright" width="241"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/DSC_4800.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-671" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/DSC_4800-241x300.jpg" alt="should brear a few hundred kg" width="241" height="300" /></a> should bear a few hundred kg[/caption]</p>
+<p>Eventually, the sturdy, thicker than what your normal hardwarestore sells, wood we wanted to use in the first place appeared and the pipe-holders got completely redone. Sturdy enough to hang a small car on it. Or, you know.. a curtain and some people that might stumble into it during a party. Gotta plan for everything.</p>
+<p>Finally, the pipe was not sufficiently secured against longitudinal movement. Meaning the direction in which you would pull when you move the curtain. Too much and the strings holding it in place might rip and crash everything down. Thankfully Christian also finally drilled holes at the ends and secured them with bolts across and through the pipe.</p>
+<p>Don't exhale yet, we're not done. The curtain still had to be mounted, and guess what. Curtainrings that fit a 42mm diameter pipe are really really hard to get. We tried to make due (thanks to Sandra for all the work), it's really hard to move a curtain that is hanging on 150 tightly bound zip ties. Eventually we found a German shop that sells big metal rings at a surprisingly reasonable price and ordered right away. I don't even want to explain why it then took 3 months for them to arrive.</p>
+<p>Yesterday, then, the long road had an end, the project finally got done. Our junior member David took up heart and down the pipes, replacing the zip-ties around the pipe with well moving (and sounding) metal rings.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_673" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/DSC_4876.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-673" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/DSC_4876-300x105.jpg" alt="no more sliding rods" width="300" height="105" /></a> no more shifting rods[/caption]</p>
+<p>So end of story. Finally. Or is it? Because we also ordered clips to hang the curtain from it's eyelets to the rings. We ordered new eyelets with a bigger inner diameter because the clips would not fit in the very small ones we had when Sasa and Sandra put them in. (Never believe the online-shopping product description). Right now the curtain and the clips/rings are still connected with zip-ties. So the question remains... do we still care? Or did anybody even read all the way down?</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: LaserAccess Updated
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 685
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=685
+date: '2016-07-07 06:54:44 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-07-07 04:54:44 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- Projekte
+- english
+- MakingCrafting
+- lasercutter
+- accesscontrol
+comments: []
+<p>Updated the Laser-cutter access control box today. Major changes include.<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/lasercutter_zeit_und_karte.jpg"><img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-686" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/lasercutter_zeit_und_karte-198x300.jpg" alt="lasercutter_zeit_und_karte" width="198" height="300" /></a></p>
+<li>Now features a big flat space that will happily hold your RFID access card, token or whole wallet. No more fumbling and trying to get a card to stick to the side of the box</li>
+<li>Dedicated holder for USB-sticks, the laser-cutter key and the focus distance measurement spacers.</li>
+<li>Dead-Person-Button - remaining time indicator lights are more diffused by the cover and thus more muted.</li>
+<p>The basic logic remains the same. Once you went through the laser-cutter introduction and got access, just put your RFID token on top of the reader. The beep and the green bar indicates the laser is now hot and you can start cutting. Press the DeadPersonButton while the bar is still green to indicate you are watching and realraum hasn't burned down yet. Remove the card when you're done. Beeps and blinks will indicate that laser is now being disabled.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=lasercutter:anleitungen_und_materialdaten">wiki for more</a>.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Kommendes
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 697
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=697
+date: '2016-09-06 23:08:41 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-09-06 21:08:41 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Veranstaltung abhalten
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 696
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=696
+date: '2016-09-06 23:07:37 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-09-06 21:07:37 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: r3 im Radio
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 698
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=698
+date: '2016-09-08 13:42:25 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-09-08 11:42:25 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Gute Nachrichten für Leute die Podcast-Futter für den mp3-Player oder das Handy suchen. Im letzten <a href="https://cba.fro.at/series/substral">#Substral </a>auf Radio Helsinki wurde eine Stunde lang unterhaltsam über den realraum geplauscht.</p>
+<p>Nachhören kann man die ganze Sendung hier: <a href="https://cba.fro.at/323427">https://cba.fro.at/323427</a></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Exkursion Teilchenbeschleuniger MedAustron
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 722
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=722
+date: '2016-09-30 18:56:45 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-09-30 16:56:45 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- Veranstaltungen
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Letzten Freitag nutzten wir einen der seltenen Wartungslot der <a href="https://www.medaustron.at/de/teilchenbeschleuniger">MedAustron</a> in Wiener Neustadt um den dort befindlichen Teilchenbeschleuniger zu besichtigen. Linearbeschleuniger, Synchrotron, Gentry und alles Dazugehörige.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Visiting IRNAS
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 738
+wordpress_url: https://wp.realraum.at/?p=738
+date: '2016-11-05 18:43:31 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2016-11-05 17:43:31 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Last Friday we went on an afternoon trip to the nice city of Maribor in Slovenia, less than one car hour from Graz, to met Shuttleworth Foundation Fellow Luka and BoÅ¡tjan of <a href="http://irnas.eu/">IRNAS</a>, their Institute for development of advanced applied systems RaÄ\8de and watch dem develop Open Source Hardware as well as do some DIY BioHacking.</p>
+<p><a href="https://galley.realraum.at/index.php?/category/IRNAS2016">Check out our gallery</a> and see some nice photos of their DIY BioLab, the hardware developement lab and the newest Koruza Prototypes.</p>
+<p>IRNAS is located on the 2nd level of the Creative center Tkalka, right in the city center. The building also hosts a big CoWorking Space and an even more impressig Fab Lab, the <a href="http://www.kreatorlab.si/" target="_blank">Kreator:Lab.</a>Â There is even a small beer lab.</p>
+<h4>Some Projects of note:<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/IRNAS_2016-11-04_15h03m09_Maribor_Slovenia_DSC-HX90V-me.jpg"><img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-747" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/IRNAS_2016-11-04_15h03m09_Maribor_Slovenia_DSC-HX90V-me-300x200.jpg" alt="irnas_2016-11-04_15h03m09_maribor_slovenia_dsc-hx90v-me" width="300" height="200" /></a></h4>
+<p><strong>Koruza</strong>: Is an IRNAS developed open-hardware free-space optical network system, which connects your network via a 1 Gbps laserlink</p>
+<p><strong>SafeCast</strong>: is an open-hardware geiger counter, already well known of the <a href="http://safecast.org/tilemap/">SafeCastMap</a></p>
+<p><strong>GoodEnoughCNC Family</strong>: is a three axis system used in 3D Printer projects like the Troublemaker or cheap CNC mills or even a DIY plasma cutter.</p>
+<p> </p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Unified Hackerspace Event Calendar
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 750
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=750
+date: '2016-11-07 15:25:24 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-11-07 14:25:24 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Abroad in Europe? Touring all the Hackerspace? Want to know where stuff is happening and when?</p>
+<p>Check out the <a href="https://spaceapi.ccc.de/">CCC Spaces Calendar Map</a></p>
+<p>Shortly after discussing the idea at Geekend16, an awesome person at CCC created this even more awesome calendar event aggregator for CCC associated hackerspaces. It works by grabbing calendar and location information from SpaceAPI.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Beispiel der praktischen Anwendung eines 3D-Druckers
+ display_name: Daniel D
+ login: danield
+ email: derndorfer_d@gmx.at
+ url: https://synbiota.com/users/Tribble_D
+author_login: danield
+author_email: derndorfer_d@gmx.at
+author_url: https://synbiota.com/users/Tribble_D
+wordpress_id: 755
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=755
+date: '2016-11-16 18:29:24 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-11-16 17:29:24 -0600'
+- Projekte
+- german
+- MakingCrafting
+- 3dprinting
+- realraum
+- creative
+comments: []
+<p>„Schnell, schnell! Wir brauchen noch ein wunderbares und nicht käuflich erwerbbares Geschenk für Mama, Papa, Opa, Oma und meine 2 Geschwister. Alles individuell auf die jeweilige Persönlichkeit zugeschnitten.“  ...tjaaa, da wird’s meistens schon etwas eng mit der Geschenks Auswahl.</p>
+<p>Aber zum Glück sind viele Leute kreativ und können sich dafür etwas ausdenken. „Heureka!“, ruft dann der erhellte Geist und verweist einem auf den Vorschlag, man könne doch kleine Skulpturen der jeweiligen Lieblingstiere schenken (ich selber sammle seit Kindesalter allerlei Figuren von Schildkröten). „Super Idee, Gehirn. Aber wie soll ich das anstellen? Wie soll ich meine Idee in die Praxis umsetzen?“</p>
+<p>Und hier kommt der Realraum ins Spiel! Hackerspaces dieser Art sprühen geradezu nur von Kreativität und Handlungsdrang, vor allem wenn sie so gut ausgestattet sind wie wir ;) Ob Holzgeschnitze, sämtliches Gedrähte (also Draht) zum Biegen und Löten, dünne Holzplatten, verklebbare Teile oder individuelle Kunstwerte aus Plastik,…mit unserer Werkbank, dem Lasercutter oder dem 3D Drucker sind die Möglichkeiten mannigfaltig. Wer noch ungeübt ist mit dem Umgang jener Gerätschaften kann sich natürlich Hilfe von den Mitgliedern holen, besser 3x nachgefragt als 1x kaputt gemacht.</p>
+<p>So hat man schnell das passende Geburtstagsgeschenk gefunden, in dem Fall mit dem 3D-Drucker selbst erstellt. Wer der Meinung ist, wenig Zeit oder nicht kreativ genug dafür zu sein (so wie ich :P ) kann sich genug Models und Vorlagen aus dem Internet holen.</p>
+<p><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-757" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/IMG_20161018_233115lllllll-232x300.jpg" alt="dav" width="232" height="300" /><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-758" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/IMG_20161018_233124kkkkk-205x300.jpg" alt="dav" width="205" height="300" /></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Re(Share|Make|Think) Party
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 761
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=761
+date: '2016-11-18 00:51:33 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-11-17 23:51:33 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- Veranstaltungen
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Reformieren wir das Urheberrecht in Europa. Machen wir eine Party!</p>
+<p>Was hat das eine mit dem anderen zu tun?</p>
+<p><a href="https://grical.realraum.at/e/show/868/">Party Party Party!!!<br />
+</a><img class="alignright" src="https://galley.realraum.at/_data/i/galleries/Veranstaltungen/2015-03-13_Pi-Day_Party/DSC_1997-me.JPG" alt="" width="395" height="223" /></p>
+<p>am Samstag den 19.11. im realraum in der Brockmanngasse 15</p>
+<p>Wie Ihr fragt immer noch?</p>
+<p>Kommt vorbei!!</p>
+<p><a href="https://www.makerparty.community/realraum/re_share_make_think_party">Party ! Party ! Party ! Party !</a></p>
+<p>Immer noch hartnäckig am Kern der Sache interessiert?</p>
+<p>Also gut.</p>
+<p>Diesen Samstag, den 19.11.2016 ab 20:00 steigt im realraum eine große Party für Maker, Sharer und Denker.<br />
+Für Kreative die Schaffen! Ihre Erfahrung, Wissen und Werkzeuge mit der Allgemeinheit teilen, dabei an Dich und<br />
+die Welt denken und so auch Dir ermöglichen kreativ tätig zu werden, ohne die Fesseln eines nicht mehr zeitgemäßem<br />
+Urheberrechts. Damit z.b. <a href="https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/LG-Hamburg-will-Rechtmaessigkeit-seiner-Online-Inhalte-nicht-rechtsverbindlich-erklaeren-3568292.html">solcher Wahnsinn</a> endlich ein Ende hat.</p>
+<p><a href="https://www.changecopyright.org/">Werde aktiv, kreativ und feier mit uns!</a></p>
+<p>Essen solange vorhanden.</p>
+<p><strong>Update:</strong> <a href="https://galley.realraum.at/picture.php?/2117/category/134">Fotos vom Event</a></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: LabelAllTheThings
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 770
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=770
+date: '2016-11-29 01:15:27 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-11-29 00:15:27 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<h3>Labeling all the things, makes you happy.</h3>
+<h3>Our new label machine creates order.</h3>
+Order is happiness. Happiness is Order.</h3>
+<h3>All Obey. Obey & Label!</h3>
+<h3><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/labeloil.jpg"><img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-771" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/labeloil-300x199.jpg" alt="labeloil" width="300" height="199" /></a><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/labelusb.jpg"><img class=" size-medium wp-image-773 alignleft" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/labelusb-300x130.jpg" alt="labelusb" width="300" height="130" /></a></h3>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: RetroRaumParty - Oldskool strikes back
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 805
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=805
+date: '2016-12-06 13:25:24 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-12-06 12:25:24 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- Veranstaltungen
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<h3>This weekend, realraum is going retro again.</h3>
+<p><a href="https://grical.realraum.at/e/show/876/">Saturday the 10th, starting at 17:00</a>, we will have this year's last retrogaming and party evening.</p>
+<p>Old-school hardware, games and demos with important necessities like feuerzangenbowle.</p>
+<p>Feel free to bring whatever you want: snacks, drinks, hardware, games, great party mood and last but not least your friends!</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: World Privacy and Identity Association
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 809
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=809
+date: '2016-12-11 20:59:42 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2016-12-11 19:59:42 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Am Samstag, den 10. Dezember 2016 fand die Gründungsversammlung des Vereins "World Privacy and Identity Association (WPIA)" bei uns im realraum in Graz statt.</p>
+<h4>Die WPIA macht es sich zur Aufgabe</h4>
+<li>das Wissen im Umgang mit den neuen Techniken einem breiten Publikum zugänglich zu machen</li>
+<li>die Kenntnisse über digitale Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten zu fördern</li>
+<li>das Verständnis zur Abwehr möglicher Bedrohungen und Gefahren zu wecken</li>
+<li>zur Erarbeitung und Anwendung von Lösungen beizutragen, mit denen jeder Einzelne seine Rechte auf Wahrung der Vertraulichkeit sowie Wahrung seiner persönlichen Identität und Integrität stärken und durchsetzen kann.</li>
+<p>Die Gewährleistung der Sicherheit in der digitalen Welt ist ein Rechtsgut, zu dem die WPIA ihren Beitrag leisten wird.</p>
+<p>Die Gründung am <a href="http://www.un.org/en/events/humanrightsday/">Tag der Menschenrechte 2016</a> erfolgte,</p>
+<li><strong>in der Hoffnung</strong>, dass die grundlegenden Rechte der Menschen ohne Einschränkung auf die digitale Welt übertragen werden</li>
+<li><strong>in dem Wissen,</strong> dass die weitere Entwicklung der Rechte der Menschen in Bezug auf die digitale Welt ständig weiterer Anstrengung bedarf</li>
+<li><strong>in der Hoffnung</strong>, dass die weltweite Entwicklung der neuen Kommunikationstechnologien das friedliche Miteinander der Menschheit fördert</li>
+<li><strong>in dem Wissen</strong>, dass gleichermaßen die Risiken und Gefahren der neuen digitalen Technologien alle Menschen existentiell bedrohen</li>
+<li><strong>in der Hoffnung</strong>, dem einzelnen Menschen die Vorteile und positiven Aspekte der neuen Technologien näher zu bringen</li>
+<li><strong>in dem Wissen</strong>, dass Vorbeugung und Vorsorge gegen die neuen Risiken und Gefahren nur durch Wissensvermittlung erfolgreich bewältigt werden können</li>
+<li><strong>in der Hoffnung</strong>, einen positiven Beitrag zur zukünftigen Entwicklung aller zivilen Gesellschaften leisten zu können.</li>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Watch the Video
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 824
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=824
+date: '2017-01-12 17:29:01 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2017-01-12 16:29:01 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Schon unser geniales tolles neues Video gesehen? Es zeigt einen kleinen Ausschnitt eines klassisches realraum Abend.</p>
+<p><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/omAsEV4OpVA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p>
+<p>BTW: schon mal im realraum 3D gedruckt oder lasergecuttet oder einen Vortrag besucht?</p>
+<p>Dann gib uns zwei deiner <strong>Stimmen</strong> beim <strong>Bürgerinnenbudget</strong>, für mehr und weiter "realraum"!</p>
+<p>Hier: <a href="https://bürgerinnenbudget.at/campaign.php?id=20">realraum als Ganzes</a> und Hier: <a href="https://bürgerinnenbudget.at/campaign.php?id=15">OLGA im Speziellen</a></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: the 20 cent "paperfuge" - Biohacking ist ein Kinderspiel
+ display_name: Daniel D
+ login: danield
+ email: derndorfer_d@gmx.at
+ url: https://synbiota.com/users/Tribble_D
+author_login: danield
+author_email: derndorfer_d@gmx.at
+author_url: https://synbiota.com/users/Tribble_D
+wordpress_id: 831
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=831
+date: '2017-02-05 01:47:00 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2017-02-05 00:47:00 -0600'
+- Projekte
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Das Jahr 2017 fängt schon cool an. Im Jänner machte ein Video einen viralen Rundgang durch die Science-Szene und preiste eine "centrifuge for 20 cent"an....ich so, whaaaat? Was ich anfangs für einen Hoax hielt stellte sich als eine ziemlich geniale Idee heraus.</p>
+<p>Wer von euch kennt das Kinderspiel wo man mit einem Knopf und einer Schnurr mit bisschen Geschick zum Surren brachte? Ich weiß noch, dass ich es im Kindergarten mal probiert habe und auch meine Großeltern noch mit diesem Spiel aufgewachsen sind,...man brauchte immerhin nur einen Knopf und ein Stück Faden. Man hält die Schnurr an beiden Enden mit den Händen fest während sich in der Mitte der Knopf drehte, sofern man im richtigen Moment an den Enden zieht.</p>
+<p>Bioengineers aus Stanford haben dieses Kinderspiel weiterentwickelt und daraus die "Paperfuge" gebastelt. Ein Hand betriebenes Gerät mit einer Scheibe anstatt dem Knopf, welches Leistungen von 120.000 rpm (rounds per minutes) schafft,...die übliche Tischzentrifuge im Labor schafft 14.000 rpm.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Wahnsinn, eine tolle Idee, denn viele schnelle Analysen über Infektionskrankheiten benötigen Zentrifugen als Arbeitsschritte, wie z.B. die Trennung von roten Blutkörper und Serum. Aber was tun, wenn man weder Strom noch die passende Ausrüstung dafür besitzt? Diese Pagerfuge könnte dafür die Lösung sein.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Welche weiteren Einsatzmöglichkeiten, außer Blutproben, diese revolutionäre Erfindung noch hat möchten wir im OLGA heraus finden und haben uns selber dieses Gerät gebastelt.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Unbenannt.gif"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-832" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Unbenannt-300x245.gif" alt="pagefuge" width="300" height="245" /></a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Erste Versuche mit einer Bakterien Zellsuspension sind vielversprechend. Nach ca. 5 Minuten "spielen" wurden die Zellen am Boden eines 0,2 mL Reaktionsgefäßes pelletiert.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/IMG_20170204_224530.gif"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-833" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/IMG_20170204_224530-225x300.gif" alt="cell pellete" width="225" height="300" /></a></p>
+<p>Neben unterschiedlichen Modellen, Formen und Größen kann man noch das zu zentrifugierende Volumen als auch die Art der Probe versuchen zu variieren,...es gibt also noch viel auszuprobieren. Im Labor haben wir viele Arbeiten, welche Zentrifugationsschritte benötigen (DNA-Isolierung, Proteingewinnung, schlichte Abtrennung von Zellen aus Lösungen, usw.) und ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass, wenn die Paperfuge sich experimentell als qualitative Alternative zur üblichen Tischzentrifuge heraus stellt, dies für viele Analysen-Labore in Entwicklungsländern eine günstige, Strom-unabhängige und schnelle Hilfe darstellen kann. Das Potenzial ist hoch, genau wie die Motivation :D</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Einladung zur Party - 10 years realraum in base 10
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 843
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=843
+date: '2017-03-04 21:21:23 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2017-03-04 20:21:23 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- Veranstaltungen
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<h3>1010 in binary, 10 in decimal, 1 in decades</h3>
+<p>Save the Date: <strong>2017-03-18</strong></p>
+<p>Come party with us! Find out more ....</p>
+<pre><span style="color: #008000;">$ <a href="http://10.r3.at">telnet 10.r3.at</a>\r
+Trying 2a02:3e0:4000:1::56...\r
+Connected to 10.r3.at.\r
+Escape character is '^]'.\r
+ lXMMMMMMW0; 'odddo:. .,:oxk00K0d. ,OWMMMMMMMMMMM\r
+ .dNMMMMMMMXd' ..... .oXMMMMMMMWx. \r
+ .,:ok0XNWMMMMMMWNX0kdc,. \r
+ Hello!\r
+ Did you know: realraum will be celebrating its 10th birthday\r
+ on the 18th of March 2017?\r
+ you should come by!</span></pre>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: OpenDrop @realraum
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 850
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=850
+date: '2017-04-27 19:59:39 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2017-04-27 17:59:39 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><img class=" size-medium wp-image-853 alignleft" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/DSC_6278.JPG-300x230.jpg" alt="dsc_6278-jpg" width="300" height="230" /> Last Monday, Rüdiger Trojok made a short stop at realraum on his way through Graz and gave a live Demo of <strong>OpenDrop</strong>, a cool BioHacking Hardware project of his that he has spent more than the last two years working on.</p>
+<p><a href="http://www.gaudi.ch/OpenDrop/"><strong>Opendrop</strong></a>, moves tiny drops of fluid (preferably water based) across a surface by way of electrostatic force manipulation.</p>
+<p>It can arbitrarily mix or split drops of various chemicals or from various samples. Making it the ultimate microfluidic chemistry or molecular biology lab.</p>
+<p>Or one can just use it to ... you know ... play pacman with colored drops of water.</p>
+<p>Whatever the usecase, watching the tiny droplets zoom across the foliated surface, moved by an invisible force is quite awesome to watch. Science seldom looks so cool!</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Knowledge of the past meets the future
+ display_name: Daniel D
+ login: danield
+ email: derndorfer_d@gmx.at
+ url: https://synbiota.com/users/Tribble_D
+author_login: danield
+author_email: derndorfer_d@gmx.at
+author_url: https://synbiota.com/users/Tribble_D
+wordpress_id: 858
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=858
+date: '2017-04-28 16:55:57 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2017-04-28 14:55:57 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Etwas "grünes" zeigt sich im Schaufenster vor'm r3. Was hat es mit diesem "eye-catcher" wohl auf sich?</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_20170428_1422381.jpg"><img src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_20170428_1422381-225x300.jpg" alt="dav" width="225" height="300" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-861" /></a></p>
+<p>Viele, die mich kennen, wissen, dass ich ein Freund von Kräutern bin. Sowohl im botanischen Sinne, als auch in der Küche in Form von Gewürzen und Tees. Umso mehr freute ich mich über ein Geschenk meines Vaters, der mir ein ungebundenes Buch seines Großvaters zukommen lies. Dieses Werk mit dem Titel "Heimische Kräuter und Pilze, eine reizende Bildersammlung" (gewidmet einer namenhaften Feigenkaffee-Fabrik in Wien) ist wahrscheinlich zu Beginn des 20. Jhd. entstanden, im Buch sind leider keine Datumsangaben zu finden und im Internet finden sich neue Auflagen um 1925 herum.<br />
+Die vergilbten Seiten sind schon etwas brüchig, dennoch waren die Hand gemalten Abbildungen und der dazu gehörige Text in altdeutscher Schrift noch gut zu erkennen. Es ist äußerst interessant zu lesen (Altdeutsch ist nicht so schwer wie es anfangs aussieht ;) ), wie in damaligen Zeiten das Wissen in schriftlicher Form zusammengefasst und niedergeschrieben wurde, auch wenn es sich aus heutiger Sicht nicht um besonders detaillierte oder umfangreiche Arbeiten handelte. Auch sei der Wahrheitsgrad dieser "Fakten" anzuzweifeln, aber dies sei natürlich bei sämtlichen historischen Wissen der Fall.</p>
+<p>Doch geht auch dieses Wissen aus einer Reihe wissenschaftlicher Richtlinien hervor. Die binäre Nomenklatur in Latein, welche vom schwedischen Naturforscher Carl von Linné seit dem 18. Jhd. eingeführt wurde, ist ein wichtiges Prinzip und die Grundlage der botanischen (und zoologischen) Taxonomie und weiters der Systematik. Dadurch sind Untersuchungsobjekte für ForscherInnen eindeutig deklariert. Auch sind die Beschreibungen der diverser Erkennungsmerkmale und Eigenschaften dieser Pflanzen für die Wissenschaft ein wichtiges Gut, und wer würde heute noch wissen, dass Gänseblümchen weiße Blätter haben, wenn es nicht jemand mal so beschrieben hätte?</p>
+<p>Gerne schmunzel ich über die "mögliche medizinische und pharmazeutische Wirkung", die manchen Pflanzen her aufgrund empirischer Erfahrung, aber auch wegen vorhandenen Aberglauben, nachgesagt wurden. DASS viele Kräuter, Wurzeln oder Blüten (oder Pflanzen allgemein) gewisse Auswirkungen auf tierische Körper haben war schon damals nicht zu leugnen, allerdings haben sich die wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, deren Untersuchungsmethoden und die daraus resultierenden Erkenntnisse stark verändert.<br />
+<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_20170428_1422551.jpg"><img src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_20170428_1422551-225x300.jpg" alt="dav" width="225" height="300" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-862" /></a></p>
+<p>Um diesen historischen Schatz, dieses Wissen und die Vorstellungen damaliger KräuterliebhaberInnen auch noch für weitere Generationen zu bewahren, habe ich die Seiten mit der uns heute zugänglichen Technologie "konserviert" ---> üblicher Scanner und digital abgespeichert :P ), denn auch Bio-/Hacker sollten den Wert auf die Wissensvermittlung (open source/ open acces) legen, damit Andere von unseren Erkenntnissen profitieren können. Die mit Fakten argumentierte Dokumentation ist fundamental für die Erhaltung der Wissenschaft.</p>
+<p>Und wer weiß, vielleicht hängen im Jahre 2500 auch ein paar Seiten über "Linux, leicht gemacht" in Schaufenstern von Future-Hackerspaces und wundern sich über diese "antiken Programmiermethoden" ;)</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Maker Faire Vienna 2017
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 868
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=868
+date: '2017-05-25 17:00:41 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2017-05-25 15:00:41 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- Veranstaltungen
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Die MakerFaire Vienna 2017 #mfv17 ist vorbei, doch die Nächste kommt bestimmt.</p>
+<p>Für uns war es die erste MakerFaire auf der wir als Hacker-/Maker-space als Aussteller vertreten waren.<br />
+Dafür tackteten wir auch mit einem 3 Tische-Stand gleich am Anfang der Stiege sowie einem einstündigen Programmierworkshop auf.<br />
+Toll dabei war also nicht nur das Gespräch mit all den anderen teilweise angenehm gleich verrückten Ausstellern.<br />
+Was wir besonders geschätzt haben, waren die Besucher welche sich mit leuchtenden Augen für unsere Projekte und Hacks interessiert haben.<br />
+All die Interessierten die mehr über DIY Technik und das Einfach-Selber-Machen wissen wollten und denen wir auch allerhand interessantes erzählen durften.</p>
+<p><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-881" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/MakerFaireVienna-2017-05-20-16h45m57-by-Hildegard-Nexus-5-300x278.jpg" alt="makerfairevienna-2017-05-20-16h45m57-by-hildegard-nexus-5" width="300" height="278" /><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-877" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/MakerFaireVienna-2017-05-21-11h44m05-Sessel-300x295.jpg" alt="makerfairevienna-2017-05-21-11h44m05-sessel" width="300" height="295" /> <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-876" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/MakerFaireVienna-2017-05-20-16h24m31-Workshop-300x225.jpg" alt="makerfairevienna-2017-05-20-16h24m31-workshop" width="300" height="225" /> <img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-875" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/MakerFaireVienna-2017-05-20-12h06m56-talk-300x238.jpg" alt="makerfairevienna-2017-05-20-12h06m56-talk" width="300" height="238" /></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Einladung zum Geekend 2017#2
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 888
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=888
+date: '2017-07-04 15:18:19 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2017-07-04 13:18:19 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- Veranstaltungen
+- english
+- event
+- realraum
+- geekend
+- austria
+- meetup
+comments: []
+<p><strong>All Infos:</strong> <a href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=geekend17-2">https://wiki.realraum.at/geekend17-2</a></p>
+<p><strong>Program</strong>: <a href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=geekend2017program.md">https://wiki.realraum.at/geekend2017program.md</a></p>
+<pre> ____ _ _____ _ _ _____ ____ \r
+ / ___| ___ ___| | _| ____|_ __ __| | / |___ | |___ \ \r
+ | | _ / _ \/ _ \ |/ / _| | '_ \ / _` | | | / /____ __) |\r
+ | |_| | __/ __/ <| |___| | | | (_| | | | / /_____/ __/ \r
+ \____|\___|\___|_|\_\_____|_| |_|\__,_| |_|/_/ |_____|\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ Dear Geeks and Beings,\r
+ \r
+ This is your invitation to <b>Geekend 2017#2 in Graz!</b>\r
+ \r
+ Like its predecessors [4] in Salzburg and Innsbruck [5],\r
+ we are looking to have a cozy get together with our fellows\r
+ from Hackerspaces in and around Austria.\r
+ \r
+ The program is still evolving, so there's plenty of room left\r
+ to thrown in your ideas! Currently we plan on some hacking, \r
+ biohacking, talks and productive orga-talk. (34c3 is coming)\r
+ Warning: Socializing may occur.\r
+ \r
+ Practically minded persons will think of bringing money for food.\r
+ \r
+ <b>Start: Friday 29.9 18:00 [1]</b>\r
+ <b>End: Sunday 1.10. 16:00</b>\r
+ <b>Location: Brockmanngasse 15-17, Graz, Austria</b>\r
+ \r
+ For all details please visit our Wiki Page [2] and Pad [6]\r
+ For Tips on Hostels, Hotels, etc in Graz see [3]\r
+ Please feel free to forward this invitation.\r
+ \r
+ If you plan to come, help us plan ahead!\r
+ Tell us you are coming: <b><a href="mailto:geekend@r3.at?body=I%20am%20coming%20to%20Geekend%20in%20Graz%0D%0A%0D%0A%20*%20bin%20am%20Freitag%20dabei%20[%20]%0D%0A%20*%20bin%20am%20Samstag%20dabei%20[%20],%20gehe%20mit%20Abendessen%20[%20]%0D%0A%20*%20bin%20am%20Sonntag%20dabei%20[%20]%0D%0A">geekend@r3.at</a></b>\r
+ \r
+ Looking forward to seeing you soon,\r
+ Best of Greetings,\r
+ The members of realraum\r
+ \r
+ [1] <a href="https://grical.realraum.at/e/show/911/">https://grical.realraum.at/e/show/911/</a>\r
+ [2] <a href="https://wiki.realraum.at/geekend17-2">https://wiki.realraum.at/geekend17-2</a>\r
+ [3] <a href="https://wiki.realraum.at/unterkunft">https://wiki.realraum.at/unterkunft</a>\r
+ [4] "here in the south" for all you northerners\r
+ [5] which we could not possibly measure up to.\r
+ [6] <a href="https://pads.ccc.de/Geekend17Graz">https://pads.ccc.de/Geekend17Graz</a>\r
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Insekten Projektpräsentation
+ display_name: jampo
+ login: jampo
+ email: jampo@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: jampo
+author_email: jampo@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 903
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=903
+date: '2017-12-01 00:28:22 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2017-11-30 23:28:22 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><strong>Wolltet ihr immer schon mal selber Insekten züchten?</strong></p>
+<p>Eines unsere neuen Mitglieder präsentiert nächste Woche <em><strong>Mittwoch den 6. Dezember um 19 Uhr</strong></em> ihre Projekte mit Insekten im realraum. Schaut vorbei wir freuen uns auf euch <span class="_47e3 _5mfr" title="smile emoticon"><img class="img" src="https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/fa5/1.5/16/1f642.png" alt="" width="16" height="16" /> Hier ihre Einladung:<br />
+<p><span class="_4n-j _3cht fsl" data-testid="event-permalink-details">Hallo Leute,<br />
+<p><span class="_4n-j _3cht fsl" data-testid="event-permalink-details">ich möchte euch eine kurze Übersicht geben über die umfangreichen Insekten Projekte.</span></p>
+<p>Der Ablauf wird wie folgt sein:<br />
+- Einführung in das Thema mit einer kurzen Präsentation und einem Video<br />
+- Anschauungsobjekte vor Ort (mögliche Verkostung)<br />
+- Problemstellungen und Ziele der Projekte<br />
+- Brainstorming</p>
+<p>Im Anschluss gemeinsames Glühweintrinken in der Stadt für alle die Lust und Laune haben. Es gibt zu diesem Thema sehr viel zu besprechen und ich bin unter anderem gespannt auf euren Input. Ich hoffe euch ein wenig neugierig gemacht zu haben und freue mich auf einen regen Austausch. Vor allem würde ich mich freuen, wenn Leute aus verschiedenen Sparten kommen, damit man unterschiedliche Meinungen hat. ;)</p>
+<p>Insektische Grüße<br />
+Lisa Schaden</p>
+<p><strong>PS:</strong> Falls jemand Lust hat würde ich mich freuen, wenn ihr bei unserer Umfrage mitmacht. Wir brauchen noch einige Teilnehmer. <a href="https://survey2.edu.uni-graz.at/survey/index/sid/667388/token/hz4e9xujhvaxzvi/lang/de" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" data-lynx-mode="async" data-lynx-uri="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fsurvey2.edu.uni-graz.at%2Fsurvey%2Findex%2Fsid%2F667388%2Ftoken%2Fhz4e9xujhvaxzvi%2Flang%2Fde&h=ATP7QHNLHIpFSKy0GVJT7GVvS-QE675h1Ol_wBPUZWXCrmISVjgAilR6VfP0d993Ko_uxYxJMwIVIjSYsIIzdSekvVobXsXAgA8r2QmYFpvN8SN7HOcXZD_6sw8_axYRxL5TzAE2fSHkHvqjnwDup5fLWmPn3CgRXkJrXpO1qA">https://<wbr />survey2.edu.uni-graz.at/<wbr />survey/index/sid/667388/<wbr />token/hz4e9xujhvaxzvi/lang/<wbr />de</a></p>
+<p><strong>PPS:</strong> Hier gehts zum Facebook Event <a title="https://www.facebook.com/events/2427643020793468/" href="https://www.facebook.com/events/2427643020793468/"><span class="_4n-j _3cht fsl" data-testid="event-permalink-details"><span class="text_exposed_show">https://www.facebook.com/events/2427643020793468/</span></span></a></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: OLGA Wiki
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 909
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=909
+date: '2017-12-04 16:40:32 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2017-12-04 15:40:32 -0600'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Ein typischer Sonntag im r3
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 917
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=917
+date: '2018-01-14 22:00:57 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2018-01-14 21:00:57 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Teilweise ist es etwas schwer mitzubekommen was sich im realraum so tut,<br />
+denn es tut sich praktisch jeden Tag immer ein bisschen etwas. Je nachdem wer da ist,<br />
+wird an dem einen oder anderen Projekt gearbeitet.</p>
+<p>Daher mag ich hier mal kurz auflisten was sich heute so an einem ganz normalen Sonntag getan hat,<br />
+das mich (mit)betroffen hat und daher ein kleiner aber feiner Ausschnitt davon ist, was heute passiert ist.</p>
+<td><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-913" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/wpid-20180114_205935-300x224.jpg" alt="LaserVentilationIndicator.JPG" width="300" height="224" /></td>
+<td><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-914" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/wpid-20180114_205802-220x300.jpg" alt="DeadPersonButtonLabel.JPG" width="220" height="300" /></td>
+<td><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-912" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/wpid-dsc_7253-1543221624-169x300.jpg" alt="r3LEDLamp.jpg" width="169" height="300" /></td>
+<td><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-916" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/IMG_20180114_170836-225x300.jpg" alt="Schleimpilz" width="225" height="300" /></td>
+<td><img src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/wpid-dsc_7254-1543221624-169x300.jpg" alt="wpid-dsc_7254-1543221624.jpg" width="169" height="300" class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-923" /></td>
+<td>DeadPersonButton Labels</td>
+<td>r3 Logo LED Fluter</td>
+<li>Bug in der Laserlüftungsindikatoranimation auf der LED Pipe gefixt.</li>
+<li>Zwei Lasercuttereinschulungen gegeben</li>
+<li>den Laser-Dead-Person Button der regelmäßig betätigt werden muss, besser und deutlicher beschriftet. Außerdem die Wiki Beschreibung für den Laser aktualisiert.</li>
+<li>Ein LED Außen-Flutlicht montiert, das jetzt unser LOGO erhellt!</li>
+<li>an einem Printer-Server-Beaglebone-Image für unseren Laserjet 8000 gearbeitet</li>
+<li>OLGA Treffen mit Einführungstalk in DDD's Schleimpilzprojekt.</li>
+<li>Basteln einer Box für eine LED Wort Uhr</li>
+<li>Basteln an Kisteneinsätzen für die Wurmfarm</li>
+<li>Etwas aufgeräumt</li>
+<p>Nebenbei wurde noch über Amateurfunk, Weltraumtechnologie, Kryptographie, Prüfungen und Molekularbiologie gesprochen, doch das hab ich nur mit einem 1/4 Ohr mitbekommen.</p>
+<p>Nehmt micht aber nicht beim Wort, sondern schaut an einem beliebigen Abend einfach mal selbst bei der Tür herein! :-)</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Laser Engraved Zippo
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 927
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=927
+date: '2018-01-25 23:39:20 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2018-01-25 22:39:20 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- Projekte
+- english
+- MakingCrafting
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>[caption id="attachment_928" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/DSC_7297.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-928" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/DSC_7297-300x169.jpg" alt="Engraving Metal" width="300" height="169" /></a> 1: Engraving Metal[/caption]</p>
+<p>Years ago we got some horribly expensive foil needed to engrave metal using our laser-cutter. Today is, as far as I know, our first attempt to actually use it.</p>
+<p>People always seem to search for a lighter, but then forget to put them back. As a result, even the safely stored ones can never be found when a Bunsen needs to be lit (which we actually have an Piezo for that the evil smokers don't want to steal) or a flame is needed for some project.</p>
+<p>Reason enough to make a big deal out of nothing and sponsor an old but sturdy quality Zippo and mark it <strong>permanently</strong> with the r3 Logo!</p>
+<p>Obviously the Zippo was empty. Just to be safe.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_929" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/DSC_7299.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-929" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/DSC_7299-300x232.jpg" alt="finished engraving with foil still attached " width="300" height="232" /></a> 2: finished engraving with foil still attached[/caption]</p>
+<p>Afterwards the burned foil needs to be removed and the surface cleaned.</p>
+<p>Finished is the engraved lighter. Not so bad for a first attempt, even though the result could be even nicer. Laser-speed was set to 10mm/s and power to 100% of the 60W.</p>
+<p>Not to self for next time: don't trust the red positioning dot without checking if it still <strong>corresponds</strong> to the actual laser position. The graphic was offset by a few mm. Still worked out though.</p>
+<p>Works! The final working result is now stored in the drawer in Masha. As engraved on the lighter. :-) The lighter fluid is right across from it on the shelf.</p>
+<p>Have fun and put it back!</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_931" align="alignleft" width="235"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/DSC_7302.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-931" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/DSC_7302-235x300.jpg" alt="Finished Engraving" width="235" height="300" /></a> 3: Finished Engraving[/caption]</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_932" align="alignleft" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/DSC_7303.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-932" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/DSC_7303-300x213.jpg" alt="r3 Lighter" width="300" height="213" /></a> 4: r3 Lighter[/caption]</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_933" align="alignleft" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/DSC_7304.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-933" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/DSC_7304-300x261.jpg" alt="stored in MaSha" width="300" height="261" /></a> 5: stored in MaSha[/caption]</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Open Lab Day vom 12.03.2018
+ display_name: salmonella
+ login: salmonella
+ email: elisabeth.bs@gmx.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: salmonella
+author_email: elisabeth.bs@gmx.at
+wordpress_id: 963
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=963
+date: '2018-03-20 21:21:16 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2018-03-20 20:21:16 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- Veranstaltungen
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p> </p>
+<p>Was machen MikrobiologInnen, wenn sie gerade nicht im Uni Labor stehen?</p>
+<p>Natürlich eigenständig Umweltproben sammeln und im OLGA kultivieren! Dabei finden sich immer wieder spannende Organismen wie z.B. diese Bakterien aus einer Bodenprobe. Nach mehrmaligem Ausstreichen wachsen einzelne Kolonien auf der Platte. Gut zu erkennen sind dabei die rötliche Färbung und die schleimig, glänzende Oberfläche.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0340.jpg"><img class="alignnone wp-image-966" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0340-300x169.jpg" alt="dsc_0340" width="300" height="169" /></a><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0339.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-965" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0339-300x169.jpg" alt="dsc_0339" width="300" height="169" /></a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Um solche Projekte überhaupt durchführen zu können müssen aber erst einmal die Arbeitsmaterialen vorbereitet werden. Damit die Bakterien nicht hungern wurde vergangenen Sonntag Agar mit verschiedenen Nährmedien vermischt und in Platten gegossen.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_967" align="alignnone" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0342.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-967" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0342-300x169.jpg" alt="steriles Arbeiten mti dem Brenner" width="300" height="169" /></a> steriles Arbeiten mti dem Brenner[/caption]</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Auch Bakterien essen gerne Suppe - Rindssuppe als Vollmedium</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0344.jpg"><img class="wp-image-971 size-medium" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0344-e1521576254996-169x300.jpg" alt="Suppen Agar" width="169" height="300" /></a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Ihr sollt wachsen… aber du nicht! - MacConkey als Selektivmedium</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0336.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-964" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0336-300x169.jpg" alt="MacConkey Agar " width="300" height="169" /></a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Das Ergebnis kann sich auch farblich sehen lassen</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0346.jpg"><img class="alignnone wp-image-970" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0346-300x169.jpg" alt="dsc_0346" width="259" height="146" /></a></p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0343.jpg"><img class=" wp-image-968" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/DSC_0343-300x169.jpg" alt="Agarplatten fertig gegossen" width="261" height="147" /></a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Gut vorbereitet starten so nun wieder neue Projekte über die im Laufe der nächsten Wochen noch mehr berichtet wird.</p>
+<p>Alles in allem also wieder ein entspannter Open Lab Day in gemütlicher Atmosphäre.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: DIY Gelelektrophorese am Open Lab Day, 08.04.2018
+ display_name: salmonella
+ login: salmonella
+ email: elisabeth.bs@gmx.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: salmonella
+author_email: elisabeth.bs@gmx.at
+wordpress_id: 1004
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1004
+date: '2018-04-19 17:31:33 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2018-04-19 15:31:33 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Im Sommer wurde eine Gel-Elektrophorese (unten links) vor der Verschrottung gerettet. Wieder voll funktionstüchtig trennt man damit DNA Fragmente der Größe nach auf.  Im rechten Bild sieht man die von unserem Biohacker Esef selbst gebaute DIY Gel-Elektrophorese, die am Sonntag ihren ersten Einsatz mit DNA Proben und Plasmiden hatte.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_20180408_212131.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1008" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_20180408_212131-300x225.jpg" alt="img_20180408_212131" width="300" height="225" /></a><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_20180408_205822.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1007" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_20180408_205822-300x225.jpg" alt="img_20180408_205822" width="300" height="225" /></a></p>
+<p>Die verwendeten DNA Proben wurden von Studierenden während den Uni Kursen hergestellt, welche im Anschluss üblicherweise entsorgt werden. Am Sonntag haben sie dann doch noch einen Nutzen gefunden.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_1006" align="alignnone" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_20180408_203926.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-1006" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_20180408_203926-300x225.jpg" alt="Hier wird nicht gekocht, sondern das Agarose Gel in die Kammer gelegt, mit Puffer bedeckt und mit DNA Proben beladen " width="300" height="225" /></a> Hier wird nicht gekocht, sondern das Agarose Gel in die Kammer gelegt, mit<br />Puffer bedeckt und mit DNA Proben beladen[/caption]</p>
+<p>Ein kleines Agarosegel Stück wird mit einem 1kb Standard, einem bekannten Plasmid und mit einer unspezifischen DNA Probe beladen. Nach der Elektrophorese lassen sich DNA Fragmente noch nicht gleich erkennen. Um sie sichtbar zu machen färbt man die Proben mit einer fluoreszierenden Substanz (Roti®-Load DNAstain) ein und hält sie unter UV-Licht.<br />
+Im unteren Bild links ist ein 1kb Standard aufgetragen mit dem man die Größe der Plasmide, welche als dünne Banden im oberen Bereich des Bildes aufscheinen, abschätzen kann. Die dicken hellen Banden können RNA-Wolken, unspezifische, abverdaute oder abgebrochene DNA Stücke, in Form von sogenannten „Schlieren“ sein. Sehen zwar interessant aus, sind aber unbrauchbar.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_1009" align="alignnone" width="300"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_20180408_214319.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-1009" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_20180408_214319-300x225.jpg" alt="1% Agarosegel auf UV-Licht" width="300" height="225" /></a> 1% Agarosegel auf UV-Licht[/caption]</p>
+<p>Im Vergleich zur Standard Gelelektrophorese bei der man UV-Licht nimmt, verwendet Esef blaues Licht. Um die fluoreszierenden DNA Banden im Gel zu erkennen, sieht man durch den orangen Filter, der sowohl Deckel, als auch als Außengehäuse der Apparatur ist.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_1010" align="alignnone" width="225"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_20180408_220405.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-1010" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_20180408_220405-225x300.jpg" alt="Auswertung der „esefbox_v1“" width="225" height="300" /></a> Auswertung der „esefbox_v1“[/caption]</p>
+<p>Zum Schluss noch ein Bild das beweist, dass Geduld eine Tugend ist.<br />
+Anstatt nach Protokoll das Gel 16h lang mit geringer Konzentration einzufärben, probierten wir eine hoch-% Methylenblau-Lösung aus, welche das Gel viel zu intensiv färbte (zu sehen als schwarz blaues Rechteck links unten).<br />
+Experiment fehlgeschlagen, aber genau dafür ist das auch OLGA da. 😊</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_20180408_193330.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1005" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_20180408_193330-225x300.jpg" alt="img_20180408_193330" width="225" height="300" /></a></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Antibiotika-Stock Test
+ display_name: salmonella
+ login: salmonella
+ email: elisabeth.bs@gmx.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: salmonella
+author_email: elisabeth.bs@gmx.at
+wordpress_id: 1022
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1022
+date: '2018-06-18 16:49:54 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2018-06-18 14:49:54 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><span class="mx_MTextBody mx_EventTile_content"><span class="mx_EventTile_body" dir="auto">In einer 96-Well-Platte wurden pro Well 100 µL LB Medium mit unterschiedlichen Antibiotika pipettiert. Dadurch hat man überprüft, ob die über Monate/Jahre gelagerten Stock-Lösungen noch das Wachstum von Mikroorganismen hemmen können oder ob sie schon ihre Wirkung verloren hatten. </span></span></p>
+<p><span class="mx_MTextBody mx_EventTile_content"><span class="mx_EventTile_body" dir="auto">Für das Experiment wurden die einzelnen Wells mit dem Bakterium E.coli K12, ein klassischer Laborstamm, beimpft und über Nacht bei 37°C inkubiert. Die Antibiotika, die ihre Wirkung verloren hatten (Trübung des Mediums aufgrund Bakterienwachstums), wurden entsprechend entsorgt.</span></span></p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/DSC_0501.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1023" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/DSC_0501-300x169.jpg" alt="Antibiothikatests" width="300" height="169" /></a></p>
+<p> </p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Saving power of powerful printers
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 1032
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1032
+date: '2018-07-01 17:14:46 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2018-07-01 15:14:46 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- Projekte
+- english
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>At home, my Samsung laser-printer uses 15W during standby. So, a few years back, in order to save power, I put it on a USB-controlled power-plug. Pretty soon I added a tiny script that would query cups if a print-job was queued and would switch the printer on and afterwards off again. It turned out to be a pretty effective power saving measure.</p>
+<p style="height:150px;">
+<img src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/usbpowerswitching-300x148.jpg" alt="usbpowerswitching" width="300" height="148" class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-1035" /></p>
+<p>Our two very big and reliable printers at realraum were even more power hungry, so I wanted to to something similar for the space.</p>
+<p>Using the hardware I had on hand, I cobbled together the following:</p>
+<p>* A BeagleBone Green to act as cups print-server and to run the python scripts.<br />
+* An empty 230V power-plug case, housing a 5V power-supply (for the BB) and a small opto-coupler isolated relay to switch the plug.<br />
+* A second power-plug case with a second small opto-coupler isolated relay.</p>
+<p>While there is a lot of room for optimization, like a leaner BeagleBone image and better housing for the power-plugs, printing- and power-saving-wise it works very well.</p>
+<p>As always you can find our <a href="https://github.com/realraum/printerbone" title="Code on Github" target="_blank">code on Github.</a> Stay tuned for updates.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: containers, e.g. with systemd
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 733
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=733
+date: '2018-07-04 15:41:13 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2018-07-04 13:41:13 -0500'
+- english
+- randomthoughs
+comments: []
+<p>The more complex a program or application, the more likely it contains exploitable or otherwise dangerous faults. Containers are a way of limiting the damage by limiting an application access to the bare minimum. Ideally we would have a separate and instantly replaceable computer for every little daemon and service we run. Sadly, even with virtual machines, this would hardly be an efficient use of resources, so containers try to find a middle ground by allowing us to separate applications almost as if they were running on different machines, while actually sharing the same hardware and operating system kernel.</p>
+<h5>Several features come together to make this possible:</h5>
+<h4>And it is a good idea to augment them with others:</h4>
+<li>seccomp-bpf syscall filter</li>
+<li>packet filtering (ebtables)</li>
+<li>virtual network devices</li>
+<p>Armed with these keywords, your week should now be filled with interesting and productive reading. :-)</p>
+<p>If all you want are some opinionated basics however, read on:</p>
+<h4>How to use a container?</h4>
+<p>The more containment and separation between applications, the more secure a system gets.<br />
+Unfortunately few applications come with ready-to-use definition of what access and other applications it requires to function at a minimum. There are ways of finding this out (makejail, documentation, strace, apparmor profiles), but it will always involve some work.<br />
+You have to find your own balance between the security one requires and the effort needed to attain it.</p>
+<p>Furthermore, what even is an application? Is it a single program or daemon? Or a bunch of programs running in parallel and working in concert towards a single purpose?</p>
+<h4>How to NOT use a container?</h4>
+<p>Sometimes (web)developers see the Linux systems that run their (web)applications as a house of card that they better not touch or they don't want to deal with security and quality policies of various Linux distributions. The reason being, that if it works for them, it should work just like that for the end-user. Conveniently containers now allow us to package an applications plus the whole linux ecosystem around it. Unfortunately this just makes everything worse. It makes it harder to actually secure and separate applications from each other while providing a false semblance of security.</p>
+<h3>What is chroot and what can and can't it do?</h3>
+<p>A chroot is a root file system (e.g. a whole Linux distribution) inside your host root file system in which a program runs.<br />
+The idea being that a chrooted application can not access any file outside it's chroot.<br />
+Obviously then you have to provide (duplicate) all the tools and applications that will be needed inside the chroot filesystem.<br />
+Tools like debootstrap help installing a debian linux inside a directory or image.</p>
+<p>Chroot does not restrict assess to the network, syscalls, hardware devices like usb etc.<br />
+E.g. The root user inside a chroot can easly read harddisk device or re-mount it inside the chroot and do whatever he/she pleases.</p>
+<h3>Links to some great introduction to cgroups I came across</h3>
+<p>The RedHat-blog has some very good hands-on introduction articles on cgroups called "World domination with Cgroups" I suggest you read them:</p>
+<p class="hero1-title"><a href="https://www.redhat.com/en/about/blog/world-domination-cgroups-part-1-cgroup-basics">Part 1 - Cgroup basics</a></p>
+<p class="hero1-title"><a href="https://www.redhat.com/en/about/blog/world-domination-cgroups-part-2-turning-knobs">Part 2 - Turning Knobs</a></p>
+<p class="hero1-title"><a href="https://www.redhat.com/en/about/blog/world-domination-cgroups-part-3-thanks-memories">Part 3 - Thanks for the memories</a></p>
+<p class="hero1-title"><a href="https://www.redhat.com/en/about/blog/world-domination-cgroups-part-4-all-ios">Part 4 - All the I/Os</a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<h3>Restrict services using systemd unit files</h3>
+<p>Sometimes you just want to contain a single executable. In that case you might not truly need a full machine, you can chroot a service and restrict it just using it's .service file.</p>
+<p>My favorite: <tt>SystemCallFilter</tt>! it filters what syscalls a process is allowed to use.</p>
+<p>e.g. you could run a program or bunch of programs with <em>strace -c -- <cmd></em> and put the list of syscalls at the end in the systemd unit file.</p>
+<p>Other extremely useful directives you should read up on:</p>
+<pre>ProtectHome=read-only || true\r
+ProtectSystem=strict || full || true\r
+#DeviceAllow=/dev/urandom r\r
+#DeviceAllow=/dev/random r\r
+<p> </p>
+<h3>What about containers as virtual machines replacement? Enter systemd-nspawn</h3>
+<p>systemd-nspawn is systemd's tool to run containers like you would a virtual machine. Thus 'nspawn containers are called "machines" and are managed with the tool <tt>machinectl</tt>. Actually machinectl interfaces not only with systemd-nspawn but also rkt, docker, libvirt and others, thus providing a convenient place to manage all your running virtualisations at once.</p>
+<h3>Putting our application into an container.</h3>
+<p>Easy! Create a chroot under <tt>/var/lib/machines/examplecontainer/</tt> and a permission/network/container configuration-file <tt>/etc/systemd/nspawn/examplecontainer.nspawn</tt>. Then boot it using <tt>machinectl start examplecontainer</tt>. Done.</p>
+<h4>Example examplecontainer.nspawn</h4>
+## put container (together with other containers)\r
+## in a virtual private network-bridge called "examplevlan"\r
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: 'TESLA-Tisch-Fehlerfall: +9V über Erde'
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 1070
+wordpress_url: https://wp.realraum.at/?p=1070
+date: '2018-08-21 20:56:14 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2018-08-21 18:56:14 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- german
+- MakingCrafting
+- Fehler
+comments: []
+<p>Heute hatten wir einen kurzen Aha-und-WTF-Moment beim Basteln eines WIFI-fähigen Brandmelders (ESP8266 der im Alarmfall von der Brandmelderbatterie bootet und eine SMS schickt):</p>
+<p>Wir versorgten den Melder mit einem Labornetzteil (9V) und maßen Signale mit dem Oszilloskop. Als wir den Prüfspitzen-GND mit GND der Schaltung verbanden... funkte es kurz! Wie kann dass denn sein?</p>
+<p>Daher Multimeter her und mal durch messen! Mhhh, da liegen 9V zwischen dem Minuspol des Labornetzteils und dem Oszi-GND bzw der Oszi-ERDE. WTF^2?</p>
+<p>Eine oberflächliche Untersuchung des Labornetzteil ließ gleich vermuten dass die Ursache hier zu suchen sei. Darin scheppert's! Schraubenzieher her und siehe da, jemandem sind aus der darüber stehenden blauen Sortierbox Unterlegscheiben gefallen und zwar genau in die Lüftungsschlitze des Labornetzteils. Diese haben im Netzteil einen Kurzschluss zwischen DC+ und dem Gehäuse verursacht. Das Gehäuse ist natürlich geerdet, so war DC+5 über die Erdung des Stromnetz mit der Erde des Oszilloskop kurzgeschlossen.</p>
+<p>Das erklärte auch die anfänglichen Messergebnisse. :-)</p>
+<p>Mögen in Zukunft bitte Alle aufpassen, dass Nichts in die Lüftungsschlitze der Labornetzteile fällt. Es hätte ja auch wirklich etwas kaputt gehen können!</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: WIFI+MQTT Smoke-Detector with 5yrs battery and ESP8266
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 1076
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1076
+date: '2018-08-27 02:15:19 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2018-08-27 00:15:19 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- Projekte
+- english
+- MakingCrafting
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Read about Flocx's current project, a battery-saving WIFI+MQTT-enabling cheap smoke-detector here: <a href="https://blog.flo.cx/2018/08/ikea-diy-smart-smoke-detector/">https://blog.flo.cx/2018/08/ikea-diy-smart-smoke-detector/</a></p>
+<p><img class="alignnone wp-image-1079 size-full" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/wpid-dsc_8087-1743742083.jpg" alt="" width="3000" height="1688" /></p>
+<p>I wanted to do the same thing for my flat, but instead of using the IKEA one, I ordered two cheap 7€ SmartWares detectors from Amazon with 9V batteries that are advertised to give 5yrs battery life and otherwise identical hardware. Also instead of µPython I used Sming and C++. Just for the fun of it, I also added a voltage divider that measures the battery voltage at the time of alarm.</p>
+<p>You can find my <a href="https://github.com/btittelbach/sming_smokedetector">firmware on GitHub</a>.<br />
+<a href="https://github.com/btittelbach/sming_smokedetector/blob/master/esp8266_smokedetector/esp8266_smokedetector.pdf" ><br />
+<img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-1093" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/esp8266_smokedetector-300x274.png" alt="esp8266_smokedetector" width="300" height="274" /><br />
+</a><br />
+Todo for the future: motivate someone to do this for realraum. ;-></p>
+<p>Since all 9V smoke-detectors ICs basically use the same pinout with an I/O-function on pin 7 that pulls LOW when no smoke is detected and HIGH on alarm, they are all equally easy to mod. The SmartWares are smaller than the IKEA ones though, so I did not even attempt to fit everything inside the case. More accessibility traded for lower WAF :)</p>
+<p>Note that there are 3V Lithium 10yrs battery life smoke detectors out there, which work a bit differently. For once, the ESP8266 does not run with 3.0V but needs true 3.3V, so at the very least you will need a cheap and tiny boost converter from AliExpress. Furthermore, they do not use a CS2105G0 based chip but a PIC which might not have an pin as CS2105G0-I/O-pin configured.</p>
+<p>A word of warning: In order to conserve the battery, the circuit disconnects the whole GND when no smoke is detected. Thus GND and 3V3 of the ESP8266 may be short-circuited through the unpowered buck-converter, depending on your component. So just to be safe, remove the Wemos from the circuit before connecting it via USB.</p>
+<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1078" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/wpid-dsc_8088959054070.jpg" alt="" width="3000" height="1688" /></p>
+<p><img class="alignnone wp-image-1089 size-full" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/wpid-dsc_8092959054070.jpg" alt="" width="3000" height="1688" data-temp-aztec-id="dfe019d6-62c3-4bbe-994b-cdaa5e195592" /></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Spoofing EDID, fixing our Beamer
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 1103
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1103
+date: '2018-09-18 19:08:01 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2018-09-18 17:08:01 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- Projekte
+- english
+- MakingCrafting
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>As a hackerspace we regularly host user-groups and irregularly host talks and workshops and all of them need to use our beamer. Quite a downer then, that our beamer's HDMI and DVI Input stopped working with newer laptop graphic cards. Especially since VGA started having it's own issues: Dark slides transmitted over our long VGA cable cause the beamer to decide input has disappeared and switch the input off.</p>
+<p>A look at the kernel messages with <code>dmesg</code> made the source of the problem immediately apparent. The CRC of the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Display_Identification_Data" title="EDID">EDID</a> the beamer sends over the HDMI/DVI cable is wrong. (Interestingly enough, the beamer EDID sent over VGA is fine). As a result, newer laptops decide that no HDMI/DVI cable has actually been attached. Nothing you can do. Certainly not with any user tools like <code>xrandr</code> or any Xorg driver or kernel module options. Believe us, we tried it all. (Even if a software solution would have been possible, it would certainly not have been convenient to hack each new speaker's laptop and OS of choice on the spot.)</p>
+<p>This needed fixing!</p>
+<p>Rather than risking our beamer in a hunt for its EDID flash, which we might be able to re-flash, we decided to man-in-the-middle the cable and spoof the EDID sent by the beamer. A couple of <a href="https://www.amazon.de/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?&field-keywords=hdmi+edid&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Ahdmi+edid">ready-made solutions can be had on Amazon</a> for anything from 30€ to 150€ but only <a href="https://www.amazon.de/dp/B01FUJKUJG/">one supports our beamers native resolution of 1280x800 and costs a whooping 75€</a>.</p>
+<p>We're hackers however, and so built our own solution for <10€ from materials already lying around.</p>
+<p>First we cut open a HDMI extension cable extracted the DDC wires as well as HDMI 5V and GND. DDC just uses I2C so in theory we can use any µC, connect the DDC wires leading to the host device (laptop) it's SDA/SCL pins, make it answer requests for EDID information and be done.</p>
+<p>There is even a ready made <a href="https://github.com/ericwazhung/avr-edid-spoofer">firmware project for an AVR ATtiny on GitHub</a> which allowed us to get started right away and save a lot of time. (Beware the code is a bit crappy, can only send a single EDID and has problems with high-byte EDIDs, aka almost every modern EDID)</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/edid_spoofing_cable.svg.png"><img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-1102" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/edid_spoofing_cable.svg-982x1024.png" alt="edid_spoofing_cable-svg" width="750" height="782"></a></p>
+<p>We used an ArduinoNanoV3 as a programmer for the ATtiny and after fighting the firmware a bit (high-bytes), managed to find an EDID setting that would both compile and result int a laptop-hdmi-signal that was accepted by our beamer. It's a weird 71.9 Hz signal, but it works reliably at native 1280x800. The lack of additional EDID modes might even be a boon, since it prevents laptops with different aspect ratios to autoselect a resolution that would yield crappy results.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/wpid-DSC_8117.jpg"><img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-1099" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/wpid-DSC_8117-1024x576.jpg" alt="wpid-DSC_8117.JPG" width="750" height="422"></a></p>
+<p>Finally we soldered the cable's wires onto a 8pin socket and put whole thing in the casing of a dead H801. That way we still have the option of flashing better settings and firmware onto the ATtiny in the future. Add a few zip-ties for mechanical stability and voilà : Working HDMI port.</p>
+<p>Note the zip-tie securing our hack to the fat HDMI extension.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/wpid-dsc_81214657142107973808399.jpg"><img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-1098" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/wpid-dsc_81214657142107973808399-576x1024.jpg" alt="wpid-dsc_81214657142107973808399.jpg" width="576" height="1024"></a></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: '"All Creatures Welcome" - die Doku'
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 1119
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1119
+date: '2018-10-26 19:39:09 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2018-10-26 17:39:09 -0500'
+- realraum News
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><img src="https://crossroads-festival.org/wp-content/uploads/1000x563/All_Creatures_Welcome_web.jpg" alt="ChaosCamp2015" /></p>
+<p>Wir freuen uns darauf diesen lang erwarteten Dokumentarfilm am <strong>11.11. um 20:00</strong> im <strong>Forum Stadtpark</strong> co-präsentieren, mit Euch anzuschauen und Euch dort zu treffen, dürfen.</p>
+<p>Das<a href="https://crossroads-festival.org/de/film/all-creatures-welcome" target="_blank"> Crossroads-Dokufestival beschreibt auf seiner Webseite:</a></p>
+<blockquote><p>“Etwas zu teilen kann mehr daraus machen!â€\9d</p>
+<p>Vor vielen Jahren strandete ein Hacker*innen-Raumschiff in unserem Sonnensystem. Um mit verschiedenen Kulturen und Lebensformen Kontakt aufzunehmen, schickte es eine kleine Rakete zur Erde. Wo immer sie ist verbreitet sich Magie wie Feenstaub. Um Wissen und Informationsfreiheit zu fördern, reist die Rakete zu jedem Treffen, das von Europas größter Hacker*Innenvereinigung, dem Chaos Computer Club (CCC), organisiert wird. Bei diesen Treffen kommen Nerds, Hacker*innen, Maker*innen, Aktivist*innen und andere galaktische Lebensformen zusammen, um sich über Technologie, Gesellschaft und utopische Ideen auszutauschen. In einer Zeit, in der Regierungsweisen, Wirtschaftsformen und soziale Ordnungen in Frage gestellt werden, sind die Herausforderungen jedoch enorm. Während das Internet strukturell eine grundlegende Erneuerung der Demokratie ermöglichen würde, wird in immer mehr Staaten eine autoritäre Wende vollzogen.</p>
+<p>Begleitet von dem Aufruf „Hacking als Denkweise zu nutzen“ tauchen wir gemeinsam mit der Filmemacherin in ein dokumentarisches Abenteuerspiel ein und erforschen auf den Veranstaltungen des CCC wie die Hacker*innenkultur den Herausforderungen unserer Zeit begegnet. In der utopischen Welt von All Creatures Welcome können wir sehen, dass unser Leben nicht durch allgemein gegebene Wahrheiten bestimmt wird, sondern durch die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, uns entwickeln, leiden oder träumen. So werden die Events des CCC zu einer möglichen Vorlage für grundlegende Veränderungen der Gesellschaft.</p></blockquote>
+<p>Das Chaos Communication Camp findet zwar nur alle 4 Jahre statt doch die nächste Inkarnation ist glücklicherweise schon im Sommer 2019! Wer es gar nicht erwarten kann Utopie zu leben, hat vom 27. bis 30. Dezember schon die Chance den Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig zu besuchen!</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Mini Workshop - Mikrobio Basics
+ display_name: salmonella
+ login: salmonella
+ email: elisabeth.bs@gmx.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: salmonella
+author_email: elisabeth.bs@gmx.at
+wordpress_id: 1133
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1133
+date: '2018-11-09 14:47:13 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2018-11-09 13:47:13 -0600'
+- Veranstaltungen
+- german
+- olga
+- workshop
+- basics
+- mikrobio
+comments: []
+<p> </p>
+<p>Esef und Sanchez haben einen Mini-Workshop für Labor- und Mikrobio-Basics abgehalten. Darunter Medium mischen, Agar-Platten gießen, Bakterien-/Keimkulturen ausstreichen, pipettieren, mikroskopieren usw.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/mini-workshop1.jpg"><img class="alignnone wp-image-1134 size-full" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/mini-workshop1.jpg" alt="Austreichen auf Agarplatte" width="800" height="388" /></a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Über Nacht wurden die Kulturen dann bei 37°C inkubiert.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/DSC_2027.jpg"><img class="alignnone wp-image-1137" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/DSC_2027-e1541770923507-300x267.jpg" alt="Mini Workshop Mikrobio Basics Ergebnisse" width="360" height="320" /></a><br />
+... und das Ergebnis kann sich wirklich sehen lassen!</p>
+<p>Die Keime sind gut angewachsen und zeigen eine intensive Gelb- oder Rot-Färbung.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_1135" align="alignnone" width="201"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/mini-workshop4.jpg"><img class="wp-image-1135" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/mini-workshop4-146x300.jpg" alt="Milchagar für Laktobazillen" width="201" height="414" /></a> Milchagar für Laktobazillen[/caption]</p>
+<p>Versuchsweise wurde ein Agar mit Folgemilchpulver gemischt um Laktobazillen anzuzüchten. Leider sind die Proteine ausgeflockt und haben die gegossenen Platten eher schwer auswertbar gemacht.</p>
+<p>Falls jemand Interesse bekommen hat, so einen Workshop zu machen oder vielleicht sogar eine eigene Idee hat die er gerne ausprobieren möchte, meldet euch einfach bei uns.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p><a href="mailto:olga@realraum.at">olga@realraum.at</a></p>
+<p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/155535707929049/?ref=bookmarks">https://www.facebook.com/groups/155535707929049/?ref=bookmarks</a></p>
+<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/accounts/edit/?hl=de">https://www.instagram.com/accounts/edit/?hl=de</a></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Dirty Waters & La résistance vivante!
+ display_name: salmonella
+ login: salmonella
+ email: elisabeth.bs@gmx.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: salmonella
+author_email: elisabeth.bs@gmx.at
+wordpress_id: 1152
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1152
+date: '2018-12-27 17:55:53 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2018-12-27 16:55:53 -0600'
+- Projekte
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Dirty Waters – so nennt sich eine Studie, die vor kurzem von Greenpeace veröffentlicht wurde. Der Name passt ganz gut. Es wurden Proben von 29 Flüssen in Europa entnommen und auf Arznei- und Pestizidrückstände geprüft. Darunter auch 3 österreichische Flüsse: der Schwarzaubach und der Stiefing in der Steiermark und der oberösterreichische Sipbach.</p>
+<p>Laut Studie konnten dabei in Österreich mehrere Medikamente, darunter 3 verschiedene Antibiotika und 38 verschiedene Pestizide nachgewiesen werden.</p>
+<p>Die Entnahme der Proben wurde in Gebieten durchgeführt, die eine große Dichte an Massentierhaltung aufweisen. Die Rückstände gelangen durch Gülle in den Boden und werden durch Regen in nahegelegene Flüsse geschwemmt.</p>
+<p>Vor einigen Tagen gab es zu diesem Thema im OLGA das erste Treffen unseres neuen Projektes „La résistance vivante – die lebende Resistenz“. Die Studie bietet uns den Anlass eigene Analysen durchzuführen. Besonders interessant für uns dabei, ob dadurch die Gefahr von multiresistenten Keimen steigen könnte. Das Projekt wird über mehrere Monate laufen und umfasst Leute aus der Molekular- und Mikrobiologie, Biologie und Technik.</p>
+<p>Falls ihr mehr darüber wissen möchtet, am Laufenden bleiben oder Interesse habt in irgendeiner Form mitzuwirken meldet euch per Mail, Facebook, riot.im, folgt uns auf Instagram oder schaut persönlich vorbei.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Dirty Waters Greenpeace Studie - <a href="https://www.greenpeace.at/assets/uploads/pdf/presse/Greenpeace-Report_Dirtywaters.pdf">https://www.greenpeace.at/assets/uploads/pdf/presse/Greenpeace-Report_Dirtywaters.pdf</a></p>
+<p><a href="https://wp.realraum.at/">https://wp.realraum.at/</a></p>
+<p><a href="https://riot.im/app/#/room/#OLGA-OpenChatRoom:matrix.org">https://riot.im/app/#/room/#OLGA-OpenChatRoom:matrix.org</a></p>
+<p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/155535707929049/">https://www.facebook.com/groups/155535707929049/</a></p>
+<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/realraum/">https://www.instagram.com/realraum/</a></p>
+<p> </p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: LoTHR mini Electronics Workbench
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 1155
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1155
+date: '2019-01-13 05:08:46 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2019-01-13 04:08:46 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- Projekte
+- english
+- MakingCrafting
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>As you might know, quite a while ago, our electronics lab TESLA moved to the second flat "W2". There is a lot more space and equipment for electronic hackery now, BUT. We found that sometimes it would be nice to have some basic soldering capability in our main lounge "LoTHR" as well. Fret no more, with our new workbench (Work in Progress) we also set up a a micro electronics area.</p>
+<p>These absolute basics currently consisting of:</p>
+<li>Soldering Iron (DC/DC mini T12 Station)</li>
+<li>Lab-Power-Supply (DC/DC up to 30V / 5A)</li>
+<li>a Multimeter</li>
+<p>Note that it is not meant to replace TESLA. Just to keep you from moving your project all the way to 'W2" if all you need to do is solder two wires or check one voltage.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<h2>Building the micro electronics box</h2>
+<p>Basically I got us a DPS3005 constant current / constant voltage power supply and a small KSGER soldering station and connected them to a 27V 3.5A power supply.</p>
+<p>Then, as per Ernst's suggestion, we put everything into a nice and sturdy box which formally housed external SCSI HDDs.</p>
+<p>The front-panel was laser-cut so all the equipment would fit and voila, after a few hours putting everything together, here we are.</p>
+<p>As a finishing touch, a T12-soldering-tip-holder was printed and taped to the side.</p>
+<p>Further documentation can be found in our <a href="https://wiki.realraum.at/xro:lothrelectronicsstation">Wiki</a> and more photos in our <a href="https://galley.realraum.at/index.php?/category/184">Gallery</a>.</p>
+<p>[caption id="attachment_1159" align="alignright" width="750"]<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/DSC_8816.jpg"><img class="size-large wp-image-1159" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/DSC_8816-1024x576.jpg" alt="Testing the Box" width="750" height="422" /></a> Testing the Box[/caption]</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Allrad Bobbycar
+ display_name: Peter P
+ login: peterp
+ email: peter.poetzi@gmail.com
+ url: http://peter.poetzi
+author_login: peterp
+author_email: peter.poetzi@gmail.com
+author_url: http://peter.poetzi
+wordpress_id: 1167
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1167
+date: '2019-01-24 00:40:33 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2019-01-23 23:40:33 -0600'
+- realraum News
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p> </p>
+<p>Für die Maker Faire und ähnliche Events benötigen wir unbedingt ein Bobbycar mit Allradantrieb. Da es bereits ähnliche Projekte von <a href="https://larsm.org/allrad-e-bobby-car/">Lars </a>und <a href="https://figch.de/index.php?nav=bobbycar">Fisch</a> gibt, fiel die Wahl auch bei uns Hoverboard Motoren. Diese können aus defekten Hoverboards ausgebaut werden.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190123_235630.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1171" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190123_235630-300x225.jpg" alt="img_20190123_235630" width="300" height="225" /></a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p>Die hinteren Motoren wurden an einer Alu Platte befestigt:</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190119_212156.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1177" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190119_212156-300x225.jpg" alt="img_20190119_212156" width="300" height="225" /></a><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190119_212150.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1176" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190119_212150-300x225.jpg" alt="img_20190119_212150" width="300" height="225" /></a><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1180" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190120_011052-300x225.jpg" alt="img_20190120_011052" width="300" height="225" /><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190120_011025-Kopie.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1184" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190120_011025-Kopie-300x225.jpg" alt="img_20190120_011025-kopie" width="300" height="225" /></a></p>
+<p>Die beiden vorderen Motoren haben 3D gedruckte Halterungen bekommen. Sobald wir eine CNC Fräse haben, werden wir die 3D gedruckten Teile durch Frästeile ersetzen. Damit es nicht ganz so schnell kaputt geht, haben wir die 3D gedruckten Teile mit etwas Aluminium verstärkt.</p>
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190123_232945.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1168" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190123_232945-300x225.jpg" alt="img_20190123_232945" width="300" height="225" /></a><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190123_235701.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1174" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190123_235701-300x225.jpg" alt="img_20190123_235701" width="300" height="225" /></a><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190123_235642.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1172" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190123_235642-300x225.jpg" alt="img_20190123_235642" width="300" height="225" /></a><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190123_235650.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1173" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/IMG_20190123_235650-300x225.jpg" alt="img_20190123_235650" width="300" height="225" /></a></p>
+<p>Das Bobbycar bekommt in den nächsten Wochen noch einen Akku, bestehend aus bis zu 180 Stück 18650er Zellen (je nachdem wieviele wir in das Gehäuse bekommen). Auch die Motorcontroller müssen noch mit Joysticks am Lenkrad verbunden werden.</p>
+<p>Die Maximalgeschwindigeit wurde mit 38km/h berechnet. Bei einem Gesamtgewicht von 100kg und einem Drehmoment von 34Nm pro Rad kommen wir auf 16,6m/s² Beschleunigung was einer Zeit von 0,5 Sekunden von 0-30km/h entspricht. Die für die Beschleunigung benötigte Streckt wurde mit 2m berechnet.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: nav_menu_item
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: chaos.social
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 1189
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1189
+date: '2019-01-28 16:54:10 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2019-01-28 15:54:10 -0600'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: LoTHR mini Electronics Workbench Upgrade
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 1192
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1192
+date: '2019-02-02 08:38:55 -0600'
+date_gmt: '2019-02-02 07:38:55 -0600'
+- realraum News
+- Projekte
+- english
+- MakingCrafting
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Our mini electronics all-in-one box for LoTHR (so people in LoTHR don't have to walk all the way to TESLA for the quick and small stuff), got an upgrade.</p>
+<p>The previously empty top slot now features an XY-FZ35 programmable electronic load. Test your power supply, test your batteries capacity, draw a discharge graph, use it in ways not intended by it's makers. (But if you break or brick it, You Replace And Fix It ASAP!)</p>
+<p>The tiny cut-out on the top left of the load, features a mini-USB jack where we put an USB serial-TTL converter connected to the GND,TX,RX pins of the load. Using the easy command-set you can indeed periodically poll your batteries discharge rate, voltage on so on.</p>
+<p>But even without USB, the thing is pretty nifty and allows you to set a limit on the amount of mAh to draw, or to stop after a specified time, and so on.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Facing the Post-Antibiotic Era
+ display_name: salmonella
+ login: salmonella
+ email: elisabeth.bs@gmx.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: salmonella
+author_email: elisabeth.bs@gmx.at
+wordpress_id: 1205
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1205
+date: '2019-04-04 22:31:56 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2019-04-04 20:31:56 -0500'
+- realraum News
+- german
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Was tun, wenn Antibiotika nicht mehr wirken?<a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/index.jpg"><img class=" wp-image-1207 alignright" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/index-169x300.jpg" alt="Symposium des ÖGKV Steiermark" width="168" height="298" /></a></p>
+<p>Dieser Frage haben sich zwei schlaue Köpfe aus unserem OLGA gewidmet. Über einige Monate hinweg experimentierten Daniel Derndorfer und Alex Tödling mit Bakteriophagen. Das sind Viren, die darauf spezialisiert sind Bakterien zu befallen und abzutöten. Somit könnten Phagen eine wirksame Alternative zur herkömmlichen Antibiotikatherapie darstellen.</p>
+<p>Das gewonnene Fachwissen teilten die beiden dann Anfang März auf dem Symposium des Österreichischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeverbandes (ÖGKV) anlässlich des 20-jährigen Bestehens der ARGE Hygiene.</p>
+<p>Link zum Video der Präsentation:</p>
+<p>Für mehr Infos kontaktiert uns:<br />
+<a href="https://riot.im/app/#/room/#OLGA-OpenChatRoom:matrix.org">https://riot.im/app/#/room/#OLGA-OpenChatRoom:matrix.org</a></p>
+<p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/155535707929049/">https://www.facebook.com/groups/155535707929049/</a></p>
+<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/realraum/">https://www.instagram.com/realraum/</a></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: post
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Prototype Laser-cut Lamp
+ display_name: xro
+ login: xro
+ email: xro@realraum.at
+ url: ''
+author_login: xro
+author_email: xro@realraum.at
+wordpress_id: 1217
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?p=1217
+date: '2019-06-16 06:38:33 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2019-06-16 04:38:33 -0500'
+- english
+- MakingCrafting
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Since our last meeting for the upcoming Chaos Communication Camp 2019, an idea got stuck in my head (many actually, but this post is just about that one):<br />
+Lasercut some trapezoid lamps that make for a cosy atmosphere in our lounge tent. Leave enough space inside to put in any (battery powered) light at hand. Make them easy to assembly, so we just need to transport the sheets of wood and can easily assemble several of them at the location.</p>
+<p>After a short discussion on IRC about who had time and ideas for the right approach, I decided to give it a try myself and see what I could do in about half a day.</p>
+<p>See <a href="https://galley.realraum.at/index.php?/category/187">photos and videos in the gallery.</a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p><strong>First</strong> I went looking for a trapezoid box maker. Turns out, there is none that I could find. <a href="https://wiki.realraum.at/lasercutter:anleitungen_und_materialdaten#software_und_tools">Here is an otherwise impressive list of joint and box scripts, which I came across.</a></p>
+<p>I decided to draw the box by hand in Inkscape, based on two different sized cubic boxes generated with an Inkscape extension. From these, I would take the top and bottom parts and create the trapezoid sides by rotating the generated finger-joint borders. So far so good. Of course I made a mistake and duplicated the wrong sides, but realized this in time to not waste any wood.</p>
+<h4><img class=" alignright" src="https://galley.realraum.at/i.php?/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2019-06-15_lasercut_dimming_lamp/IMG_20190616_015903_DRO-me.jpg" alt="" /></h4>
+<p><strong>Secondly</strong> I wanted the light to shine through an awesome looking design. Maybe throw some geeky shadows.</p>
+<p>I went to images.google.com and started browsed for creative commons or copyright free SVGs and designs. Most links went to etsy or Pinterest. That sucked.<br />
+After quickly being fed up seeing price tags for simple SVGs, I decided to try my hand at drawing. Due to time constraints and out of concerns for stability I opted for thicker connections and larger windows instead of many fine patterns. Turns out, even a noob with the r3 Wacom tablet like me, can still manage to get workable results within an hour. Workable as proof of concept, anyway and not at all geeky. (My first attempt with drawing gears failed miserably) Our resident art critic found the result to be to "eso"-inspired for his liking. The direct view onto the lamp allowed by the bigger windows also turned out to be uncomfortable, so I had to glue in some backing paper as diffuser.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<p><strong>Third</strong> is the light source. The original idea was, to make enough space so we can put in any (battery powered) light that we might have at hand. I decided to deviate the prototype a bit by re-using the IR-handwave-controlled-light of an old broken Mathmos lamp of mine. All the modifcation that was needed is a cut-out circle at the bottom and the top for the sensor.</p>
+<p> </p>
+<h4>Finished Prototype:</h4>
+<table border="0" width="100%">
+<td><video src="https://galley.realraum.at/action.php?id=3537&part=e&download" width="180" height="320" autoplay controls loop muted></video></td>
+<td><img src="https://galley.realraum.at/_data/i/galleries/HackingUndProjekte/2019-06-15_lasercut_dimming_lamp/IMG_20190616_034544_DRO-me.jpg" alt="" height="320"/></td>
+<h4>How did this project fail in it's goal to make a lamp to quickly and easily assemble at CCCamp:</h4>
+<li>Fail: Glue required for baking paper diffuser, required due to too large windows.</li>
+<li>Fail: Glue required for Finger-joints.</li>
+<li>Fail: Tools required so trapezoid does not fall apart while glue dries. Assembly took too much time.</li>
+<li>Fail: Mistakes made while drawing had to be fixed late with hot-glue, re-drawing and re-cutting.</li>
+<li>Concern: turned out to be larger than necessary</li>
+<li>Concern: Wood/MDF is recyclable and great for in-tent but maybe less fine for outdoor illumination.</li>
+<p> </p>
+<h4>How did this prototype succeed?</h4>
+<li>It makes a nice enough lamp</li>
+<li>Enough space for any light one might want to put in.</li>
+<li>The IR-handwave-controlled-lamp-module was successfully revived in this lamp.</li>
+<li>I got to play with the Wacom Tablet</li>
+<li>It makes a nice in-tent / in-door lamp that will find it's way to CCCamp2019 despite it's failings</li>
+<li>Lessons were learned</li>
+<p> </p>
+<h4>Lessons learned:</h4>
+<li>Rather than drawing patterns ourselves, we should use Japanese Fonts: Write Matrix-Style column text using Hiragana and Katakana in small laser-cut-able letters.</li>
+<li>Drawing the trapezoid box in Inkscape by hand is way too inflexible and does not allow for quick changes to material thickness or lamp size.</li>
+<li>Drawing this in Inkscape by hand was prone to errors.</li>
+<li>Wood is great for in-tent/in-doors but requires treatment for outdoor use. At that point we might consider cutting some lamps from Acrylic rather than treating the wood with laminating foil or lacquer.</li>
+<li>Big holed patterns make less impressive light patterns even though they allow for more stable sides.</li>
+<li>Big holed patterns require a diffuser like baking paper that needs to be glued on.</li>
+<li>Don't just copy&paste side panels, remember that joints need to fit together.</li>
+<li>Two side panels needs to be less wide by $materialthickness if one wants a quadratic bottom and top.</li>
+<li>Finger-joints are a bad choice for quick and glue-less assembly. Examples for designs that might not require glue: <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3362978">[1]</a>, <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2755535">[2]</a></li>
--- /dev/null
+layout: page
+title: "About"
+permalink: /about/
+whiteglass is a minimal, responsive Jekyll theme for hackers.
+## Installation
+Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:
+``` ruby
+gem "jekyll-whiteglass"
+And add this line to your Jekyll site's `_config.yml`:
+``` yaml
+theme: jekyll-whiteglass
+And then execute:
+``` sh
+Or install it yourself as:
+``` sh
+gem install jekyll-whiteglass
+## Quick Start
+1. Generate a new Jekyll blog:
+ ``` sh
+ jekyll new blog --skip-bundle
+ cd blog
+ ```
+2. Edit `Gemfile` to use whiteglass theme:
+ ``` ruby
+ gem "jekyll-whiteglass"
+ ```
+3. Edit `_config.yml` to use whiteglass theme and its plugins:
+ ``` yaml
+ theme: jekyll-whiteglass
+ plugins:
+ - jekyll-archives
+ - jekyll-paginate
+ - jekyll-sitemap
+ permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title/
+ paginate_path: /posts/:num/
+ paginate: 5
+ jekyll-archives:
+ enabled:
+ - categories
+ - tags
+ layout: category_archives
+ permalinks:
+ category: /categories/:name/
+ tag: /tags/:name/
+ ```
+4. Copy
+ [`index.html`](https://github.com/yous/whiteglass/blob/master/index.html),
+ [`about.md`](https://github.com/yous/whiteglass/blob/master/about.md),
+ [`archives.md`](https://github.com/yous/whiteglass/blob/master/archives.md),
+ [`feed.xml`](https://github.com/yous/whiteglass/blob/master/feed.xml), and
+ [`_data/navigation.yml`](https://github.com/yous/whiteglass/blob/master/_data/navigation.yml)
+ from the theme:
+ ``` sh
+ rm index.md
+ curl -L -O "https://github.com/yous/whiteglass/raw/master/{index.html,about.md,archives.md,feed.xml}"
+ curl -L --create-dirs -o _data/navigation.yml https://github.com/yous/whiteglass/raw/master/_data/navigation.yml
+ ```
+5. Install gems and you're good to go! The blog will be available on
+ ``.
+ ``` sh
+ bundle install
+ bundle exec jekyll serve
+ ```
+## Deployment to GitHub Pages using Travis CI
+This theme uses [jekyll-archives](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-archives) gem
+which is [not supported by GitHub Pages](https://help.github.com/articles/configuring-jekyll-plugins/).
+If you want to use full features like categories and tags, I recommend you to
+use Travis CI or other CI services.
+To deploy using Travis CI, first copy the [`.travis.yml`](https://github.com/yous/whiteglass/blob/master/.travis.yml)
+of this repository. You can change `target-branch` (`gh-pages` by default) and
+`on.branch` (`master` by default) as you want. If you want further
+customization, see [Travis CI's documentation page](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/pages/).
+You'll see there's `github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN`, and this is what you should
+configure. Go to your [personal access tokens](https://github.com/settings/tokens)
+page, and generate new token with `public_repo` or `repo` permission as you
+need. Then go to Travis CI's settings page of your repository, and add a new
+environment variable `GITHUB_TOKEN` with the value of the token you generated.
+## Usage
+### Customization
+To override the default structure and style of whiteglass, simply create the
+concerned directory at the root of your site, copy the file you wish to
+customize to that directory, and then edit the file. e.g., to override the
+[`_includes/footer_content.html`](_includes/footer_content.html) file to add
+contents to footer, create an `_includes` directory, copy
+`_includes/footer_content.html` from jekyll-whiteglass gem folder to
+`<your-site>/_includes` and start editing that file.
+For example, you can add favicons to `_includes/head_custom.html`:
+``` html
+<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="{{ "/favicon.ico" | relative_url }}">
+<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="{{ "/apple-touch-icon.png" | relative_url }}">
+<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="{{ "/apple-touch-icon-76x76.png" | relative_url }}">
+<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" href="{{ "/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png" | relative_url }}">
+<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" href="{{ "/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png" | relative_url }}">
+<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="{{ "/apple-touch-icon-180x180.png" | relative_url }}">
+The site's default CSS is in the gem itself,
+[`assets/main.scss`](assets/main.scss). To override the default CSS, the file
+has to exist at your site source. Do either of the following:
+- Create a new instance of `main.scss` at site source
+ - Create a new file `main.scss` at `<your-site>/assets/`
+ - Add the frontmatter dashes, and
+ - Add `@import "whiteglass";`, to `<your-site>/assets/main.scss`
+ - Add your custom CSS
+- Download the file from this repo
+ - Create a new file `main.scss` at `<your-site>/assets/`
+ - Copy the contents at [`assets/main.scss`](assets/main.scss) onto the `main.scss` you just created, and edit away
+- Copy directly from jekyll-whiteglass gem
+ - Go to your local jekyll-whiteglass gem installation directory (run `bundle show jekyll-whiteglass` to get the path to it)
+ - Copy the `assets/` folder from there into the root of `<your-site>`
+ - Change whatever values you want, inside `<your-site>/assets/main.scss`
+### Locale
+`site.lang` is used to declare the primary language for each web page within the
+`lang: en-US` sets the `lang` attribute for the site to the United States flavor
+of English, while `en-GB` would be for the United Kingdom style of English.
+Country codes are optional and the shorter variation `lang: en` is also
+acceptable. You may want to write a post in different language, then add `lang`
+attribute to the frontmatter of that post:
+``` yaml
+layout: post
+title: "안녕하세요"
+lang: ko
+### Description
+`site.description` describes the site. This is mainly used in meta descriptions
+for improving SEO. Also, you can set `description` attribute for each post:
+``` yaml
+layout: post
+title: Awesome Post
+description: This is an awesome post.
+If you don't specify `post.description`, then `post.excerpt` will be used if it
+### External URL
+`external-url` turns the title of your post to a link. Specify a URL which you
+want to link to.
+``` yaml
+layout: post
+title: Jekyll whiteglass theme
+external-url: https://github.com/yous/whiteglass
+Then the title of your post would look like a link with text
+`Jekyll whiteglass theme →`. This also applies to your blog feed.
+### Category
+Each post can have `categories` attribute. It can be a string or an array. This
+will be displayed on index, archive and each post, and provide a link to the
+archive of category.
+``` yaml
+layout: post
+title: Awesome Post
+categories: Misc
+``` yaml
+layout: post
+title: Another Awesome Post
+ - Misc
+ - Idea
+### Tag
+Each post can have `tags` attribute. It can be a string or an array. This will
+be displayed on index, archive and each post, and provide a link to the archive
+of tag.
+``` yaml
+layout: post
+title: Awesome Post
+tags: food
+``` yaml
+layout: post
+title: Another Awesome Post
+ - food
+ - trip
+### Feed
+Create `<your-site>/feed.xml` with:
+``` yaml
+layout: feed
+If you want to use another path for feed, you can specify a non-default path via
+your site's config.
+``` yaml
+ path: atom.xml
+Then create `<your-site>/atom.xml` with the same content of `feed.xml` above.
+### Comments
+whiteglass provides the ability to include your favourite commenting service, like [Disqus](https://disqus.com) or [Isso](https://posativ.org/isso).
+To enable comments on pages and posts:
+1. Overwrite the `_includes/custom_comments_provider.html` with your custom provider of comments.
+2. Add `comments: true` to your `_config.yml`.
+To disable comments on certain pages or posts specify `comments: false` in the front matter of the page or post.
+### Metadata for SEO
+#### Keywords
+Each post can have `keywords` attribute. This is a comma-separated list which is
+used in meta descriptions for improving SEO.
+``` yaml
+layout: post
+title: How to configure jekyll-whiteglass
+keywords: jekyll, whiteglass, github pages
+YAML list is also available:
+``` yaml
+ - jekyll
+ - whiteglass
+ - github pages
+#### Twitter
+- `site.twitter_username` sets `twitter:site` and `twitter:creator` meta tag
+- `site.twitter_image` sets `twitter:image:src` meta tag
+- `page.twitter_card.type` sets `twitter:card` meta tag (default: `summary`)
+ - If `page.twitter_card.type` is `gallery`, it sets `twitter:image0`, `twitter:image1`, `twitter:image2` and `twitter:image3` meta tags with `page.twitter_card.image`, `page.twitter_card.image1`, `page.twitter_card.image2` and `page.twitter_card.image3`, respectively
+ - If `page.twitter_card.type` is `photo`, `page.twitter_card.width` sets `twitter:image:width` meta tag and `page.twitter_card.height` sets `twitter:image:height` meta tag
+- `page.twitter_card.creator` sets `twitter:creator` meta tag. It overrides `site.twitter_username`
+- `page.twitter_card.image` sets `twitter:image:src` meta tag if `page.twitter_card.type` is not `gallery`. It overrides `site.twitter_image`
+#### Facebook
+- `site.facebook_app_id` sets `fb:admins` meta tag
+- `site.facebook_page` sets `article:author` meta tag
+- `site.facebook_image` sets `og:image` meta tag
+- `page.facebook.image` sets `og:image` meta tag. It overrides `site.facebook_image`
+### Navigation
+To define header links, add titles and URLs under the `main` key in
+``` yaml
+ - title: "About"
+ url: /about/
+ - title: "Archives"
+ url: /archives/
+ - title: "GitHub"
+ url: https://github.com/yous/whiteglass
+### Enabling Google Analytics
+To enable Google Analytics, add the following lines to your Jekyll site:
+``` yaml
+google_analytics: UA-NNNNNNNN-N
--- /dev/null
+layout: archive
+title: "Blog Archive"
+permalink: /archives/
--- /dev/null
+layout: feed
--- /dev/null
+# You don't need to edit this file, it's empty on purpose.
+# Edit whiteglass' home layout instead if you want to make some changes.
+# See: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/#overriding-theme-defaults
+layout: home
--- /dev/null
+layout: page
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Kalender
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 16
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?page_id=16
+date: '2015-09-25 19:55:02 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 19:55:02 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><!-- http://icalevents.com/support/documentation/shortcodes/ --></p>
+<p><a href="https://grical.realraum.at/s/?query=%21realraum&view=calendars"><img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-837" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/grical_thumbnail.png" alt="grical_thumbnail" width="200" height="100" /></a>Unseren Kalender findet ihr <a href="https://grical.realraum.at/s/?query=!realraum&view=calendars">hier</a>.</p>
+<p>Abonniert ihn am besten mit dieser URL: <a href="https://r3.at/events.ical">https://r3.at/events.ics</a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<h3>Kommende Veranstaltungen:</h3>
+<p>[iCal ics=https://r3.at/events.ics listtype=3 pagination=0Â cache=1]</p>
--- /dev/null
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+title: Vergangenes
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+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 142
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?page_id=142
+date: '2015-10-09 02:54:56 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-10-09 00:54:56 -0500'
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+<p>Unseren Kalender findet ihr <a href="https://grical.realraum.at/s/?query=!realraum&view=calendars">hier</a>. Bereits vergangene Veranstaltungen:</p>
+<p>[iCal ics=http://www.realraum.at/shmcache/grical_realraum.ical listtype=3 pagination=0 startoffset=-30 days=30 sort_later_events_first=1]</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: page
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+title: Kontakt
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+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
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+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 54
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?page_id=54
+date: '2015-09-25 23:46:03 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 21:46:03 -0500'
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+comments: []
+<h4>Wie kann man den realraum erreichen?</h4>
+<h4>Per Mail<i style="float:right; font-size:80%;">realraum@realraum.at</i></h4>
+<p>Unser Online Kommunikation findet hauptsächlich über die <a href="https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mailingliste">Mailingliste</a> <i>realraum@realraum.at</i> statt. Einfach <a href="https://lists.mur.at/mailman/listinfo/realraum">anmelden</a> und mailen. Wir versuchen so schnell es geht zu antworten.</p>
+<p>Für offizielle Anfragen kannst du auch an <i>vorstand@realraum.at</i> schreiben.</p>
+<p>Mehr Infos findest du <a href="http://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=mailingliste">in unserem Wiki</a>.</p>
+<h4>Per Chat<i style="float:right; font-size:80%;">#realraum@irc.oftc.net</i></h4>
+<p>Solltest du einen <a href="https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat">IRC</a> Client verwenden, kannst du uns auch erreichen, indem du auf <a href="http://www.oftc.net/">OFTC</a> dem Channel <a href="irc://irc.oftc.net:6667/#realraum">#realraum</a> beitrittst. Alternativ kannst du auch <a href="http://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=realraum&uio=d4">den Webchat</a> dazu nutzen.</p>
+<h4>Einfach vorbeikommen</h4>
+<p><a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/668061696#map=16/47.0656/15.4506">Brockmanngasse 15, Erdgeschoss</a><br />
+<a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/668061696#map=16/47.0656/15.4506">Graz, Europe, Earth</a></p>
+<p><img src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/wpid-20181110_032420.jpg" width="1770" height="1080" class="wp-image-1144 alignnone size-full"><u></u></p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: page
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+published: true
+title: OLGA
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
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+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 48
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?page_id=48
+date: '2015-09-25 23:42:17 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 21:42:17 -0500'
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+comments: []
+<h3>Das Open bioLab Graz Austria im r3</h3>
+<p>Das Open bioLab Graz Austria (kurz OLGA) ist ein Biohacker-Space, das DIYbio Labor und Teil vom realraum. OLGA ist ein offenes Gemeinschafts-Labor für Molekularbiologe und Bio-Hacking.</p>
+<p>Klick auf das <strong>OLGA Logo</strong> oder direkt auf die <strong>Bilder</strong> um mehr über uns zu erfahren (OLGA Wiki):</p>
+<p><a href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=olga:olga"><img class="alignnone wp-image-88 size-full" src="/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/olga_logo_klein.png" alt="olga_logo_klein" width="425" height="110" /></a></p>
+<p><a href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=olga:ueberuns"><img class="alignnone wp-image-88 size-full" src="http://galley.realraum.at/_data/i/upload/2019/04/02/20190402223140-16495149-me.jpg" alt="olga_logo_klein" width="365" height="40" /></a><a href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=olga:kontakt"><img class="alignnone wp-image-88 size-full" src="http://galley.realraum.at/_data/i/upload/2019/04/02/20190402233307-381ea3fd-me.jpg" alt="olga_logo_klein" width="365" height="40" /></a></p>
+<p><a href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=olga:news_events"><img class="alignnone wp-image-88 size-full" src="http://galley.realraum.at/_data/i/upload/2019/04/02/20190402223141-cf5ef5eb-me.jpg" alt="olga_logo_klein" width="365" height="40" /></a><a href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=olga:daten"><img class="alignnone wp-image-88 size-full" src="http://galley.realraum.at/_data/i/upload/2019/04/02/20190402223139-30785496-me.jpg" alt="olga_logo_klein" width="365" height="40" /></a></p>
+<p>Unsere Homepage und alle aktuellen Informationen findest du im:<br />
+<h2><a title="OLGA Wiki" href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=olga:olga">OLGA Wiki</a></h2>
--- /dev/null
+layout: page
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Möglichkeiten
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
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+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 129
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?page_id=129
+date: '2015-09-30 01:02:26 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-29 23:02:26 -0500'
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+comments: []
+<li>Freie, kreative Forschung, frei nach Interesse & Leidenschaft (z.b. an ökologisch bedeutenden Themen) statt den Ökonomischen & Erfolgs-Zwängen der Arbeitswelt und Universität folgen zu müssen.</li>
+<li>Die Möglichkeit molekulare Biologie in Eigenregie zu erlernen und anzuwenden, ohne vollkommen von den veralteten Lehrmethoden von Schulen und Universitäten abhängig zu sein. Keiner, der sich das anmaßende Recht herausnimmt, darüber zu entscheiden wer molekulare Biologie machen darf und wer nicht. (Aufnahmeprüfungen, Knock-Outprüfungen, “Bulemielernenâ€\9d–> Nein danke.)</li>
+<li>Unkompliziertes, fächerübergreifendes Arbeiten mit Freunden, alleine, oder wie immer man will</li>
+<li>Keine Diskriminierung auf Grund von Alter, Schulabschluss, finanziellen Mitteln…</li>
+<li>24/7 Zugang zu einem Labor</li>
+<li>Übungsmöglichkeiten für Studenten ohne ständigen Notendruck, Fehler zu machen ist Ok! Manchmal sogar der größere Spaß ;)</li>
+<li>Unabhängige DNA Tests, Umwelt Tests,…</li>
+<li>Freier Zugang zu Wissen, Open-Source Kultur</li>
--- /dev/null
+layout: page
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Ziele
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 126
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?page_id=126
+date: '2015-09-30 01:00:18 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-29 23:00:18 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<h3>Das Ziel des 'Open bioLab Graz - Austria'</h3>
+<p>Uns treibt ein starkes Interesse an molekularbiologischer Forschung und Technik an, für den kreativen, freien und selbstständigen Umgang damit sowie für interdisziplinäres und gemeinschaftliches Arbeiten.</p>
+<p>Das Ziel des Open bioLab Graz Austria ist folgendes:</p>
+<p>Ein offenes Gemeinschaftslabors für Biologie und Molekularbiologie von Forschungsbegeisterten für Forschungsbegeisterte zu unterhalten.</p>
+<p>Wir stellen ein für Interessierte frei zugängliches Labor zur Verfügung, bieten Platz für kreative, gemeinschaftliche, fächerübergreifende Projekte, Freude an der Forschung, sowie Lernen von und miteinander. Dabei kooperieren wir gerne mit Schulen, universitären Fakultäten und begeisterten Einzelpersonen und Personengruppen. Das OLGA ist nicht nur ein Hobby, sondern auch als Inspiration und wertvolle Ergänzung zur Bildung. Die nötige Ausrüstung wurde und wird laufend über Spenden, Eigenentwicklungen (Thermocycler, Bioreaktor, 3D-Bioprinter) oder aus nicht mehr benötigten Altbeständen organisiert. Während es in anderen Fachbereichen wie Elektronik bereits viele entsprechende Initiativen gibt (in Wien z.B. das 'Metalab'), kann man freie Labore für Molekularbiologie in ganz Europa an einer Hand abzählen, sogar weltweit finden sich nur unwesentlich mehr. Sie wurden unter Begriffen wie “DIY-Bioâ€\9d oder “Bio-hackingâ€\9d bekannt. Wir freuen uns, in Graz eine österreichweite Vorreiterrolle einnehmen zu können. Begeisterte Mitwirkende aus anderen Teilen Österreich und sogar dem nahen Ausland unterstreichen dies.</p>
--- /dev/null
+layout: page
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Was ist eigentlich der realraum?
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 45
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?page_id=45
+date: '2015-09-25 23:41:03 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-09-25 21:41:03 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p>Wir sind einerseits eine <strong>Community</strong> von Technik- und Bastel-Begeisterten. Uns macht das Spielen & Experimentieren mit Technik Spaß. Wir entdecken gerne Neues und wollen von Anderen lernen. Ob Zentrifuge, Lötkolben, Bits&Bytes, Sensoren, DNA, TCP-Packet, Kryptografie, 3D Drucker, Technik|Gesellschaft, Lasercutter oder Mikroskop, die Interessen sind vielseitig.</p>
+<p>Andererseits ist der <em>realraum</em> eine <strong>Räumlichkeit</strong> in der <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/668061696#map=16/47.0656/15.4506">Brockmanngasse in Graz</a>, in denen diese Community einen Ort findet, sich zu treffen, auszutauschen, zu basteln, diskutieren, oder einfach nur die Seele bei einem kühlen Mate oder <a href="http://tschunk.org/">Tschunk</a> baumeln zu lassen. <a href="https://galley.realraum.at/random.php">Hier ein paar Fotos.</a></p>
+<p>Kurz gesagt: Der <em>realraum</em> ist ein <strong>Hackerspace, Makerspace und DIY Biolab</strong>.</p>
+<p>Die meisten <a href="http://wp.realraum.at/?page_id=16">Veranstaltungen</a> sind offen, der Eintritt ist frei. <strong>Komm vorbei!</strong></p>
+<p>Oder <a title="Veranstaltung abhalten" href="https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=vernanstaltungenabhalten">halte deine eigene Veranstaltung</a> bei uns ab.</p>
+<p><a href="/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/realraum_movein.jpg"><img class="alignnone wp-image-86 size-full" src="/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/realraum_movein.jpg" alt="realraum_movein" width="1020" height="416" /></a></p>
+<p> </p>
+<p><strong>Hackerspace klingt für mich irgendwie böse....</strong></p>
+<blockquote><p>Hacken bedeutet für uns Systeme zu verstehen in man sie mal auseinandernimmt, genau betrachtet und vielleicht auf neue und kreative Art und Weise wieder zusammensetzt. Dinge anders als vorgesehen funktionieren zu lassen, kann Kunst sein oder einfach nur Spaß machen. Für die meisten von uns ist Hacken synonym mit Basteln.</p>
+<p>Dabei muss es nicht unbedingt immer um Technik gehen. Wir nutzen Reagenzgläser um Applaus zu messen, Beleuchtungsstrips um ein Logo zu basteln, Glühbirnen um veganes Tempe zu brüten, alte Laptopbildschrime als Infokiosk, usw.</p></blockquote>
+<p><strong>In einem Verein gibt es doch einen Vorstand und genau verteilte Aufgaben...<br />
+<blockquote><p>Das Hauptaugenmerk unseres Orga-Teams liegt ausschließlich darauf die Arbeiten zu erledigen, die minimal nötig sind damit der Verein funktioniert: Buchhaltung, Zahlung von Miete und Strom, Postverkehr, Versicherung, Aufnahme von Mitgliedern, etc.</p>
+<p>Inhaltlich wird der realraum von den Aktivitäten und Initiativen seiner Mitglieder getragen bzw stellt einfach nur Raum und Infrastruktur für individuelle Projekte oder Interessengruppen/Meetups bereit. Wenn ein gemeinsamer Standpunkte nötig ist oder wie der realraum nach Außen vertreten wird, wird das im monatlichen Mitgliedertreffen diskutiert.</p></blockquote>
--- /dev/null
+layout: page
+status: publish
+published: true
+title: Räume
+ display_name: stefan
+ login: verr
+ email: stefan@2904.cc
+ url: ''
+author_login: verr
+author_email: stefan@2904.cc
+wordpress_id: 152
+wordpress_url: http://wp.realraum.at/?page_id=152
+date: '2015-10-09 03:11:02 -0500'
+date_gmt: '2015-10-09 01:11:02 -0500'
+categories: []
+tags: []
+comments: []
+<p><a href="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/realraum_raumnamen.png"><img class=" size-medium wp-image-13 alignleft" src="http://wp.realraum.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/realraum_raumnamen-264x300.png" alt="realraum_raumnamen" width="264" height="300" /></a>Der physikalische <em>realraum</em> ist ein Vereinslokal in der Brockmanngasse 15 in Graz. Der <em>Raum</em> besteht eigentlich aus mehreren Räumen, die wir euch im Folgenden kurz vorstellen.</p>
+<p>Nach Durchschreiten unserer Vordertür, stilecht gesichert durch ein elektronisches Schloss Marke Eigenbau, befindet man sich in unserer <em>Lounge for Tinkering / Talking, Hacking & Relaxing / Reading, </em>kurz <strong>LoTHR</strong>. Wie der Name schon sagt wird dieser Raum vielseitig genutzt und ist auch unser Hauptraum. Dort finden außerdem die meisten unserer Workshops und Parties statt, Infrastruktur wie Beamer & Leinwand vorhanden. Außerdem wohnen hier unser <a href="http://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=lasercutter:lasercutter">Lasercutter</a> und der <a href="http://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=3dprinting:3dprinting">3D-Drucker</a>. Des weiteren befindet sich in einer Ecke das Tesla, unser Elektronik-Labor. Besonders abends laden Ambient Light, Stereoanlage, Couchen und eine kleine Küche zum "socializen" ein.</p>
+<p>Der Connector, kurz <strong>Cx</strong>, verbindet alle unsere Räume miteinander. Außerdem wohnen in diesem Raum unsere Netzwerk-Infrastruktur und unser Raum-Server <em>AlfRED</em>. So nebenbei stapeln sich hier auch die Getränke-Kisten, um immer genug Bier, Mate, Makava und Apfelsaft für die Küche bereit zu haben.</p>
+<p>Über den Connector gelangt man unter anderem in's Open BioLab Graz – Austria, kurz <strong>OLGA</strong>. <a href="http://wp.realraum.at/?page_id=48">Mehr Infos über's OLGA</a>.</p>
+<p>Außerdem findet sich neben dem OLGA noch unsere Werkstatt, auch Machine Shack, oder kurz <strong>MaSha</strong>, genannt. Hier findet sich Werkbank, Bohrmaschinen, Schraubenzieher & Schrauben, Hammer & Nägel, Sägen, ... alles, was man zum Arbeiten mit Holz, Metall und anderen Materialien so brauchen kann.</p>
+<p>Eine <a href="http://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=roomtools">detaillierte Erklärung der Räume</a> ist in unserem Wiki zu finden. Ebenso im Wiki findet sich eine <a href="http://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=werkzeug">Liste aller im Raum verfügbaren Werkzeuge</a>.</p>
+<p>Die gesamte realraum Infrastruktur, also alle Räume, Werkzeuge, Tools und die IT, können von allen realraum Mitgliedern genutzt werden. Außerdem ist es auch ohne Mitgliedschaft möglich, den Großteil unserer Infrastruktur zu nutzen. Einfach vorbeikommen und ein realraum Mitglied fragen!</p>