opt->door_dev_ = strdup("/dev/door");
- opt->command_sock_ = strdup("/var/run/door_daemon");
+ opt->command_sock_ = strdup("/var/run/door_daemon/cmd.sock");
void options_clear(options_t* opt)
printf(" [-L|--log] <target>:<level>[,<param1>[,<param2>..]]\n");
printf(" add a log target, can be invoked several times\n");
- printf(" [-d|--device] <tty device> the device file e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0\n");
- printf(" [-s|--command-sock] <unix sock> the command socket e.g. /var/run/door_daemon\n");
+ printf(" [-d|--device] <tty device> the device file e.g. /dev/door\n");
+ printf(" [-s|--command-sock] <unix sock> the command socket e.g. /var/run/door_daemon/cmd.sock\n");
void options_print(options_t* opt)
# copy this to /etc/udev/rules.d/ and change serial number to your needs
-SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", ATTRS{serial}=="A40015qH", SYMLINK+="door"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", ATTRS{serial}=="A40015qH", SYMLINK+="door", OWNER="door", GROUP="door"