#include #include #include #include #include //********************************************************************// #define RF_DATA_OUT_PIN 13 #define IR_MOVEMENT_PIN 9 #define ONE_WIRE_PIN 8 #define PANIC_BUTTON_PIN 7 #define BLUELED_PWM_PIN 6 #define PHOTO_ANALOGPIN 0 //movement is reported if during IR_SAMPLE_DURATION at least IR_TRESHOLD ir signals are detectd #define IR_SAMPLE_DURATION 20000 #define IR_TRESHOLD 13000 //duration PanicButton needs to be pressed before status change occurs (i.e. for two PanicButton Reports, the buttons needs to be pressed 1000 cycles, releases 1000 cycles and again pressed 1000 cycles) #define PB_TRESHOLD 1000 #define PHOTO_SAMPLE_INTERVAL 4000 OneWire onewire(ONE_WIRE_PIN); DallasTemperature dallas_sensors(&onewire); DeviceAddress onShieldTemp = { 0x10, 0xE7, 0x77, 0xD3, 0x01, 0x08, 0x00, 0x3F }; typedef struct { byte offset; byte state; } rf_bit_t; // offset is number of alphas (0.08ms) const rf_bit_t zero_bit[] = { { 4, 1 }, { 16, 0 }, { 20, 1 }, { 32, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }; const rf_bit_t one_bit[] = { { 12, 1 }, { 16, 0 }, { 28, 1 }, { 32, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }; const rf_bit_t float_bit[] = { { 4, 1 }, { 16, 0 }, { 28, 1 }, { 32, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }; const rf_bit_t sync_bit[] = { { 4, 1 }, { 128, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }; typedef enum { ZERO = 0, ONE , FLOAT , SYNC } adbit_t; typedef byte ad_bit_t; #define WORD_LEN 13 typedef ad_bit_t word_t[WORD_LEN]; const rf_bit_t* bit_defs[] = { zero_bit, one_bit, float_bit, sync_bit }; byte alpha_cnt = 0; byte bit_cnt = 0; byte chunk_cnt = 0; byte word_cnt = 0; const ad_bit_t* current_word; byte volatile frame_finished = 1; #define FRAME_LEN 8 #define A1_ON 0 #define A1_OFF 1 #define A2_ON 2 #define A2_OFF 3 #define B1_ON 4 #define B1_OFF 5 #define B2_ON 6 #define B2_OFF 7 #define C1_ON 8 #define C1_OFF 9 #define C2_ON 10 #define C2_OFF 11 #define D1_ON 12 #define D1_OFF 13 #define D2_ON 14 #define D2_OFF 15 const word_t words[] = { { ZERO, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, SYNC }, // A1_ON { ZERO, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, SYNC }, // A1_OFF { ZERO, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, SYNC }, // A2_ON { ZERO, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, SYNC }, // A2_OFF { FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, SYNC }, // B1_ON { FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, SYNC }, // B1_OFF { FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, SYNC }, // B2_ON { FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, SYNC }, // B2_OFF { ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, SYNC }, // C1_ON { ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, SYNC }, // C1_OFF { ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, SYNC }, // C2_ON { ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, SYNC }, // C2_OFF { FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, SYNC }, // D1_ON { FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, SYNC }, // D1_OFF { FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, SYNC }, // D2_ON { FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, FLOAT, FLOAT, ZERO, SYNC } // D2_OFF }; //********************************************************************// void start_timer() { // timer 1: 2 ms TCCR1A = 0; // prescaler 1:8, WGM = 4 (CTC) TCCR1B = 1< 0.08ms @ 16 MHz -> 1*alpha // OCR1A = 207; // (1+207)*8 = 1664 -> 0.104ms @ 16 MHz -> 1*alpha TCNT1 = 0; // reseting timer TIMSK1 = 1< 250) light_level_mean_ = value; else light_level_mean_=(unsigned int) ( ((float) light_level_mean_) * 0.98 + ((float)value)*0.02 ); } void printLightLevel() { Serial.print("Photo: "); Serial.println(light_level_mean_); } //********************************************************************// unsigned long wm_start_=0; bool wait_millis(unsigned long ms) { if (wm_start_ > 0) { if (millis() < wm_start_ || millis() > wm_start_+ ms) { wm_start_=0; return false; } else return true; } else { wm_start_=millis(); return true; } } unsigned int flash_led_time_=0; void calculate_led_level(unsigned int pwm_pin) { if (flash_led_time_ == 0) return; if (wait_millis(10)) return; flash_led_time_--; int c = abs(sin(float(flash_led_time_) / 100.0)) * 256; analogWrite(pwm_pin,c); } void flash_led(int times) { flash_led_time_ += 314*times; } //********************************************************************// void setup() { pinMode(RF_DATA_OUT_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(RF_DATA_OUT_PIN, LOW); pinMode(IR_MOVEMENT_PIN, INPUT); // set pin to input digitalWrite(IR_MOVEMENT_PIN, LOW); // turn off pullup resistors pinMode(PANIC_BUTTON_PIN, INPUT); // set pin to input digitalWrite(PANIC_BUTTON_PIN, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistors analogWrite(BLUELED_PWM_PIN,0); onewire.reset(); onewire.reset_search(); dallas_sensors.begin(); //in case we change temp sensor: if (!dallas_sensors.getAddress(onShieldTemp, 0)) Serial.println("Error: Unable to find address for Device 0"); dallas_sensors.setResolution(onShieldTemp, 9); Serial.begin(9600); } unsigned int ir_time=IR_SAMPLE_DURATION; unsigned int ir_count=0; boolean pb_last_state=0; boolean pb_state=0; boolean pb_postth_state=0; unsigned int pb_time=0; void loop() { ir_time--; ir_count += (digitalRead(IR_MOVEMENT_PIN) == HIGH); if (pb_time < PB_TRESHOLD) pb_time++; pb_state=(digitalRead(PANIC_BUTTON_PIN) == LOW); if (ir_time == 0) { if (ir_count >= IR_TRESHOLD) { flash_led(1); Serial.println("movement"); } ir_time=IR_SAMPLE_DURATION; ir_count=0; } if (pb_state == pb_last_state && pb_time >= PB_TRESHOLD) { if (pb_state && ! pb_postth_state) { pb_postth_state=1; Serial.println("PanicButton"); flash_led(7); } else if (!pb_state) pb_postth_state=0; } else if (pb_state != pb_last_state) { pb_time=0; pb_last_state=pb_state; } updateLightLevel(PHOTO_ANALOGPIN); calculate_led_level(BLUELED_PWM_PIN); if(Serial.available()) { char command = Serial.read(); if(command == 'A') send_frame(words[A1_ON]); else if(command == 'a') send_frame(words[A1_OFF]); else if(command == 'B') send_frame(words[A2_ON]); else if(command == 'b') send_frame(words[A2_OFF]); else if(command == 'C') send_frame(words[B1_ON]); else if(command == 'c') send_frame(words[B1_OFF]); else if(command == 'D') send_frame(words[B2_ON]); else if(command == 'd') send_frame(words[B2_OFF]); else if(command == 'E') send_frame(words[C1_ON]); else if(command == 'e') send_frame(words[C1_OFF]); else if(command == 'F') send_frame(words[C2_ON]); else if(command == 'f') send_frame(words[C2_OFF]); else if(command == 'G') send_frame(words[D1_ON]); else if(command == 'g') send_frame(words[D1_OFF]); else if(command == 'H') send_frame(words[D2_ON]); else if(command == 'h') send_frame(words[D2_OFF]); else if(command == 'T') printTemperature(onShieldTemp); else if(command == 'P') printLightLevel(); else Serial.println("Error: unknown command"); } }