package main import ( "./r3xmppbot" pubsub "" "flag" "time" "fmt" //~ "./brain" ) type SpaceState struct { present bool buttonpress_until int64 door_locked bool door_shut bool } var ( presence_socket_path_ string xmpp_presence_events_chan_ chan interface{} xmpp_login_ struct {jid string; pass string} xmpp_bot_authstring_ string xmpp_state_save_dir_ string button_press_timeout_ int64 = 3600 ) //------- func init() { flag.StringVar(&xmpp_login_.jid, "xjid", "", "XMPP Bot Login JID") flag.StringVar(&xmpp_login_.pass, "xpass", "", "XMPP Bot Login Password") flag.StringVar(&xmpp_bot_authstring_, "xbotauth", "", "String that user use to authenticate themselves to the bot") flag.StringVar(&presence_socket_path_,"presencesocket", "/var/run/tuer/presence.socket", "Path to presence socket") flag.StringVar(&xmpp_state_save_dir_,"xstatedir","/flash/var/lib/r3netstatus/", "Directory to save XMPP bot state in") flag.Parse() } //------- func IfThenElseStr(c bool, strue, sfalse string) string { if c {return strue} else {return sfalse} } func composeMessage(present, locked, shut bool, who string, ts int64) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s (Door is %s and %s and was last used%s at %s)", IfThenElseStr(present, "Somebody is present!" , "Everybody left."), IfThenElseStr(locked, "locked","unlocked"), IfThenElseStr(shut, "shut","ajar"), IfThenElseStr(len(who) == 0,"", " by " + who), time.Unix(ts,0).String()) } func EventToXMPP(ps *pubsub.PubSub, xmpp_presence_events_chan_ chan <- interface{}) { events := ps.Sub("presence","door","buttons") defer func() { if x := recover(); x != nil { fmt.Printf("handleIncomingXMPPStanzas: run time panic: %v", x) ps.Unsub(events, "presence","door","buttons") close(xmpp_presence_events_chan_) } }() var present, locked, shut bool = false, true, true var last_buttonpress int64 = 0 var who string button_msg := "The button has been pressed ! Propably someone is bored and in need of company ! ;-)" button_status := r3xmppbot.XMPPStatusEvent{r3xmppbot.ShowFreeForChat, "The button has been pressed :-)"} xmpp_presence_events_chan_ <- r3xmppbot.XMPPStatusEvent{r3xmppbot.ShowNotAvailabe, "Nobody is here"} for eventinterface := range(events) { switch event := eventinterface.(type) { case PresenceUpdate: present = event.Present xmpp_presence_events_chan_ <- r3xmppbot.XMPPMsgEvent{Msg: composeMessage(present, locked, shut, who, event.Ts), DistributeLevel: r3xmppbot.R3OnlineOnlyInfo, RememberAsStatus: true} if present { if time.Now().Unix() - last_buttonpress < button_press_timeout_ { xmpp_presence_events_chan_ <- button_status } else { xmpp_presence_events_chan_ <- r3xmppbot.XMPPStatusEvent{r3xmppbot.ShowOnline,"Somebody is present"} } } else { xmpp_presence_events_chan_ <- r3xmppbot.XMPPStatusEvent{r3xmppbot.ShowNotAvailabe,"Nobody is here"} } case DoorCommandEvent: if len(event.Who) > 0 && len(event.Using) > 0 { who = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)",event.Who, event.Using) } else { who = event.Who } xmpp_presence_events_chan_ <- fmt.Sprintln("DoorCommand:",event.Command, "using", event.Using, "by", event.Who, time.Unix(event.Ts,0)) case DoorStatusUpdate: locked = event.Locked shut = event.Shut xmpp_presence_events_chan_ <- r3xmppbot.XMPPMsgEvent{Msg: composeMessage(present, locked, shut, who, event.Ts), DistributeLevel: r3xmppbot.R3DebugInfo, RememberAsStatus: true} case ButtonPressUpdate: xmpp_presence_events_chan_ <- r3xmppbot.XMPPMsgEvent{Msg: button_msg, DistributeLevel: r3xmppbot.R3OnlineOnlyInfo} xmpp_presence_events_chan_ <- button_status last_buttonpress = event.Ts } } } func main() { var xmpperr error var bot *r3xmppbot.XmppBot bot, xmpp_presence_events_chan_, xmpperr = r3xmppbot.NewStartedBot(xmpp_login_.jid, xmpp_login_.pass, xmpp_bot_authstring_, xmpp_state_save_dir_, true) newlinequeue := make(chan string, 1) ps := pubsub.New(1) //~ brn := brain.New() defer close(newlinequeue) defer ps.Shutdown() //~ defer brn.Shutdown() go EventToWeb(ps) if xmpperr == nil { defer bot.StopBot() go EventToXMPP(ps, xmpp_presence_events_chan_) } else { fmt.Println(xmpperr) fmt.Println("XMPP Bot disabled") } go ReadFromUSocket(presence_socket_path_, newlinequeue) ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(7) * time.Minute) for { select { case e := <-newlinequeue: ParseSocketInputLine(e, ps) //, brn) case <-ticker.C: ps.Pub(TimeTick{time.Now().Unix()}, "publishjson") } } }