--- - name: Create temporary build directory command: mktemp --tmpdir -d openwrt-{{ inventory_hostname }}.XXXXXX register: tmpdir - set_fact: openwrt_imgbuilder_dir: "{{ tmpdir.stdout }}" openwrt_imgbuilder_files: "{{ tmpdir.stdout }}/files" - name: Create the directories for mixins file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory with_items: - "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/etc/config" - "{{ openwrt_mixin | map('dirname') | map('regex_replace', '^', openwrt_imgbuilder_files) | unique | list }}" - name: Copy mixins in place [1/2] copy: src: "{{ item.file }}" dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/{{ item.key }}" mode: "{{ item.mode | default(0644) }}" with_dict: "{{ openwrt_mixin }}" when: '"file" in item' loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" - name: Copy mixins in place [2/2] copy: content: "{{ item.value }}" dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/{{ item.key }}" mode: "{{ item.mode | default(0644) }}" with_dict: "{{ openwrt_mixin }}" when: '"content" in item' loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" - name: Generate /etc/fstab mount: fstab: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/etc/fstab" state: present args: "{{ item }}" when: openwrt_mounts is defined with_items: "{{ openwrt_mounts }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item.path }}" - name: Create UCI configuration files template: src: uci.j2 dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/etc/config/{{ item.key }}" mode: 0644 trim_blocks: yes # force: no ## TODO: fail when overwriting a file with_dict: "{{ openwrt_uci }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" - name: Create /etc/passwd template: src: passwd.j2 dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/etc/passwd" mode: 0644 trim_blocks: yes when: openwrt_users is defined - name: Create /etc/group template: src: group.j2 dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_files }}/etc/group" mode: 0644 trim_blocks: yes when: openwrt_groups is defined or openwrt_users is defined ### TODO: this just hangs? # - unarchive: # copy: False # src: "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_name }}" # dest: "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_dir }}" - name: Decompress the OpenWrt image builder command: >- tar -xf "{{ openwrt_download_dir }}/{{ openwrt_tarball_name }}" -C "{{ openwrt_imgbuilder_dir }}"