--- - name: only allow pubkey auth for root lineinfile: dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp: "^PermitRootLogin" line: "PermitRootLogin without-password" notify: restart ssh - name: limit allowed users (1/3) lineinfile: dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp: "^#?AllowUsers" line: "AllowUsers {{ ' '.join([ 'root' ] | union(sshd_allowusers_group | default([])) | union(sshd_allowusers_host | default([]))) }}" when: sshd_allowusers_set is defined and sshd_allowgroup is not defined notify: restart ssh - block: - name: "limit allowed users (2/3): Make sure AllowUsers is not in sshd_config" lineinfile: dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp: "^AllowUsers" state: absent - name: "limit allowed users (2/3): Set AllowGroups in sshd_config" lineinfile: dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp: "^#?AllowGroups" line: AllowGroups {{ sshd_allowgroup }} - name: "limit allowed users (2/3): Add allowed users to ssh group" user: name: "{{ item }}" groups: "{{ sshd_allowgroup }}" append: True with_items: "{{ [ 'root' ] | union(sshd_allowusers_group | default([])) | union(sshd_allowusers_host | default([])) }}" when: sshd_allowgroup is defined - name: limit allowed users (3/3) lineinfile: dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp: "^Allow(Users|Groups)" state: absent when: sshd_allowusers_set is not defined and sshd_allowgroup is not defined notify: restart ssh - name: Set authorized keys for root user authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ lookup('pipe','cat ssh/noc/*.pub') }}" exclusive: yes - name: disable apt suggests and recommends copy: src=02no-recommends dest=/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ mode=0644 - name: install basic packages apt: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - less - psmisc - sudo - htop - dstat - mtr-tiny - tcpdump - debian-goodies - lsof - haveged - net-tools - ntp - screen - aptitude - unp - ca-certificates - file - zsh - python-apt - block: - name: install systemd specific packages apt: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - dbus - libpam-systemd - name: set systemd-related environment variables copy: src=xdg_runtime_dir.sh dest=/etc/profile.d/xdg_runtime_dir.sh mode=0644 when: ansible_service_mgr == "systemd" - name: install zshrc copy: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }} mode=0644 with_items: - { "src": "zprofile", "dest": "/etc/zsh/zprofile" } - { "src": "zshrc", "dest": "/etc/zsh/zshrc" } - { "src": "zshrc.skel", "dest": "/etc/skel/.zshrc" } - name: set root default shell to zsh user: name=root shell=/bin/zsh - name: set default shell for adduser lineinfile: dest=/etc/adduser.conf regexp={{ item.regexp }} line={{ item.line }} with_items: - { regexp: "^DSHELL", line: "DSHELL=/bin/zsh" }