Overview ======== This should provide a short overview on how to use ansible ### basic ansible playbook call ``` # -C ... check # -D ... show diff of changes ansible-playbook foo.yml -D -C ``` ### basic ansible call ``` # -m ... load module shell # -a ... arguments to module call ansible vex -m shell -a 'uname -a' ansible servers -m apt -a 'name=foo state=present' ansible desktops -m file -a 'name=/make/sure/this/file/is/gone state=absent' ``` ### check if all server are reachable ``` ansible servers -m ping ``` ### deploy playbook ``` ansible-playbook foo.yml ``` ### deploy a single role to a single host ``` ./apply-role.sh wuerfel base ``` ### deploy a single role to a group of hosts with check-mode to see what would be done ``` ./apply-role.sh servers base -C -D ``` ansible-lint ------------ We use ansible-lint to check all roles when changes are pushed to Github. Some rules have been globally disabled. See [.ansible-lint](/ansible/.ansible-lint) for a list of all disabled rules. If ansible-lint produces a false positive for a specific task you can disable it by adding the following to the task: ``` tags: - skip_ansible_lint ``` For now only roles are checked and every role must be manually added to the generic playbook [_lint_roles.yml](/ansible/_lint_roles.yml) in order to be checked. If an entire role should be skipped please add it to the playbook commented out and supply a reason why this roles must be skipped. Local ssh config ---------------- By default hosts in the inventory use the FQDNs as the name so most hosts should be reachable without any special configuration. In addition r3 NOC uses the `localconfig` playbook/role to generate a ssh config snippet to add nicer/shorter aliases for the hosts and also to automatically add jump hosts and some other special settings. The way this works is that config snippets are generated inside `~/.ssh/config.d/` and (optionally) then compiled to a single file `~/.ssh/config`. If you want to use it as well you should move your current ssh config file to `~/.ssh/config.d/` and run the playbook `localconfig.yml`. In order to make the generated config snippet work for different people the role sources the file `~/.ssh/r3_localconfig.yml`. All variables inside that file will take precedence of files from `host_vars`, `group_vars`, gathered facts, etc. Secrets ------- See [README_vault.md](/ansible/README_vault.md) on how to create vaults. In general vaults should live in `host_vars//vault.yml` or `group_vars//vault.yml`. The variables defined inside the vaults should be prefixed with `vault_` and be referenced by other variables and not used directly in plays and roles. For example if you want to set a secret variable `root_pasword` for host `foo` there should be two files: * `host_vars/foo/main.yml`: ``` root_password: "{{ vault_root_password }}" ``` * `host_vars/foo/vault.yml`: ``` vault_root_password: "this-is-very-secret" ``` Of course the latter file needs to be created using `ansible-vault`. If you want to store secrets that by default shouldn't be automatically exposed to hosts and groups as variables please put the vault files into `secrets` directory and name them .vault.yml. r3 NOC uses [ansible-vault-tools](https://github.com/building5/ansible-vault-tools) to manage/diff/merge changes in vaults.